Chapter 76

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I knew I was in deep trouble.

“Dad,” an anxious whisper left my mouth. His green eyes moved to my hand, which Erick refused to leave. I didn't even want him to let go of it. That disapproving look in his eyes bothers me so much. I have always tried to be a good daughter who listens to her father, only to hear one word of appreciation from his mouth. But in all my eighteen years, I have never even once gotten that pat of appreciation on my back that every child deserves. He was never happy with my hard work. Instead, he always told me to work hard and disappeared behind the closed door of his office, leaving me there all alone. I couldn't help but feel scared, looking at my father's face. It is sacred to lose the place I never had in his heart or life. 

“I never expected this from you,” he said with an ashamed look in his eyes. My heart burned because that look was directed at me only. He has never shown any happiness over any of my achievements, but he has never shown his displeasure either. 

"Dad,” another defeated whisper left my mouth. A big lump started to form at the base of my throat. He turned around to walk away. I yanked my hand out of Erick's hand and ran to my father. I grabbed his hand before he could walk away. 

“Dad, please don't be like this,” I again pleaded. I don't even know what I was pleading for. His approval, his love, or his trust I didn't know, but my heart was not able to take that look my father had in his when he found me and Erick. It was nothing less than disgusting. He turned and looked at me with his green orbs. 

“I had asked you if you had any relations with him, but you said you don't, and now this,” he said, looking not even a bit happy with my relationship with Erick. I was tongue-tied. I remember him asking me if I was friends with him, and I said I knew. I didn't know what we were at that time, but now it is clear to me. I love him. 

“Dad, he is a nice guy,” I whispered, trying to convince him. 

“That's what your mad-in-love brain thinks,” he said with that disgust still on his face. as if he were feeling ashamed of me. 

“You have so many good boys around you who have good families with class, but you have to go and choose him. Xanthus has a good family and class in society. Andrew is no less, and he is even in a good college, but you have to go and choose a guy who has no class nor family,” dad said in the last part, looking back at Erick and blood dripping out of my face. 

“Dad,” I said in disbelief. How can he use such harsh words? I looked back at Erick, whose jaw was clenched and his eyes were red after listening to my dad's words. He was trying to control himself. 

“Isn't it true? If I'm wrong then please correct me,” he questioned, looking straight at Erick. “Dad, why are you being like this? You don't even know him. You don't even know what kind of person he is. You don't even know what he has been through in his life,” I shouted, not able to take it anymore. I let go of his hand with grey tears in my eyes. My dad looked even more dejected, looking at my outburst. 

“My daughter never raised her voice in front of me,” my dad said, looking down at me with that dejected look still in his eyes. 

“So this is what you have been teaching my daughter. to disobey her father. to shout at me. You are trying to get her away from me with your cheap trick. What else can I expect from a guy like you who doesn't know what family is?” Dad said it with anger in each word. He was exaggerating things for nothing. What have we done for him to react this way? Why was he being like this? Why can't he see me happy for once? Dad held my shoulder in a firm grip, making me look at him. 

“He won't be able to give anything to you, Gracy, other than poverty and sorrow. He is not even a bit capable of being with you. Why can't you understand?” my dad said, looking straight into a green pair of orbs like his. 

“Dad, stop it!” I shouted again, not wanting him to continue this anymore. 

“Just stop this all,” I shouted, not being able to take it anymore. Angry tears were now running down my cheeks. 

“You are talking back to me for him. For a guy who you have known for a few months,” my dad said in anger. He was disappointed, and he was showing it with every word out of his mouth. 

"Dad, why?" I said in the same tone, but Erick didn't let me complete my sentence. 

“You are right. I will stay away from your daughter,” Erick said in his strenuous voice, cutting off our argument. His words made me look at him with wide eyes. I looked at him in disbelief. He turned around and stopped at my place. 

"Erick!” I shouted, but he wouldn't stop. He continued taking a long stride to be out of my dad's property. 

"Grace, stop it and come inside with me now,” my dad shouted when I ran behind Erick to follow him. "Grace, my father shouted again, but I didn't hear him and kept running behind Erick. I know he is hurt. He doesn't have a family; it's not because he chooses to be like that. It's not his fault that he doesn't have anyone to support him. More angry tears ran down my cheeks, and I wiped them with the back of my hand. He was out of gates. It was difficult for me to run with my heels. My toes hurt, but I still ran behind him. I still kept following him. I need to talk to him. I need to clear up the misunderstanding. I don't want him to leave me. I was breathless when I caught up with him. 

“Please listen to me,” I said breathlessly. I'm still trying to stop him. 

“Go back to your father, Grace,” he said sternly, taking my name. It felt so strange when he took my name instead of calling me a doll. I grabbed his hand, but he yanked it as if my touch had burned him. He continued walking, but with force, he yanked his hand and made me fall on my knees on the hard sidewalk. 

“Ahh,” I hissed when my skin broke and small pebbles pricked my skin. I was bleeding. 

"Grace.” I felt hands around me. More tears ran down my cheeks. 

“Erick,” I said, looking up with a faint smile on my face. My blurred vision cleared, showing me the person who held me. It was Andrew. My eyes moved to Erick, and I found him looking at us with a clenched jaw. His cold blue eyes moved to the hands that were holding me. The way he was looking at Andrew made my heart beat in fear. 

He was angry. 

Beyond angry. 

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