Chap 48 Hang Out!

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After we were all changed and ready...we decided to go have that pizza hang out James said a week ago. The girls and the boys followed me and James home. As i took out my keys and opened the door. Zack and Kaiden ran in towards the kitchen. They were racing pushing each other out of the way.
"Hey hey! I called dibbs on the fridge first Kaiden!!"
"No back off!"
We all laughed as i closed the door and took my shoes off.
"Hey! Behave you hooligans!"
I said as i ran after them into the kitchen. As i walked into the kitchen, i caught them eating my food from the fridge. I leaned on the wall looking at them with a smirk. They saw me and froze right away.
I rolled my eyes and told them to eat what they took out of the fridge. I closed the fridge door and saw them take 2 things from the fridge into the living room. I chuckled and then followed them. I saw a spot in between Katherin and Zade and walked towards it. I sat down and took my phone out. As i checked Instagram i had an Idea. I grabbed my Selfie Stick off the table and stretched it far.
"Everyone get in and smile.."
The boys ended up climbing on top of the couch and then we all fitted in.
We all said as i snapped the picture. I put the Selfie stick back to its original form and placed it back on the table. I edited the photo on Instagram and then commented. 'After Last Rehearsal of the Romeo & Juliet play...#tomorrowistheday' and the i posted it.
"Thats a keeper!"
"Tag all of us!"
I edited the picture agains and tagged all of them.
They said as i smiled.
"Who's calling for pizza?"
Katherin asked as dialled Dominos. I ordered 2 cheese pizzas and 2 pepperoni pizzas and then ended the call.
"They'll be here in 20"
They nodded. I stood up and walked towards the movie Shelf.
"Any movie suggestions?"
I saw James stand up and walked beside me.
"How about that one?"
He pointed at a movie making me take it out.
It showed a picture of a creepy clown doll. I never watched it but i guess thats what we should watch.
"Ok sure...Katherin, Zade sit next to you're boyfriends!"
Ethan said as i giggled making the girls stand and sit next to them on different sofas. I sat down on a sofa alone and then James sat next to me. The movies started making me lay on the back of the sofa.


Halfway of the movie i saw Katherin and Zade cuddling with Ryan and Zack. Awe. The movie was scary, i flinched a few times but i didn't hide.
"Eunice how are you not hiding!"
Katherin said as i smiled.
"I was so terrified before but then i learned that it was only your imagination not real life."
I smiled then we continued to watch the movie until i heard the doorbell ring. I looked at James as he looked at me, i stood up and ran as James did the same.
We both said as i beat him to the door. I blew raspberries at him making stick his tongue out at me back. I opened the door seeing the pizza delivery man. I thanked him and paid him. I closed the door with all 4 boxes in my hand i put one box on the table in the living room while i put the rest on the dining table.
I walked back to the living room and sat down next to James and grabbed a slice.
"Girls remember what you have to do tomorrow?"
I smiled.
"We'll sit with you girls ok?"
Ethan said as the rest of the boys nod.
"Hey Juliet i wonder how you're gonna look tomorrow"
Katherin smirked making me shrug.
"Guess i'll have to find out, after the show we're taking a group selfie with me and James still in our costumes ok?"
They all nodded and giggled. Then the movie made a loud bang making the girls scream and hide. I flinched only and smiled at them.

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