Chapter 43: Red Heart Emoji

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Shawn didn't lie when he said he had posted the picture. Fans were going absolutely insane on Instagram and Twitter. There was no doubt in their head that something was definitely going on between the two of us.

Late last night, I posted the picture I had taken of him and added a red heart emoji as the caption, just as he did with me.

I woke up to Shawn's muscular arms protectively around my waist as if he was afraid that I would escape at any given moment.

I gave into his touch and turned to face him.

He was sleeping like a baby and I had no intention in looking away. He slept so peaceful- so beautifully, it was almost impossible to look away.

His chest moved up and down whilst his mouth moved slightly here and there.

Shawn was breathtaking. He was a true gentlemen- a true leader- an idol. I idolize him for not only his work but for continuing being himself and not changing for some attention seeking tabloid magazine or hating, jealous idiots who don't know true talent.

"Are you going to keep watching me sleep because if you are, we can be here all day- fuck it- maybe for even as long as we live." This caused me to giggle as he admired my face.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't know he was going to be there or I wouldn't have gone to that club with you. If anything, I would have kept you as far from that club as possible." As he continued to rant on, I zoned out.

That was the first time, in what feel like years, that I've seen Ashton. I don't remember those bags under his eyes, the lifeless look in his eyes, no trace of a smile on his face. He was emotionless-numb.

"Good." I thought to myself. Part of me feels amazing that he is suffering. Giving him a taste of his own medicine won't end his life. But at the same time, the other part of me feels like complete shit for forcing him to experience it.

It's horrible, believe me I know. But it's not as if I didn't go through it. He has to pay for what he did, and I don't think I'm quite finished. It's just that annoying sick part of me that hates hurting him.

"Riley?" Shawn brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I avert his chocolate eyes.

"I'm sorry." His forehead rested on mine and it soothes me.

"Shawn. Please understand that none of what happened yesterday is your fault, okay? There was no way you could have known that they would have been there. You never know anything with those boys. It's totally okay. There is no need to continue apologizing." I press my lips to his forehead and outlined circles on his back.

"Alright?" I pull back and look into his eyes.

"Alright." He let out a relieved breath and dug his head into my neck, causing me to squirm.

"I have to get you back to your friends today before they kill me." He spoke into my skin.

I smile at this and place my hands in his soft hair.

"You're making this hard, Faye." He pulls me on top of him. My legs slip at his sides and suddenly my insecurities kick in.

"Riley, there is no other place I would rather be in right now." He squeezed me tightly to him and I slight freak the fuck out.

"Tell me, why did you choose to become an artist? What really made you think, 'wow, this is something I want to do for the rest of my life'?" His hands petted my hair back and I mentally have a break down.

My hair is one of my biggest insecurities, like other than my body or facial features, my hair comes in second place.

"U-um well I kind of knew when I went to my first concert and I-I seen all the flashing lights." As a few seconds pass on by, my heart slowly starts beating at a normal pace.

"I began to wonder how it would feel like having all those people come to see you and listen to your the music. The music you worked so hard to get right and have it be appreciated.
But at the same time, music has always been a go to, ya know? I remember when I would go grocery shopping or something with my mom, I would always turn on the radio once she had started the car." I think back to the many days my mom scolded at me for having the volume way too high.

"I hated whenever she was on the phone. She always lowered the volume to the lowest option there was." I laughed to myself at the memory.

"I felt like she only did it to annoy me because sometimes out of no where, she would ask me or my sister to call someone and put it on speaker." I snuggled in closer to Shawn as he covered the both of us in the softest blanket known to man.

"Music was always there to comfort me when no one else would so I just kind of rolled with it." I looked up to see Shawn having his full on attention to me.

"Music is everything. It guided me to who I am now. Expressing emotions into lyrics and having anyone who is listening feel whatever I felt at that moment, is so exhilarating the point where it's overwhelming." I fingered his hair and rested my chin on his chest.

"Why Vine?" I slightly teased him and he laughed in return.

"Vine is dead, Riley." He chuckled.

"Still." I stopped my laughing. "I still want to know."

"Maybe another time." Shawn pinched my cheek.

I pouted.

"You're too cute." Shawn smiled brightly at me and held my gaze.

I felt my cheeks burn from underneath his stare.



"Please don't leave me or lose contact with me. Ever." His face held complete seriousness and I lightly smiled at him.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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