There's One Way To Do Things, But Then There's The Gerard Way To Do Things

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-Anastasia's POV-

My eyes opened slowly. I must have cried myself to sleep. I looked around to see Dr. Morrison standing to the left of me, checking my vitals. He looked down and saw I was awake.

"Your health has risen enough to the point where you may be released, but I wouldn't recommend and intense physical activity for awhile." He spoke as if there was nothing out of the norm.

"Please-" I whispered. "You can't let them take me." I continued weakly.

He looked down at me with mock sympathy. "I'm afraid I can, and I'm afraid I will. Gerard Way is a very powerful man dear; I'd prefer not to mess with that kind of power. The money I'm being paid is also a factor, so I wouldn't waste your breath on pathetic begging." He glared.

"They're...They're going to hurt me" I croaked again, not willing to believe that this man was just going to let me be taken.

"Then you're always welcome back here, Anastasia my dear." He smirked as he wrote a few things down on his clipboard. He looked up one final time. "They should be here to pick you up in about an hour." And with that he walked out of the room, leaving me to wait in agony.

All I did was stare at the white wall in front of me. I didn't have the energy to cry anymore. I didn't have the energy to struggle. I didn't have the energy to fight. I kept pursing my lips and biting them in anxiety, but I messing with them only opened the multiple splits I had in them; blood began to trickle down my lips and chin. I couldn't do anything about it though; I couldn't do anything about anything.

And then came the sound I had been dreading; the turn of the doorknob. I turned my exhausted eyes toward the door as three black-clad men walked in.



And fucking Satan himself

Gerard Way.

They closed the door behind them.

"Damn, you got fucked up." Frank said, looking over my injuries. "Your pretty little lips are bleeding Anastasia. I bet that doesn't make them taste any less amazing." He added with a knowing smirk. Gerard looked over to Frank and then back at me before putting his hands together.

"I'm guessing we had a little fun in the casino?he taunted, only making me bite my lips more. More blood came out of the split, but I was too anxious and terrified to worry about that.

Gerard just looked at me. "Sugar you've got a little something in your lips-" he said putting both of his hands on the side of my face. "Let me help you with that-" he gave me a cruel smile before moving his head towards mine. I didn't even have time to figure out what was going on before Gerard brought my face forward and put his lips on mine. He molded and sucked his lips against mine; my terror turned to fury. I began fidgeting and moving violently, but just like Frank had, Gerard held me in place.

He pulled away, my blood on his lips and around his mouth. He stood up and turned to Frank, who was raising his eyebrows in amusement. "You're right-" he looked at Frank before returning his gaze to me. "They actually taste better" he licked his lips.

Frank and Mikey snickered while Gerard just looked down on me. I didn't want to cry in front of them, but the tears just sprung to my eyes.

He was humiliating me.

Several tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Shhh. Don't cry sugar. We'll be home soon." He said picking up a syringe from one of the machines surrounding the bed. I widened my eyes, but I couldn't find myself to speak. He leaned closer and stuck the needle where the doctor had earlier.

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