Chapter 7: Saying Goodbye

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I swear, we were staring at the boys for about twenty minutes straight. They look around and scratch their heads, not knowing what to do. I gulped and we all let out a "Hey" but still in awe. Then all at the same time, Nev ran up to Luke, Espen ran up to Michael, Hayden ran up to, Calum, and I ran to Ashton, we all squeezed them tightly as a few tears escape my eyes.


After all of us hug each and every boy, they start explaining on why they came.

"We received a shitload of requests about your band, so we checked out your guys performance of Sledgehammer and watched your other videos as well." Michael informs us.

"We really loved your covers and thought you four girls were extremely talented, so we talked about it for hours and hours, and" Ashton giggles. "We want to sign you, The Travelers, onto Hi or Hey Records." Ashton smiles.

Was this actually happening?! I can't register it in my head that the guy with the deep dimples and cutest laugh imaginable, the guy that dyes his hair too much, the guy with the dick that everyone has seen, and the guy whos voice cracks too much, is standing right in front of our teary eyes.

My heart came to a halt. D-did they say they wanted to sign us? We nod ferociously.

They give us papers to sign. My hands were shaking like Hell but after we signed all the papers. I gathered the four of us together, and we hug like never before. No tears, no talking, just the sound of our breathing. The boys then lead us to their tour bus. A great idea pops in my head.

"Lets go to the movies." I suggest.
The guys and the girls all agree.

As we all head into the theaters, the boys made sure to put on sweaters and had their hoods up. We buy our tickets and a whole bunch of candy. We all decide to watch MockingJay Part 2.

The Hunger Game series is my favorite book/movie. I've read all the books and automatically fell in love. But I didn't pay attention that much because everyone was sneaking into other movies. We eventually left and headed back inside the bus.

"We are driving you guys to your homes to pack up. We will be in California for the total of 3 days. Don't pack everything but pack a good amount. We contacted your mom, Espen, and she will come with us. Plus she has already packed your stuff. So all that's left is Nevada, Hayden, and Riley." Calum tells us.

First stop, my house. The girls accompany me. As I open the door to my front door, I greet my sister and tell her everything that is happening and will happen in the future. I then open my parents door and see my mom laying in bed.

"Mammi?" I ask.

"Que Paso?" = What happened?

I explain to her about everything that has happened from the last 2 hours. She smiled at me and said

"Okay. Put work into it. I believe in you. I love you." I run to my room as my friends help me pack. I take out all of my school stuff from inside my backpack and rip everything into shreds and throw it in the trash can.

Nev bursts out laughs, commenting. "Oh my God"

I walk out my room and am greeted by my mom, dad, Cora, and Aaron standing by the entrance. But am surprised at what my brother does and says.

He pulls me into a hug and says something that I will never ever forget. "I knew you could do it." As a tear slipped down his cheek. I look over to my sister and she can't stop crying. As much as I hate her and as many times as she has made me cry in the past, I still loved her. I gave my family one last hug and left to the bus. Tears streamed down my face repeatedly.

I had no idea that I would cry so much. I had no idea my sister or brother would cry when I'd leave. I had no idea, leaving would make such a huge impact on me.

Next was Nevs house. We stayed in the bus because she said she could handle it. I walk over to the end of the bus that is the tv/game room. I bring my knees to my chest and just let my mind do it's thing.

What happens now? What's going to happen? I'm scared, excited, but just in complete and utter shock. I didn't think they would come to our school and sign us right away. I didn't even think they would even sign us.

We made a stop and it was Haydens turn. We headed inside her house and it wasn't emotional or anything. She just packed and we left. She said goodbye but it was more like a 'I'm going to go the store' kind of bye.

After that, we head to Espens house and pick up Espens mom, along with their bags.

"Where are we going?" I curiously, ask.

"Miami international airport." Luke smiles.

I look over to the girls and their eyes widen.

It was at least a 3 hour drive but when we arrived, I instantly heard screams when Luke, Calum, and Michael got out.

Ashton rummaged through some clothes and handed the closest person his sweater. Which so happens to be me. He then grabs the boys sweaters and hands Luke's to Nev, Michaels to Espen, and Calums to Hay, but nothing to Ms.Daniels(Espens mom).

"Put them on and make sure your hoodie is up too. Make sure to take everything as well. We will tell the fans soon." Ash nods for us to come.

I swear in that moment, I was lost so deeply in his beautiful hazel eyes. But when he said "They will tell their fans soon" my heart started to beat very fast.

I get out the bus and keep my head down. We walk to the plane, that is now boarding, and the boys hand the tickets to the lady as we all walk in and sit in the seats we were assigned to. I was assigned to sit next to Nev and across from us is Hayden and Espen. Ms.Daniels sat in the front.

I look at Nev and hug her tightly, starting to cry. "We are going to make it, Nev. Just like we dreamed of" I sobbed.

Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael look at us, smiling their asses off.

I rest my head next to Nevs and plug in my earphones.

Firestone by Kygo booms through my earphones.

God has answered our prayers. Our dreams are becoming into a reality.



sorry it kinda sucked but next chapter will be betterrr.

Anyways, I waited until the end of the day to update because I wanted to the suspence to be killing you guys, I'm that evil.

Buttt look out for the next chapter!!

Make sure to Vote and share with your friends or any social media, if you'd like :))

I hope everyone has had or will have a good ass day and



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