Chapter 28:SunshineRiley

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It was a wonderful Saturday morning. Birds chirping, the sun is out, babies giggling. It was just perfect.

You would've thought

Today, is going to be absolute madness. I am attending my first ever award show...

Why? Because the boys are attending and might as well say they are performing.

fuck this shit I'm out

I've never been more nervous. What if I fall? What if I puke? What if I fangirl? What if I fucking spill something on a celebrity. Fuck no.

I could just barely fall asleep from the little shits inside my stomach.

The four idiots woke up close to 5AM to go practice for tonight's performance.

There is no guarantee that I won't scream or cry.

I don't have to get ready till 2:00PM. You know what that means....

Wal-Mart. Target. Hayden.

Pulling myself to my horrible, cracked, purple toes, I rush to where Hayden was sleeping.(right next to my bed I share with Nevada.)

We stayed at a hotel because what was the point in staying at the guys place when they aren't around?

"Wal-Mart. Me. You. Now?" I wrap my arm around her waist and whisper in her ear, lightheartedly.

"First, get off. Second, yessssss"
She pushes me off the bed and heads to the bathroom with her bag.

My mouth goes wide as the bathroom door closes and I hear the lock go off.

"I'll get you back for this, bastard"
I smirk to myself

I stick my arms and head through a black and white, 'Irwin' , jersey and jump around trying to put on my black skinny jeans.

I tie my black combat boots on and grab my hair in one ugly ass, messy type of bun. I grab my phone from it's charger, slip it inside my back pocket, grab my Rosario + Vampire wallet and scream throughout the room.

"I'm leaving!"

Grabbing the handle, I pull the door open and just in time, Hayden storms out from inside the bathroom looking cute as fuck.

"yEEEESSS!" I exclaim, eyeing her outfit.

She returns with a smile.

Her shirt consisted of a black and white 5SOS band tee, she has on black high waisted shorts, black and white, Nike, knee high socks, and vans to go along with the outfit.

As I make my way to the elevator, Hayden asks me a question.

"So... You and Ashton, huh?" A smirk appears on her light pink painted lips.

A smile erupts on my face and a blush creeps onto my cheeks.

"Yeah" I look down at my feet.

"Well... You guys are such a cute couple." she grunts in frustration, merrily. "You guys are fucking goals." She laughs at herself.

I eye her weirdly and start to laugh myself.

What a guy he is. After what happened, he never brought it up again. But what he did do is show even more affection than ever.

Occasionally, he would kiss my cheek, whisper sweet nothing's in my ear, strangely grab my face to plant a giant kiss on my mouth. When we would go to sleep together,(which happens rarely), he pulls me harshly to him and he tells me he loves me.

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