S3C Chapter 27: Do You Wrong

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Shiver POV

Shiver barely left her room since she returned to her home. She couldn't bear the thought of (Y/N) trying to speak to her after what she did.

She thought about how Frye and Big Man were probably already back at the hideout too with the holidays over, and she couldn't stand the idea of all her friends hating her for what she did.

She didn't even mean to kiss him, but she moved without thinking.

Shiver prayed that (Y/N) might've taken her pleading to heart and chosen to just pretend it never happened. Despite that being what she hoped had happened, it still hurt to imagine him just pretending like her feelings didn't matter.

She hated herself for feeling this way.

However, she knew it was probably a waste to imagine him doing that. He was too much of a goody-two-shoes to keep this from Frye entirely.

Suddenly, she was taken out of her thoughts by her phone ringing.

She grabbed it to see if it was (Y/N) who had called her again but was shocked to see Big Man was the one calling her.

Normally, she'd laugh off the possibility of Big Man manning up to herself or Frye, but after she had done such a thing to their friend, maybe this was the push he needed to do so.

She tried to calm herself down enough before answering the phone call.

Big Man: Ay? (Shiver?)

Shiver:  ...Yeah?

Her voice was strained trying to get that out.

Big Man: Ay. Ay... ay. Ay. (Shiver, I know what happened. Frye is... not taking this well at all. She's locked herself in her room here and won't talk to me anymore.)

Shiver just listened to the calm-toned Big Man while she while lying on her side, still clutching the shark pillow to her body.

Big Man: Ay. (I think you should come and see her yourself.)

He said after a pause trying to affirm what he believed.

Shiver: Why would she want to see me right now, Big Man? Or ever again for that matter..?

Big Man: Ay. Ay. Ayy. (Shiver, it's not your fault. Frye will understand that. We're her best friends so we have to do this for her no matter the circumstances.)

Shiver sat silently not responding for a minute. How could he even say this wasn't her fault. That's entirely what this was. Big Man was probably just trying to make her feel better, which he really didn't have to do right now. It was probably because he felt guilty about knowing how she felt this entire time and had stayed silent with her.

Big Man: Ay. Ay. (Please, Shiver. Frye needs us.)

Shiver sighed.

Shiver: I'll be there in a bit...

She said before hanging up the phone.

She rolled onto her back and thought about the onslaught that awaited her when she got there. She reasoned that she deserved every bit of what Frye had to give right now, so there was no point trying to avoid her. Yet, could she really handle hearing such things from her best friend?

Shiver rubbed her eyes with her palms, annoyed at herself once again for doing this to herself.

She then got up and left her room to face the consequences of her actions.


Shiver walked into the hideout with her hands in her pockets and her head down, preparing for the worst.

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