Chap 17 Shopping

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After school i brought my binder home and Jack drove me and James home. I ran out of the truck and opened the house running inside. I ran upstairs and into my room. I put my binder on my desk and sat down. I started to do my homework before i leave to go to Katherin's house.

"Hey you seem down all the sudden?"
I asked James as he looked up at me.
"Well Eunice was asked to the dance by Ethan"
"Really? Awe"
He sighed.
"Wait do you?"
He nodded slowly.
"But you're dating Bethany?"
"I'm dumping her ass tomorrow at the dance cause of what she's done to me theses pasted few months."
I smiled at him as he chuckled.
I said as he walked up the stairs to find Eunice.

I finished my homework in just 30 minutes so i have time for some freetime. I walked towards my book nook and sat down by the window and looked on my shelf and took out a small journal. I wrote down.

Dear Diary,
This 3rd day was school was great, theres a dance tomorrow making me go crazy for what to wear. At lunch i was asked to the dance by Ethan, i'm guessing he has a crush on my but, the thing is i really like James but he has a girlfriend which is making me pull away from him. The only thing i do everytime i see him is smile. I hate Bethany for using him like that, its just not right. I mean if i were dating him, i would never let him frown, i would never let him down. Smiles are my world and nothing can change that

I closed my journal and put it back on the shelf. I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"
The door opened seeing James.
"James? What brings you here?"
"I just wanted to check up on you"
"Oh well i'm fine here, thanks though"
I smiled at him making him smile back.

It was 3:50 so i was all ready and i started walking towards Katherin's house. I rang the doorbell seeing Zade push me out onto the lawn.
"Come on Katherin!"
Katherin walked out then i saw James smile at me by our door. I waved bye to him.

We were in Katherin's car as she drove us to the mall.
"So Eunice, did anyone ask you yet?"
"About what?"
"The dance?"
"Thats cute!"
I blushed.
"We're not dating though ok?"
They nodded. We arrived at the mall and as we got out of the car i saw that Xavier guy walk in with some friends.
"Um guys who is Xavier?"
"Xavier?!?! How do you?"
"He just walked up to me and called me babe, ew"
We walked inside.
"Xavier is grade 12 as well but he's like 18 or 19 by now. He goes for the nice and shy girls. He flirts with them so that they could fall for him then...strike! He might end up raping you"
"That last part is not true though"
I gasped.
"Please stay close to Ethan in the Dance ok? Its pretty dark in the gym when we're dancing"
I nodded then we walked into Stitches.

As i walked around Katherin picked a white skirt until her knees and a sleeveless top with a flower on it. Zade picked a blue skirt until her knees with a white sleeveless top on it. I couldn't choose so the girls picked so many choices so i could try them on. They pushed me into a fitting room. I put on a white dress with flower designs on it with white high heels. I walked out and did a little twirl. The girls smiled but they shook their heads.

I put on a black dress until my knees that had a white bow on my left side of my waist. I walked out of the fitting room and did a little twirl. They smiled again by they shook their heads. I sighed then walked back into the fitting room.

After a few clothes she wore, she walked out with a black skirt until mid-thigh and a white sleeveless top that said 'Beautiful' on it. She did a little twirl and then we squealed.
"How do i look?"
"We are hanging out after school tomorrow so we can get you ready for the dance ok?"
She nodded then she walked back into the fitting room to change.

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