Chap 46 Tomorrow is the Day

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One week passed and now Today is Friday saying the play is tomorrow on September 27. I was so excited. I had some of my lines memorized. I was practising with James all week last week and it was fun.


I walked to school with James and we were both saying our lines while we walk.
"Ok so are you good and ready for tomorrow?"
I asked him making him shiver.
"I'm ready but i feel kinda nervous"
"Don't the end of all this we'll hear the sounds of the audience...cheering, clapping for all of us, you'll be fine...i promise"
I said as he smiled.
"Eunice!!! You ready fro tomorrow!"
I heard Katherin and Zade say as i nodded and smiled.
"Oh and we just saw you're last Rehearsal dress...its so pretty! She didn't show us you're real dress you're gonna perform in though"
"I think you're gonna find that out tomorrow"
I said as they hugged me.
"I'll record everything!"
Katherin said as i smiled.
"Me too!"
"Oh and guys will you do me a favour?"
"Will you record one for my camera so that, my family can watch it?"
They nodded and hugged me again.
"Ok! Romeo and Juliet! Get in there! This is you're last rehearsal!"
They said as they pushed me and James inside.

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