Chapter 31: Grinding Ex

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"This. Is. Perfect!" Nevada exclaims at the view of our new apartment.

Management thought it was stupid to continue crashing at the boys house, so to please them, we agreed to go house/apartment shopping.

"Finally! t'was beginning to think you people'd never find a home." The middle aged looking blonde threw her hands in the air. She has a very thick Irish accent.

I gave her a nervous smile and continue to look around.

"Remember?" Nevada comes beside me.

"This is the house I would always look at when I'd search through the web for houses in California. We only need a yes from you and the place is ours.... And also Espens mom but you get it." Her big brown bear eyes look hopeful and I can't help but be sucked in.

Looking over at the blonde, a smile takes over my tired face.

"We'll take it!"


"So you'll be staying the night?" Ashtons voice coming from my new iPhone 5C.

"Yes, sadly. I was hoping to come over and hangout but we have to unpack and decorate."

I groan at the last word.

I'm the type of person to keep it all simple and plain. Won't be happening with Espen or Nevada.

"That sucks, babe." He exhaled loudly.

Butterflies burst in my stomach when he said "Babe".

"Listen, I gotta go. Luke... Um... He needs me for something. Bye."

And the line goes dead.

My eyebrows furrow together as I finish packing in my last box.

"Ril, we're planning on going to the boys house later, wanna go?" Espen walks into my room and asks me.

I hesitate but say yes anyways.

Ash is hiding something with the boys and I will find out what it is.


"Are you sure I look okay?" I ask for most likely the 100th time this hour.

Hayden put me in a white "loser" crop top with a black skirt along with black knitted knees high socks.

Lovely, isn't it?

You can just hear my sarcasm.

My hair was purposely messy and my all black All Stars had white stains on them.

"Yes!" The three of them screamed at me.

I was taken aback and rested my hand over my heart.

"Riley, you look fantastic. He'll love it." Nevada assures me.

I nod nervously and clutch onto my phone.

We all get settled in the recognizable SUV and drive off.

A odd feeling settled in my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw up.

What the hell was wrong with me? I've never felt this... Bad? Feeling ever.

After about seven songs pass on the radio, we arrive at their house.

Loud music was the first thing to come in my ears.

My eyes focused on the familiar house. The bright colored lights making it not so memorable.

"What the f-" Hayden starts.

"C'mon" I hear someone say, but I feel like if I moved, my heart would fall out of my butt.

Looking around, celebrities with red cups in their hands took over my sight and it took so so so much not to fangirl.

As a group, the girls and I walk into the house and I instantly spot Luke and Calum by the DJ station.

Just as I was about to look for Ashton, the girls turn me around to them.

"We should probably go-" Espen repeatedly looks behind me.

"Yeah! Great idea! You said you haven't watched Titanic?! Lets do it-" Nevada nervously chuckles.

Hayden starts to push me out the door.

"Guys! What the fuck is going on with you-" I turn around and lock eyes with Ashton.

Ashton who is letting his ex grind on him and kiss down his neck.

Also known as Bryana Holly.





I decided to add Bryana because why not.

What are your thoughts on her? Do you like or hate?




Don't be a silent reader :)

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