Chapter 12: Good Luck Blue Bandana

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Chapter 12: Good Luck Blue Bandana

It's our last day of being in California. So that means, I have to go back to school tomorrow. Sadly, we had to leave today. It is about a 5 hour flight so our flight takes off at about 3PM. I start packing all of my stuff and make sure I didn't miss anything.

It upsets me that I have to go back to that damn school and continue the worthless work. But I know I will only be there for 2 weeks and then I'll be doing what I always wanted to do, create music of my own. The boys told us that we will only stay for a little awhile.

Nev comes in the room.

"Heyy" she takes out her luggage, starting to pack.

"Hi" I force a smile.

"Sad about leaving?" she looks my way.

"Hell yeah." I scoff.

"The girls and the guys are also. But we'll be back soon." Nev smiles.

"The guys?" I ask curiously, turning my attention on her.

"Yeah I know. But they told us at breakfast that they'll miss us." she smiles to herself.

She's definitely thinking of Luke.

"What's going on with you and Luke?" I smirk.

A blush creeps on her bony cheeks right then and there. "What? Nothing!" she looks down, avoiding eye contact.

"Mmhm" I chuckle to myself.

"But how about you? What is going on between you and Ashton, huh?" she sticked her tongue at me.

"Nothing at all."

Was there? I mean we haven't done anything or neither of us have flirted with one another. I mean, not that I know of.

"Riley!" Nev stumbles to me.

I look to her and turn my head to the side.

She stuffs her phone in my face, her expression shocked.

As my eyes adjusted the photo, my mouth let out a gasping sound.

It was the picture of me and Ashton on that Ferris Wheel.

I knew that was going to come biting me in the ass.

I grabbed her phone and sat on my bed, reading the caption and comments.

There was a lot of nice comments saying "goals" "mom" "dad" "faves" "OTP" I couldn't help but smile at the nice things they are saying. But then the bad comments come along.

"Wtf" "ewww no" "NO ASH NO" "Hell no" "he's too good" and a lot more. I felt a little sad at what people were saying but then I noticed Nev staring at me.

"You like him, don't you?" she smiles wide.

"Noo! Stop!" I cover my ears, knowing what will happen next.

"Riley likes Ashton! Riley likes Ashton! Riley likes Ashton!" Nev yells repeatedly.

"You suck! I hate you!" I laugh.

"You love me!" Nev hugs me tightly.

I check the time on my phone, reading 2:01PM. Why can't time be slower?

We hear the door open and Luke's face pop out. "We will be leaving at 2:30 for the airport. Make sure you all got everything."

We both nod as he closes the door.

Please no


All eight of us, were waiting for our plane to board. The guys insisted that they should stay. Apparently, none of them cared if they were seen, it didn't matter to them and that meant a lot to the four of us.

"Flight to Miami, Florida is now boarding. Please all passengers make a straight line. Thank you." The flight attendant announces.

Me, Espen, Nev, and Hay, all get up from our seats with our bags in our hands, as the boys get up to say goodbye.

As we all say farewell, Ashton pulls me aside from the others.

He hands me his blue bandana, looking up to see my expression. "For good luck" he cheekily smiles.

Then Nev walks by, saying out loud, "Maybe you should put it on her." as she races to hug Luke.
Her ass is mine after we land.

Ash giggles to himself, asking permission in an expression.

I let my hair down from it's pony, and he turns me around to tie it around my head.

I blush, knowing everyone is looking at us, but I hug Ashton, not caring. Feeling Ashs hands around me, must be the best feeling in the universe. I feel safe, warm, important. He hugs me back with the same force, only harder. We let go of each other and I hug the other boys as well.

We all wave goodbye and head inside the plane, stealing one more look at Ashton.

When everyone is settled in their seats, we take off.

Now it's time for Hell.


Boring chapter I know but I really loved the Rashton moment.


But I hope you guys are doing good:)

Bye! <3

Banding || afiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora