The End Part 2: ...To This Tragic Affair

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-Anastasia's POV-

He screamed and tensed up as I dragged the tip of the knife down his chest in a slanted line, stopping above his belly button.

"GOD-AUGH-FUCK!" He hissed out, and I saw tears begin to rim his eyes.

I bit my lip as I took the knife away and brought it back up to where I'd started the line.

"Does it hurt?" I said angrily. "Does it fucking hurt?!"

Gerard's pained eyes met mine. "Come on sugar," he panted out in pain, "Is that all you've got?"

I tilted my head. Even in a situation like this, Gerard found a way to be a cocky bastard.

I pushed the tip of the knife into his skin again, causing him to flinch. "No" I popped as I dragged the knife down his bloodied chest for the second time.

"GODDAMMIT!" He writhed under me, but it was no use. As soon as my second slanted line reached the length of the first one, I stopped and pulled the knife out.

"Almost done." I said sharply. Gerard looked back up at me, his face twisted in pain.

"Anastasia-" he whispered desperately, breaths short. "Don't-" he breathed, "Don't let your wounds turn you into someone your not!"

I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying to keep the guilt out. No. No he didn't have the right to say that. I had transformed into someone I was not a long time ago.

"You can cut me all you want-" he continued desperately, tears in his eyes, "But it'll never take your scars away!"

I opened my eyes, tears starting to my own. "No-" I shook my head angrily. "No you don't have the right to say that!" I gripped the knife as my knuckles turned white. "You can't say that because-" I breathed, "Because you caused them!" I said desperately. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" I continued, bringing my knife back to his chest. "NOW-NOW I GET TO SHOW YOU JUST HOW MUCH-" I stopped, looking into his eyes, "JUST HOW MUCH I FUCKING HATE YOU!"

Gerard's eyes widened. "You don't mean that!" He spat, as I brought the knife back up to his chest, about halfway I between the two slanted lines I'd already made. I glared at him; what did he know? "I KNOW YOU DONT MEAN THAT ANASTASIA!" He finally broke, his scream a mix of pain and anger.

I let two tears roll down my cheeks as I put the top of the knife into his chest for the third time. He grimaced and groaned before returning his gaze to me. "You-You can't change how I feel by doing this Anastasia-" he seethed out with agony. "And," he breathed out, "And you can't change the way you feel-"

I widened my eyes but shook my head again. I'd already admitted it hasn't I? But I deserved this. I deserved to get revenge on the man I hated...

The man I loved...?

I didn't let myself again as I dragged the knife across the middle of his chest for the final time. And he screamed again, trying to twist against his restraints. I pulled the knife and suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

Over the entire top of his chest, stretching down to above his belly button Id carved a large, crude A.

And I could do was stare. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I looked at what I'd done. I was looking at Gerard, but now all I could see was myself. All this time I'd been on pain, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and now here I was doing the exact same thing to another human being.

The tortured had become the torturer.

I reached out and placed my free hand in the middle of the 'A' and his bloodied stomach; he winced.

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