Chap 54 Christmas Party Tomorrow

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I came 2nd behind Katherin and Zade was behind me. The boys came and the last one was Zack.
"Oh shit! That wasn't fair!"
"Well i guess i'll have to tell Mr. O the bad news."
"Don't you dare!"
I smirked Then ran inside with Zack behind me. I ran into our next class and hid behind Mr. O.
"Mr. O Zack wants more homework!"
"No i don't zip it Eunice! Or i will!"
"Will what hurt me? You can't hit girls!"
Mr. O was confused.
"Guys i have no homework to offer since its the holidays"
Me and Zack said as i walked to ny seat. Zade and Katherin ran in and sat down on each side of me.
"Ok everyone take a seat, now today we are just going to have free time since tomorrow is our Christmas party. Now im just wondering...who wants to play secret santa?"
Everyone raised their hands but i had mine down.
"Ok well sorry Eunice. Ok so the maximum presents for each person is 3. Everyone knows Secret Santa do they?"
We all nodded.
"Ok bring your presents tomorrow and remember don't write your name on the present!"
We all chuckled. Everyone stood up and walked out since it was a free time class.
"Secret Santa is my thing!"
Katherin and Zade said as i smiled.
"Im not a fan of Secret Admirers"
I said as they smirked at me.
"Well everyone has a Secret Admirer"
Zade said as she smirked at me making me roll my eyes.


I was at home with Katherin and Zade. James went out with the guys to go get presents.
"Lets go gift shopping"
I said as they nodded and grabbed their purses. I took mine and hung it on my shoulder around my body. I grabbed my glasses and and put them on. The girls walked out waiting by the door. I grabbed my keys and my phone and put them in my purse with my wallet. I walked out and closed the door.
"Get in"
Katherin said as we got into her car. We drove off to Polo Park and got out of the car. The girls dragged me in and we stood by the entrance.
"Ok everyone spilt up we meet back here again until 6:00... Go!"
I said as i ran up to the escalator. I looked around and found a store with so many stuffed animals in it. I smiled then i ran in. I took out my notepad from my purse.
"A big stuffy eh?"
I looked around and asked someone who worked here where the big stuffies were.
"At the very end of the store"
She said pointing at the direction. I nodded and thanked her. I walked towards the very end of the aisle and saw the shelfs filled with big stuffed animals. I looked at the shelf and found the perfect one. It was a big, cute teddy bear. I grabbed it and then went into another aisle. I looked around for red fabric and yellow, red and green sewing string. I grabbed lots of it and ran back to the big stuffies. I put all my things i grabbed in a cart and then i looked for another big stuffy for Zade. I found a black teddy bear about the same size as Katherin's and put it in the cart. I pushed my cart to the cashier and paid for everything. I put my credit card in my purse and then they wrapped the stuffies in big plastic bags. They were covered so the girls wouldn't se what it was. Then they put the smaller things in regular sized bags. I put the bags in my cart and then walked out. I was thinking who else i should buy presents for. I thought about James. What should i give James?? I sat down on a bench with my cart. I looked in my notepad seeing James name.
"He wants an Angel?"
I shook my head. I don't know what the heck that meant so i stood up and started making my way to the escalator but then i froze right in front of a clothing store. I looked and then saw a really nice Christmas Dress. I walked in pushing my cart and looked at it. It was a red dress, slightly glittered and the waist part had a white furry belt. At the very end of the dress was a white and furry too. The sleeves were until the elbows. At the ends of the sleeves had white fur on it too. Then the collar was a bit wide showing parts of you're shoulders. I asked a lady to get me a medium sized one. She took my cart to watch it while i tried it on.

I looked in the mirror. The dress was higher then my knees just a bit. I smiled and did a little twirl. I took it off and put my regular clothes back on.


I had the dress and the girls presents in a cart with me and now i was waiting for the girls.
"Hi Eunice!"
I saw them run towards me with carts too. It was filled thank god i wasn't the only one.
"Ok lets go"

Katherin dropped me home as i waved goodbye. I walked to the porch with all my heavy bags. I placed them down and unlocked the door. I pushed everything inside and then closed the door. I grabbed all the bags and carried them upstairs into my room.

I took out my things i bought from the bags. I placed the stuffies on the bed and then grabbed the fabric. I ran to a drawer and took out my sewing kit and then closed my drawer. I opened another drawer and grabbed some stuffing.
I grabbed my red fabric and cut out a big heart that each paw of the stuffy. Then i cut out 3 more pieces. I grabbed 2 hearts and a needle. I picked the colour Yellow to sew on the letters onto the heart. It took me about 30 minutes to sew on bold letters saying 'Merry Xmas Bestie'. I smiled and then grabbed the other heart piece and a different colour of string, red. I sewed both of the hearts together but not all the way. I stuffed the heart with some stuffing I grabbed and then i sewed it closed. I looked at the finished Heart stuffy. I smiled then grabbed Katherin's stuffy and sewed the heart to the paws in the middle of its chest.


After hours of making and wrapping, I finally finished and then sat down.
"Oh my god!"
I said and then i put the wrapped presents by the other side of my bed facing the wall. I looked inside my last shopping bag seeing my dress. I grabbed a hanger from my closet and hung the dress on it. I laid the dress on my bed for a second. I looked in my closet finding my Santa Hat. And then i ran back to my drawer and found my white furry arm bands. And then i ran back to my closet and looked at my shoe rack. I saw my black heels. It only made me 2 inches higher. Now the outfit was complete. I hung my dress on my hook on the wall. And then i hung my santa hat on the hook too. Same with my arm bands. I put my heels on the ground underneath the outfit. Now we wait until tomorrow.

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