Chapter 15: "So We Just Got Expelled"

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It's been 5 days since Ash asked me out on a date and I can't get it out of my head. But I feel guilty for not telling my friends... or anyone in General.

I don't really know why I don't just tell them. I know, I know, it's really stupid of me to be keeping it from them but I am a secretive person. My zodiac sign is a Scorpio and it is the most secretive sign.

My new school schedule might be the dumbest shit in life. About 30 student come by an hour just to see us or take a picture. Do you know how many come a day? A lot. Its like Espen said, it won't keep them from coming to see us. Even at lunch, they find some sort of way to come and look at us. I couldn't even go to the bathroom, what the Hell have these student been saying to get out. The whole New schedule is boring and just plain stupid. All we do in class is basically the teacher talking and we take notes. Its stupid for us to even continue school, but it hasn't stopped us from making covers. Just because we are in school doesn't mean that it will stop us from making more content and posting on YouTube. The only difference is we get hella more viewers than ever before.


I snap my head to the teacher.


He sighs. "What is the capital of Florida?"

"Um... Uh... I don't know"

"Of course you don't."

Suddently the door pops open and there the principal, with her pencil skirt, messed up bun, and ripped button up shirt. We all look at her like she was just attacked by a bear.

"You girls cannot stay here anymore. I don't care what you do or say but I am tires of being harassed by teenagers and men with cameras. This will no longer be in my school. As of now you all are expelled. I just got off with the other districts and they do not want either of you as well. Pack up. Get ready for homeschool girls." she then storms out.

We. Just. Got. Expelled.

"YESs!" I scream and snap everyone's attention to me as I get up on the desk and stick yo both middle fingers. I notice Nev with her phone out taking pictures but soon they all join. We all step off and run around the school yelling profanities and sticking up our middle fingers at basically everything and everyone. Exept Nev, she was just video recording.

We exit the door, coming face to face to at least fifty people outside start to scream and shove their way to us. We get away just in time though. I dial Ashton too confidently.


"Hey! So we just got expelled."

"Wait are you serious? Really?"

"Yup. We either have to do homeschool or online."

"Well I guess you guys can start sooner on music. We'll be there in a little."

"Okay byeee"

I hang up and my eyes widen. wHAT THE FUCK WHERE DID THAT COME FROM

One question is what happens next?



Very short chapter but it was just a filler and the next will be interesting ;)))

But I uploaded a cover on YouTube and if you'd like then you can watch here

Have a great day!

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