Heart To Hearts With Frank Iero

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-Gerard's POV-

I raised my eyebrows at Frank. Her birthday was March 22? Hm... I wonder how old she was turning.

"Really?" I smirked "And just how old are you going to be sugar?" I asked, actually wanting to know the answer. She looked at me, her eyes saying that she didn't trust me one bit. Fine. If this bitch was going to play games, then why can't I join the fun?

She kept glaring at us.

"What sweetheart? Don't you trust us?" Frank started, also having a smug look on his face.

She brought her hand to the bandage running along her neck, as if to send a message. "No" she said coldly, looking directly at me. That was bold.

I glared right back at her, except my stare was full of amusement. Here this girl was, cut up, bullet wound, and so exhausted she could barely stand on her feet, and she had the attitude to say 'No' to me. I loved that. The ones who fight back are always the most amusing and unpredictable. It's even more amazing to watch them break. Anastasia may be beat up, but she hadn't broken yet, but I couldn't wait to see that happen.

"We don't need you to trust us sugar. We need you to answer us when we ask you a god damn question." I smiled cruelly at her as I moved from the seats to the couch, getting closer to her. She always got uncomfortable when I got closer to her, but I loved seeing that panicked look in her eyes, the way she didn't know what I was going to do next.

She remained silent, looking into my eyes with hate, sadness, and exhaustion. I don't know why she was trying to hard. We weren't going anywhere anytime soon, and there was nothing left for her in her old life. Why did she fucking rebel so much? She was mine, and I would have to teach her that, one way or another.

"I'm going to ask you one more time dear" I said placing both my hands on her face so that she had to look at me. "How old are you turning?"

I was genuinely surprised by what she did next.

She spit on me.

I pulled away, disgusted as I wiped my face with my jacket sleeve.

Frank snickered. "Oh you stupid bitch." He muttered.

I didn't think she had any of that left in her. No one had ever done that to me. Damn she made me so fucking angry.

I reached out and grabbed her neck. She flinched in pain as my fingers squeezed her cut. Unfortunately I couldn't use my beloved knife on this bitch, as she already had a threatening billet wound in her chest. I didn't want her dead, I just wanted her to suffer.

I'd just have to make her pay later.

I held on to her throat as she wheezed. "You're birthday is going to be so much fun" I said darkly, looking into her eyes. I let go and moved back to the seat next to Mikey, who was just enjoying the situation.

Anastasia was breathing heavily as she tried to calm down. I looked and saw that the red patches where my fingers had been at her neck were slowly bruising. I smiled; good. I didn't care how long it was going to take, she was going to learn who owned her.

-Anastasia's POV-

I could barely breath. My neck aches, and I could feel blood trickling into the bandage on my neck from the gash Gerard had aggravated. I don't know why I had spit on him. Then knowing my age didn't really mean all that much to me. The way he referred to me as 'his' though was what made me hate him with a burning passion. Gerard was constantly trying to humiliate and hurt me, and it was even worse when I didn't give him something he wanted. I'm pretty sure we shared a strong mutual hatred for each other.

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