Chapter 18: GoAlS

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Today we were finally going to be songwriting. I honestly couldn't contain my excitement. It was like this is what I've been trying to do and now that it's finally coming true, I could not be happier.

We just found out that we will be having a meet and greet soon, but I'm frightened because what if they don't like us or what if only 3 people show up? I was beyond scared AND to top it all off, it was scheduled for tomorrow.

The four of us were basically screaming on our way to the studio. We would be practicing, writing, and of course fangirling.

But I can't help but feel guilty. Its been 2 days since me and Ashton became a couple and I haven't been so happy just to see another human being, even if he was on a screen or just hearing his beautiful voice. The reason behind my guilt is that I haven't told anyone. And by anyone I mean Espen, Nev, Hayden, or Lory. I don't know why! I'm just a very secretive and mysterious person.

Espen taps me repeatedly as her hands cover her mouth. I knew what was happening. We have arrived to our destination.

Lets make a hit!


4 hours and crying girls later we have finished out first session and to be completely honest, it felt great and refreshing. Songwriting for me was putting emotion into words, thus making a song. Yes, we wrote some horrible ass songs but I have to say that the rest was pretty damn good. But after we finished for the day, we all went back to the hotel. What I didn't expect was for Nevada and Luke to disappear out the door.

Hell yeah

About a good 30 minutes later, me, Hayden, and Espen we're just randomly talking about some dumb stories. But our conversation took a turn for the worst.


"REALLY? HE'S MINE! BACK OFF!" Espen yells back.

How did this game of yelling and screaming form? No fucking clue.

"Guys please stop!" I shout, knowing they were at each others throat. I already knew this was going to get physical.

All of a sudden, Nev rushes in, the 'what the fuck is happening' face plastered on her.

I look at her and mouth, 'help me'

She nods and soon enough she starts to push Hayden to the other side.

The door swings open, showing four worried faces in the entrance. We explain to them why they're fighting. Mikey takes Espen to another room, while Hayden calms down. I knew what was up with her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't take my medicine so I'm a bitch." she mutters.

Me and Nev laugh a little as Espen walks back into the room.

"Michael is all yours honey." Hayden clears the air and Espen chuckles, adding a "Thanks"

We all sit in a circle exhausted. I had to tell them. It was now or never.

"Guys..." I play with my fingers.

They focus their attention on me.
"Do you know when Me and Ashton left the other night, while we we're all hanging out with the boys?" I start.

They all nod slowly.

"Well we actually went on a date and long story short, we are kind of together." I smile nervously.

They all face Palm and have the 'really bitch' face.

They all congratulate me, but of course, us being girls, they wanted to know every single detail there was. So that's how I spent my night. With my girls, talking about boys and then occasionally letting out "awww"s

Of course me being me, I focus my attention in Nev.

"Soooo... You and Luoe, huh?" I smirk at her wide eyes.

Sometimes being a girl rocks.


The fans caught on with me and Ashton. Of course there was the ones who disagreed. I understand why they would say what the say. But then there was the really nice ones, they left nice compliments, making me feel good. Soon it was okay for us to be out in public, hand in hand. It felt absolutely amazing. Some supporters come up to us for simple things like pictures and to sign things. But I also loved it when Ash randomly planted my face with unexpected kisses. I fell in love with them immediately.

We hear Fire & Gold by Bea Miller play and Ash started to twirl me around like a ballerina. It was the nice laughs that assured me, we are extremely happy with each others company.

Ashtons hands go under both my thighs and around my mid back. He lifted me up no problem.

"You must be very tired." I smiled at me.

Damn this romantic bastard

I get off of him, knowing he'd get tired too. But I put my hands on either side of his head and planted a loving kiss on his forehead to let him know I appreciated it.

"You'll get tired Ash. Let me carry you." I giggle.

Giggle?! What is this man doing to me?

"I'd probably crush you. No. Never." I grab a hold of his arm, as he drags me around the city. He laughs his cute laugh and I can't help but kiss his dimples. He eventually picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, saying hello as casual as possible to staring people.

"Ash!" I yell

He doesn't answer.

"Let me down" I hit his back, not even making him flinch.

"Relationship goals!"





We hear a bunch of people shout to us which made Ashton chuckles. Hearing him laugh must be the best thing ever. His smile could cure cancer. He's just a ball of sunshine. If I ever need some light for my plants... I'll call up Ashton in no time.




~Madelin :))

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