Chapter 19:Two Fuckers Are Fucking

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It was the day of the meet & greet. Me and the girls have never done this kind of thing before, we were very afraid. Both of our bands had m&gs so we were all hanging out in their dressing rooms.

I mean c'mon, who wouldn't want to experience that. By all the crazy keeks it must be a fun time.

It was hard to not let my thoughts trail on how many people were going to show up. But I was very excited to go out and meet some new people.

I feel hands sneak around my waist, as a stubby chin rests on my neck.

I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey" he hums in my ear. My muscles relax at his touch. Both of my hands rub against his.

"Helllllllllooo" I hum.

"Just wanted to tell you, you look amazing." Ashs hot breath tickles my neck.

Did I look good? You tell me.

I currently had a Orange Dragon Ball Z Shirt on, black shorts, and black and white converse.

Personally I think my outfit is basic. But when Ashton Irwin says you looks amazing... You look amazing.

"Its time" he kisses my cheek, then trailing behind the rest of his band members. I notice mine stepping out of the door and Espen waiting for me. Walking over to her, I apologize and make my way to our station.

My mouth dropped at the amount of people currently in our line. A good 200 people were crammed behind gates, while the line trails outside the door.

I heard more than 1,000 people came and trust me... I wasn't exaggerating.

In the middle of the m&g, I overheard a bad situation going on. A blondy makes her way over to Nev, her arms crossed.

"Are you and Luke together?" was the first thing that came out of her mouth. It all resulted very badly. It was like she was harassing Nev, and it was not fucking okay. Security obviously took her away, while Luke made his way over to her. She seemed a bit annoyed by the attention, but I knew she was completely okay.

There was one girl in particular that I will never forget in my whole life. She came to us with tears in her eyes. She told us about her journey and what she deals with. She tells us how we have helped her and saved her from bad bullshit in her life. That, was the best experience. We saved her. I couldn't keep this wide smile off my face. This is what I needed.

All in all, this day couldn't have been better. We met the people that have been here from the start, and others who have just found out about us. It was nice to see everyone take a few hours out of their lives to meet us.

We ended up having dinner in a nearby place. Luke couldn't stop looking at Nevada. He was worried for her, and I appreciated that. A lot.

"You girls are going back home in a few days. But don't worry. It will only be for a good three days. Its not like you will go to somewhere horrible like school." Calum starts to enjoy his food.

This was nice. Just the eight of us, hanging out, eating some pizza.


I flustered in place as I feel someone moving me to awake from my bomb ass dream. But then I heard it. Fucking disgusting.

Moans were coming out of the room next door and I recognized the moaning almost instantly.

Michael and Espen.

The lamp was turned on as I notice Luke in Nevs bed, Ashton with me, and Calum surprisingly in Haydens.

Well he is a cuddling type of guy

We were all being quiet when the boys started to chuckle.
Nev slaps Luke on the shoulder, I'm guessing he woke us all up.

Jesus did it have to be now that they decide to do the deed? Damn.

I groan at the immature boys and place my head back on my pillow, turning to sleep on my side, my back to Ashtons chest.

How the fuck did we end up in the same bed? The bastard must've took his chance when I fell asleep. Dick.

He pulls me closer to him, cuddling into my neck, his hot breath fanning my exposed shoulder. Goosebumps rashly arise on my tan skin.

The things this guy does to me when two fuckers are fucking.


Waking up the next morning, my face only centimeters from Ashtons, I snuggle into him more, not wanting his warm embrace to leave my cold body.

There was just something about Ashton that I could not register in my thick skull. He liked me

Why in the name of Hell would anyone like me? Out of all the people in the world... Me?

I pick up my body, heading for the shower(I take showers everyday. Deal with it.) when Ashs hands pull me back to him.

"Don't go" he groans

"I have to take a shower" I whined, stuggling to be free.

I am a very strong person, but compared to Ashton? He'd brake me without even putting 1% effort.

"Alright I'll join if you insist" he kissed my cheek

"Haha in your dreams" I stick out my tongue, trying to get set free

"How did you know!" he exclaimed, laugher filling the room afterwards

Still trying to get free, I try and be the one who thinks I can do shit even if I'll look like gorilla poop.

I hover over his body, my nose touching his. He freezes, his grip loosening a little. Good

I tilt my head to the side, almost connecting our lips, but instead of going forward, I slowly head back, Ashs head going forward to connect our lips. His grip is now nothing.

Wrong choice buddy

I roll over, off the bed, Ashs hands trying to catch my shirt, but completely failing.

He gets up, smiling but slowly bringing his middle finger for myself.

I laugh and gather all my clothes and underwear, bras, plus phone. The whole time I could feel his eyes on my back, of course looking lower.

I turn around to catch his eyes with mine. "Its not nice to stare" I smirk and make my way over to the bathroom.

"Its not nice to be teasing" I hear him yell, his voice was near the door.

I laugh and start to strip, pressing shuffle, stepping into the shower.

I hear the door handle rustle a few times before being opened and then closed.

No no no no no no no no no no this can't be happening.

Panic taking over my face. Until I heard "water" hitting the toilet. My jaw drops at the sound.

"You're disgusting! Get out!" I yell as he chuckles and soon the door closes.

I peek out the curtains and he's gone.



I am finally home and it feels great. I hope this chapter made you guys laugh or I don't even know what I mean but

I love you and I hope you enjoyed

Your Fav thinka your sexy and wants to fuck you

CHECK OUT "Where Do Broken Dreams Go?" by CenturyHemmings! She just uploaded a New chapter!!!1



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