Chapter 4: Might As Well Call Me Fat Joe

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Chapter 4: Might As Well Call Me Fat Joe

I have been driving for about 2 and a half hours and I am totally exhausted. The other girls are out. Beside me is Hayden and the two in the back is Espen and Nevada. We agreed to play Nevs playlist since the ride began but I was just about to change it when 5 Seconds of Summer's song Amnesia came on. I let it do its thing.

I hum along to the beautiful well written song and just let my mind go anywhere.

It must be nice to just sit in your own concert, singing your very own slow song and just look out to the crowd and see bright lights shining everywhere. Singing my heart out with my 3 best friends in front of thousands of people seems like the only thing that will bring a bright big smile on my face. I've been through so much, and to see that would be so incredible. I know this is what I want to be. I know this is my path in life because when I sing with these super talented girls, I'm happy and it makes me feel like I'm unstoppable and all in all, with these girls, I'm me. I'm Riley Faye. A careless, sarcastic, bitchy, reliable, and overall an honest person. I love helping people and putting a smile on a gorgeous face. I live for making people laugh because it makes me happy that I made someone else happy. Its my purpose. I want to save lives just by my words. I want to leave my Mark on this world.

We arrive at my dad's bosses abandoned beach house about fifteen minutes later. He lets us go in whenever we want. We always go here but lately we all are just fed up with useless school work. I wake them all up and open the trunk, grabbing all the luggage as I make my way in.

The girls follow behind me and all drop to the couch.

"Since it's 6:38PM, I suggest Fun Depot!" Espens childish side shows.

"No I want to go to an ice cream place!" Hayden sticks out her tongue at all of us.

"Ice Cream store my ass, might as well call me Fat Joe, while you're at it." Nev shouts.

"How bout a walk on the beach?" I say out loud.

Four pairs if eyes land on me.

"I mean, it might be sun down but I bet it looks beautiful. We are in Miami." I inform.

They all nod and slip on some flip flops. I make my way towards my bag and slip on some white Hollister flip flops I got as a gift from my mom. We all head outside and stare at the view in front if us. The four of us take our time walking.

"Riley, you don't just suggest a getaway fo nothing. Plus when you came in Nevs house your face was a bit puffy. Was it your parents again?" Espen asks.

"Yup. When I say Getaway, I need to just get out if town and run away for a little with my girls. With the only people that means the world to me and has seen me at my worst but also at my best." I sigh.

"Riley, we're here for you. You are a strong person for what you have been through. You only broke down twice. Twice." Nev emphasizes.

"Girl, you keep me going. And its me we are talking about here. R just know that we love you with everything we got and we know you will get through this." Hay promises.

"I know and God has been good to me because he brought you guys in my life." I look to them and smile.

"Hey Nev, remember when you were right over there confessing to Jackson that you had a crush on him and I kept yelling Crotch, Monkeys ass, and fingering a cat." Hayden randomly says as I laugh so hard I think I'm about to die.

"Yeah and I hated you for about 3 hours but forgave you bECAUSE IM A FORGIVING PERSON!" Nev raises her voice.

Espen cracks up along with me.

"Oh you think it's funny Es? Remember when you tripped and feel on your crush since the 4th grade and your vagina collided with his face. AND YOU WERE ON YOUR PERIOD!" I almost fall over from laughter as Espens face goes red from embarrassment.

"Riley, calm your ass down, remember when you thought babies came out of whales and delivered at the hospital for your mommy to go pick it up and you wrote a whole essay about it in fourth grade and presented it to the ENTIRE class!" Hayden reminds me.

Everyone then laughs out loud and is out of breath.


They just continue to laugh.

When we all simmer down, Espen speaks.

"You know, one day we won't be sitting around, working our asses off to kind gigs and get noticed by a label. Some day we will wake up, go outside and be instantly crowded by our beautiful supporters that love us deeply and helped us get to the top. We aren't doing this for the fame and money and we all know that."

"We have been a band for almost two years abd still growing stronger by the day. It may suck now but when we are performing in front of thousands of our Travelers then that's how you know it will all be worth it." Nev adds.

"We will make it big guys, I know we can. Just buy the feeling that I get and our connection and how determined we are is enough to see that we deserve a chance and we will prove until the last half a second." Hayden says proudly.

I stand in front of them. "One day we won't have to say, one day, imagine, someday, because I know in my soul and heart that one day, we will make it and we will say it to each other. One day you'll look at one of us and think wow I remember when we were imaging all the crazy and amazing adventure we were going to have. Guys, I don't tell you guys enough but I love you. I really do and you all and Lory keep me sane from this fucked up place we live in. You guys were here and saved me when I thought I needed to be popular and be another one of them. But truth is.. I want and I will be my myself and I know that we will be great idols and inspirations. I believe and I can tell you guys know that we will leave our marks on this world." I spill my heart out.

They all smile at me and I get dragged into a group hug. But this one is different somehow and I know they feel it also. It's like something was triggered and now this weird feeling is in the pit of my stomach.

We make our way back to the beach house and go to bed.


As I open my eyes from my slumber, I'm blinded by the sunlight shining through the window beside the room I stayed in. I take in the scene going on in front of me and scream in terror and hit my head on the headboard above the bed. Three pairs of wide eyes and a iPhone stare back at me and I stick up my middle finger.

"I hate all of you fuckers!" I yell as the other three laugh, running out of my room.

I check my Twitter to see what's new and I noticed I hit 10K.

I quickly tweeted out:

@FakeRileyFaye:"Holy Shit I hit 10K!! mRarsfzfDTmgxtzrR"

I check my email. Nothing. Spamming Hi Or Hey Records again was very disappointing. Once I spammed about a billion times I turned off my phone and made my way to the kitchen.

I started cooking eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I put my phone on shuffle and started singing along to Stitches By Shawn Mendes.

"YESSSSSSSSS!!" Hayden comes in and starts dancing and screaming the lyrics, breaking my poor ear drums. Soon everyone joined but hey I had to, it was amazing, who wouldn't love to scream out Shawn Mendes lyrics and possibly annoy the shit out of the people next door, but that's what I liked about us... We didn't give a flying fuck about if we did get in trouble or not, maybe Nev did, but we make her do it, she's just too innocent.

Experiencing these types of moments with them, is truly amazing and I wouldn't trade it in for the world. I'm just praying that everything we every dream of to this day and so forth will become a reality.



If there's any typos then I apologize but I really hope you all enjoy because I poured my heart out into this chapter.

Vote if you'd like and hope you all have an amazing day<3

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