Chapter 1: Dreamers & Middle Fingers

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Another day, another day of fucking torture in Hell. Making my way toward my band members also know as my best friends, I tuck my hands in my pockets and nod at them.

"Hey guys." I greeted them with apathy.

"What's good?" Hayden asks tiredly.

"Not here, Hayden. Not here." I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"I don't get why we are in this Hell hole and not in a recording studio." Nevada crosses her arms, frowning.

"Me either. We have so many supporters counting on us but we are here and we can't do anything about it." Espen shakes her head, agreeing with the brunette.

"I actually stumbled upon a Record label..." Nevada trails off.

All of our heads snap to her light brown eyes almost instantly.

"What's it called?" I say.

She plays with the straps of her bag and says, "Well I don't go on Twitter as often but I found this record label called Hi or Hey Records and it seems amazing. The one who owns the label is none other than Five Seconds of Summer." She smiles nervously while us three throw our heads back and groan.

"Jesus, Nev. You're always bringing up five sauce." Espen rolls her eyes.

Nevada laughs in amusement.

"Are you guys in or what?" she asks, one eyebrow up.




"Alright then, I'll talk to you guys later. Good luck and don't kill anyone. Riley." Nevada yells running to class, when the stupid ass bell rung.

A smirk takes over my face as I stick up a peace sign to the others and walk to class. Once I take a seat, I try to ignore everyone and everything but the constant noise in the back is driving me insane.

"Damn, look at her ass." I hear someone mutter and snickers follow.

I roll my eyes at their idiocy.

"Ew what the fuck is she wearing. Emo much." A girl next to me says whilst laughing and pointing at me with her 'bestie'.

I snicker at the comment she made about me. Someday they will regret they ever said anything bad about me. They will just stay here while I play at thousands of concerts with my best friends.

But I actually tried to look good today I wore a white Tokyo Ghoul Tee (bomb ass anime), ripped black jeans, and black vans. My hair was in it's usual wavy mess that falls just below my breasts which are a dull black color.

Class went on for about another 35 minutes.

Walking out of that class made me so damn happy. Since I am a Senior in high school, I slowly sneak in the music room meeting my friends.

"Heyyyyy" Nevada cheers.

"Get away from me." I playfully cringe at her.

Nev pouts and sticks up the middle finger at me.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I shout at her.

"Alright what song shall we cover today for our beautiful audience." Espen smiles and waves at a piano and some guitars.

I laugh and mutter a hearable, "You suck!"

She nods and wipes her eyes, acting as if she was hurt.

"Alright, I say we should do a slow one today." Hayden claps her hands together.

As many curse words and song suggestions are thrown around I scroll through Twitter and immediately follow the 5SOS band account and the four boys in the band. I tweet out a picture of me doing a double chin with the caption saying,

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