You're A Brother To Me

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-Frank's POV- (this is going to be BEFORE Lee video calls them. Also can we just take a moment to stare at this sexy a$$ picture of Frank and thank the universe for his existence. Everyone good? Yes? Then let's get started ;) )


That word worried me more than its should. Gerard was angry and distraught, and quite frankly, so was I. Lee was off God knows where doing God knows what to Anastasia, and we were fucking helpless. If there was one feeling I hated, it was knowing I couldn't do anything. I felt the blood pulsing through my veins beginning to boil but, unlike Gerard, I was most of the times able to control myself from letting my anger out on the closet objects next to me.

This though.

This was too fucking far.

Lee was a bastard that should have let bygones be bygones. Did we kill his brother? Yeah! So fucking what? This job kind of comes with the fact that people you know and love will end up dead. That's why it's important to never get close to




But that's what exactly what I'd done, wasn't it?



Dammit. Just God fucking dammit I was so angry. Gerard was had his fists and head against the wall; I could tell he really, and I mean really, trying not to explode.

"I should've killed him!" He spat angrily, turning to me. "I should have killed that son of a bitch three years ago! Three goddamn years ago Frank!"

"You couldn't have known this would happen." I said darkly. I was still sort of pissed at Gerard. He claimed he loved Anastasia, but what the honest fuck did he know about love? What did Gerard know about anything besides hate and pain? I mean I'm not saying I'm any better than him, but atleast I was less...

Well, batshit crazy to say the least.

Gerard just glared at me; I could tell he was thinking the same thing. "But I could have prevented it!" He said, his voice rising.

I shrugged, glaring right back. "I guess that's true." I said boldly.

Gerard's eyes widened. "You want to mess with me Iero?!" He clenched his fists. Quite frankly, I didn't care if he beat the living shit out of me, he wasn't going to change the at I felt. He wasn't going to scare me away from her...

If we get her back in time.

No No NO! I couldn't think about that. She was going to live. We were going to kill Lee and get her back; we had to.

I had to.

But then again, Gerard had already set his sights on Anastasia, and once he found something he wanted, it was damn hard to get him to stop.

But this time it was different.

He was after something I wanted.

No, scratch that.

He was after someone I loved.

"I get it Gerard. I mean it must fucking suck to claim you love the very girl whose life you made a living hell!" I spat at him.

Well, here we go.

Gerard's eyes were filled with anger, but I wasn't afraid of him. "And you didn't have a part in that?" He began to yell. "I mean you were just totally innocent during this whole thing, right? You loved watching her cry as much I did Frank, so don't you fucking proclaim your innocence to me!"

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