Chap 2 The House

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Jack drove us to the house. He parked up it in front of the house. Mar gasped seeing how big the house was.
"Jack, this is your house?"
"Do you live alone?"
"Does it have a game room?"
Jack chuckled at Mar's question.
"Yea, its yours and mine now"
Mar opened the door and jumped out of the truck. Jack jumped out and jogged to the back. I jumped out and Jack threw the keys to me.
"Go on inside and pick your rooms upstairs"
I smiled at him and ran after Mar. I saw Mar jumping up and down.
"Open! Open! Open!"
"Ok ok"
I smiled and then unlocked the door, he stormed in. I kept the door open and walked in. The house was amazing. I was led into a hallway. I turned to my left leading me into the living room. The couch was coloured purple and the curtains were white. There was a hard wood coffee table in the middle with a vase of flowers in the middle. I continued the down the hall and turned on my left seeing a kitchen and the dinning area next to it. It was really roomy. I walked back into the living room and walked up the stairs. I saw Mar inside the first room. It was a big room with a twin bed in the middle. The walls were painted white with videogame posters hung up.
"Mar, Jack said the game room is at the end of the hall ok? And your bathroom is over there next to your closet"
He nodded. I kept walking and into the next room. I opened the door knowing it was Jack's room cause the room tidy. Jack was always a tidy person, he was really smart but in 12th grade he had a bit of trouble so i think he'll make it this year for sure. I closed the door and moved onto the next room. I opened the door and saw it just with a bed and a dresser. This was going to be moms since it was the biggest one. Then i moved into the second last room at the end of the hall. I opened it and the walls were purple. The window boarder was white. In front of the window one of those places were you can read. The bed shelfs were next to it. The bed was a queen sized bed. The dresser had a mirror on the top kinda like a desk. There was another dresser beside it and the a nightstand on the other side of the bed. There was another door near the closet seeing the bathroom.
"Eunice here, your luggage, start unpacking, mom is ordering pizza"
Jack said as i smiled.
"Did you tell Mar where the game room was?"
"I hear him playing already next door"
He chuckled then walked into the game room next door. I dragged my luggage inside and closed the door.


After all that unpacking and decorating my new room with posters and changed my bed covers. I plugged my ipod charger and plugged it into my ipod. I plugged my phone to charge as well. I hung my empty shoulder bag on my door.
"Eunice! Mar! Jack! Pizza is ready!"
I heard running from outside my door making me open it seeing Jack and Mar racing down the hall and down the stair. I chuckled and followed them.

We sat down in the living room and turned the tv on and ate pizza.

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