Chapter 6: Holy Shit

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It was currently 11:24PM on a Wednesday. It has been a total of eighteen days since we have gotten an email back from 5SOS. Nothing has happened after that. Absolutely nothing.

I am currently laying on my bed, staring at the poster Nevada wrote for me on my ceiling. All around the poster, I sticked some glow in the dark stars. The poster reminds me to never give up. It is something I will keep forever.

My eyes scan the words across the blank sheet of paper, reading every possible word. I reach for my phone on my nightstand, next to my bed, on my right and dial Nevada's number. After about 4 seconds of waiting for her to pick up, she answers.

"Hellllloo" Nevada greets.

"Hey, up for one of those midnight talks?" I ask desperately.

"Of Course." Her voice soft.

"I can't believe they still haven't contacted us. Nothing! This is bullshit!" I yell furiously.

"I know. But we have to be patient, Riley. It may suck now but I know we'll be living our dreams soon." She sighs. I know she says to be patient but I can tell she's tired of the waiting just as much as the rest of us.

" I can imagine it. Us four. Touring the world and meeting our beautiful supporters that have been with us either today or since the beginning. I can imagine being in front of thousands every night. The rush of being in front of people who love you, must be exhilarating. I know there will be ups and downs but that's the thing. I'm down and willing to go through Hell and back for this dream... but just as long as I have you guys by my side." I tell her truthfully.

"It's not even about the fame or money. I know the four of us aren't doing it for that. I can see it in our eyes and feel it when we sing. I love music and one day, I want to release music that I will be proud to call ours. I don't know why, but I have a very strong feeling that tomorrow will be life-changing." Nev confesses.

"Yeah I can feel it, also. But whatever it may be. I know we will get through whatever is coming our way because we are strong."

The rest of that night, we spilled secrets, what we see in the future, torturing each other with Luke Hemmings because he is her favorite and she tortured me with mine... Ashton Irwin. I ended up falling asleep on her over the phone.

When I awoke, my stomach was exploding with butterflies, I could barely move. Walking over to my drawers on the right side of my room, I pick out an outfit. I slip on a white tank top, denim high waisted jeans(that I fold at the bottom until it's up to the bottom of my calf), white socks that go up to the bottom of my knees(but I tuck them in my jeans), and also all white vans.

I look at the clock and flip the fudge out. It is 6:55 and I have to be in class at 7:10.

"Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit." I mutter.

I put my hair in a pony, brush my teeth, grab everything I need, and head to my car.

I start up the car and drive to school. I park my car quickly and rush into the two front doors. A whole shitload of teachers are telling me to slow down but me being the careless person I am, I ignore them. I take my seat in my first period, close my eyes, and finally blow out a breath.

"Alright class, today your boxes are due so in alphabetical order, Janet Barot."

One by one, he calls us up to present our projects. Since my last name is Faye, it's 8th in the list.

I'm so damn disappointed in the fact that there is no meaning in any of the projects that have been presented. I mean, I really wasn't expecting much, but one said, "I painted it pink, because I like strawberry ice cream." What the fucking shit was that? But the fuckboy had the nerve to say, "I painted it black because that's the color of my pube ha-" and got interrupted by Mr.Saban and sent to the office. It's sad to listen to these dumb explanations.

"Riley Faye" I hear my name called up. I go to the back and grab my box, then making my way in front of the idiots I call classmates.

"This should be good." I hear the teacher mutter.

I roll my eyes and begin to speak.
"I painted my box two different colors. There is a seeable yellow dot in the middle if the black paint. The meaning behind it is that the yellow represents light, happiness, and overall, something wonderful and gorgeous. The black represents darkness, worthless, shitty, and overall shitty things that happen in life." I give a fake innocent smile and continue. "The yellow dot is covered by darkness but still keeps its ground. It's staying forever trying to find a way out. This yellow dot represents how me, Riley Faye, is trying to escape the Hell we call school." I finish with a straight face. I turn around to grab my project when I hear...

"That was a shitty meaning." I hear someone say aloud, followed by laughs. I turn around, ready to spit fire, when the announcer goes off.

"Nevada Hyde, Espen Daniels, Hayden Jay, and Riley Faye, please come to the front office."

The whole class and Mr.Saban's eyes look straight at me.

"Probably to question her about abuse and depression. Who cares?" the bitch comments.

Now I was anguished.

I walk up to her slowly but frightening and put all my force, all the crap I've been through, all the patience, everything, into a single punch to her nose. I hear everyone go "oooooooh" and everyone's jaw drops.

"Get out!" I hear Mr.Saban yell.

"FUCK ALL OF YOU SONS OF BITCHES! IM OUT!" I yell at the top of my lungs to all of these shitty people and stick up both my middle fingers, leaving class.

I let go of my ponytail and laugh.

Final fucking ly.

I see the girls at the end of the hallway and run up to them.

"Where the Hell have you been?" Hayden asks.

"I'll tell you later but you guys don't think that it's...?" I trail.

"I-I don't know. We don't know." Nev stutters.

"There's only one way to find out guys..." Espen trails off.

We walk to the office in order that we were called in.

Nev, Espen, Hayden, then me.

We gather hands and walk inside the office. Empty.

I look at the girls with a confused face as Nev says, "Hello?"

"Hello" a high pitched voice says but it sounded nothing like a women.

Then all at once, four familiar boys come through the right path and my heart stopped functioning. Everything working, stopped. Tears now forming in the corners of my eyes, while my eyes bulge out of its sockets. I start to feel my legs wobble, both my hands twitch, and I felt like throwing up and peeing in my pants.

"Holy Shit." I let out.




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