All Alarm Clocks Go To Hell

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-Anastasia's POV-
"Dammit, already?" I muttered to myself as the excruciating sounds of my alarm clock rang throughout my apartment.
"The hell is the snooze button?!" I said a bit unnecessarily loudly as I tried to find the snooze button with my face still buried in my pillow. I finally just ended up knocking the wretched contraption off the nightstand, and it silenced as it hit the floor with a "thud". I sighed and got up out out of bed, immediately faced with my reflection in the mirror hung across from my bed. I'd never cared much for my appearance, even though Id had others call me a "looker" (whatever the hell that means) in the past.
I had black hair that fell just below my shoulders in thick curls and waves. I was a naturally pale person, so being born with dark hair just made me look that much more like a vampire. I had green eyes, but not even the pretty kind of green. When I was created, my body decided to invent a new weird-looking eye color just for me. They were dark green (almost swamp looking) all around except for streaks of emerald that ran out from my pupil. The eccentric color of my eyes only made them pop more against my pale skin. I sighed and drug my feet over to the small "closet" on the left wall of my room. The space was so small that I wouldn't even consider it a closet, but I'm just glad the the building I lived in had running water. I dug through my mostly mute and dark colored clothing. I was a fairly short person, standing at 5'4, and I had a medium build. I wasn't fat, but I definitely want skinny. I liked to think that I had a fairly healthy and athletic/thin build with curves all over. I never got the girls that would practically starve themselves just to look like a stick thin Barbie. I was just lucky that I had fast metabolism cause otherwise, I'd be the size of Russia. I love food. I'm literally girl that is capable of eating an entire pizza by herself.

I finally ended up grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans with a white tank top and a red leather jacket. I completed my outfit with my worn pair of black and white sneaker wedges that I wore with almost every outfit. I ran to my mirror, realizing it was now 7:21 and seeing as class started at 8:00 I had to rush my makeup. I put on my usual black eyeliner and mascara with some soft grey eyeshadow and some red lipstick. Taking a step back and looking in the mirror my only thought was "below average". I wasn't a popular bottle blonde cheerleader with a Mercedes car. I was never popular throughout Junior High and Highschool. I was the alternative "emo" girl that no one really talked to. My unpopularity never bothered me because I was actually sort of a shy person. I didn't like being in social situations with people didn't know. Hell, I barely liked having conversations with my family. I don't talk much and I keep my distance from most people. I wasn't a complete loner though. Luckily, I met Deven Russell in kindergarten, and since the first time I spilled my entire cup of grape juice on her drawing of a wolf, we've been best friends. We knew practically everything about each other, and we've stuck with each other throughout all of our schooling. We both used to get bullied in high school, but it made it easier since we had each other to stick up for. She was the Chewbacca to my Han Solo. Deven was a bit more anxious than me though. She had a bad childhood, having an abusive and alcoholic dad, so she was required to take these panic pills that kept her calm. She couldn't be under high pressure situations without breaking down, but I was always there for her. I know what it's like to feel broken. Even though I was quiet, I had a short temper and hot attitude that could and would get me in trouble whenever it could. I was a bit spontaneous and would tend to act before I spoke or really thought about what I was doing. That's me though. Your below average 19-year-old alternative college student.

I looked at the clock, and found out in dismay that it was 7:51 .I was going to have to sprint to class. I went to Monroeville University. A medium sized college located in mid/southern California. I was mostly an A/B student with the occasional C every now and then. I didn't have much of a social life besides hanging out with Deven so I threw myself into my studies most of the time.

I grabbed my books from off the floor and sprinted out my apartment door. My building was only about a block or two from the university, so I hoped that if I ran, I'd get there just in time. I barely managed to run down the stairs of the building without falling flat on my face, but I managed to reach the campus at exactly 7:59. I hauled ass to my first class: Calculus (also known as hell on earth). I sat down in the uneventful room, listening to the uneventful teacher lecture an uneventful topic. This was basically my life. Uneventful.

(Until 3:22 the next morning that is)

Hey! Thank you all so much for reading the first chapter. I know it was fairly boring, but this was the introduction chapter so y'all could meet the characters. Trust me things are going to get MUCH more interesting VERY soon. Just bear with me and I promise it'll be worth your time!


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