Trying Not To Screw Things Up Is Much Harder Than It Sounds

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-Anastasia's POV-

I slept in and out on the rest of the way towards France. I was too confused and ashamed by what had happened with Frank to sleep.

Why did I let him keep kissing me?

Why was I letting myself be a dumbass?

I was awake when the plane landed, and I silently wished happy birthday to myself. The landing had caused the rest of them to wake up. Gerard stood up and was quick to turn his attention towards me.

He looked at my exhausted eyes with his amused ones. "You didn't sleep?" He asked in a way that didn't sound much like a question...

I didn't bother assess the situation though, as now I actually had to move to get off the plane. Ray, Gerard, and Mikey all grabbed the luggage and exited the stairs off the plane. I took a deep breath and stood up, clutching my side.

Dammit. I really should have slept when I had the chance.

I moved across the Emily plane before making it to the door. I was surprised to look out and see that we had landed at an actual airport. There were two cars parked at the bottom of the stairs, one held the luggage, Frank, Mikey, Ray, and the driver. The other held some luggage, but just the driver was sitting in the car, as Gerard was leaning against the car, smirking as I made my slow, painful walk down the stairs.

Well shit. I guess I knew which car I was going in.

I got to the end of the stairs, and I was already exhausted. Gerard kept his annoying ass bastard face on as he got in the back of the car with me. I got in the car and groaned when I sat down. Shit, I was no where near recover. I got in the car and discovered it was one of those where there was a window you could roll you in between you and the driver. Gerard rolled it up.

Whatever this conversation was about to be, I didn't want to have it. Gerard had an incredible talent of making me feel like the most useless piece of shit on the planet whenever we talked. Not to mention really all the injuries on my body were his fault, most of them being intentional. So yeah... I didn't like talking to him.

I could feel him gazing at me, but I chose to stare at the ground.

He spoke first. "So how many times to you plan to kiss my partner without me knowing?" He asked tauntingly.

Well shitttttttttttt

I jerked my head up. He just have been awake then and have seen us.

"He-e kissed me. I-I pushed him off" I spoke nervously, still looking at the ground.

"Oh really?" He asked putting his hand of my chin. He turned my face toward his. "It sure took you a hell of a long time to 'push him off'." He was mocking me now. An evil smile played on his lips and I felt nervous about the unpredictability of his actions.

"I can barely move n-normally. Having to push a man off of me was m-much harder!" I stuttered trying to explain myself. I couldn't let him or anyone else get the wrong idea. Gerard just kept smiling.

"I guess I'll just have to wait my turn." He said.

"W-wha-" I tried to speak.

Gerard interrupted me by laughing. "You're so scared!" He said looking amusingly into my eyes. "I just love it!" He said evilly.

I tried to pull away from Gerard's grasp, but when I turned my side, pain spread throughout my abdomen and I cried out.

He let go of my face. "See? The more you struggle the more you hurt yourself" he said tauntingly.

I just clutched my side, waiting for the burning to go away. I looked out the window and noticed we were in what appeared to be the French country side. There were large, green fields of grasses and mountains and hills in the distance. It actually looked beautiful. Of course something had to ruin that moment...

"We also need to talk about behavior for tonight." Gerard turned his head back to me. I didn't feet like talking to him right now. Being in the same goddamn room as Gerard Way was bad enough, but sitting two feet away from each other for multiple hours was excruciating. "Look at me Anastasia." I could hear the aggravation in his voice. I glared at him. "I need to know you won't pull any shit tonight. These people will kill you if you get on their nerves. And with my experience with you, that seems to be quite a talent of yours."

I ignored the last part. 'These people will kill you if you get on their nerves'?! Well happy fucking birthday to me. Not only do I get to spend it with a group of extremely violent drug dealers who kidnapped me and like surprise kissing, but now there was the chance that I was going to die.

Gerard continued to talk. "We've already delivered their shipment, we're just there to collect the money and then it's s party." He smirked.

"Party?" I asked, confused and a bit scared to know the answer.

"The guys we're dealing with like to throw a good fucking party. After the money is transferred, they invited us to stay the weekend. It's good to have some people on your good side Anastasia, I'm sure you wouldn't understand that."

...Weekend? So I was going to be forced to be around rich ass, ostentatious French drug dealers all weekend? That sounded more scary than fun...

"And since this is such a big event," he continued, "I needed a lovely lady to accompany me." He smiled wickedly.

"W-why?" I asked, kind of intimidated.

"Because one doesn't go to a five star French hotel and casino part without a girl." He was only doing this to make miserable. "I also need you to be my distraction."

I've heard that fifty fucking times now. What the hell did they mean?

Gerard looked at my confused look and continued to explain. "You see I think we'll be playing a bit poker while we're there. If I have you by men, the others will be too busy looking at you instead of their cards."

I put my head in my knees. Why? Just fucking why me?

I'm so exhausted and just so sad. I'm just a person who's being used for other people's needs now.

I had no meaning of my own.

Tears sprang to my eyes even though I tried to contain them.

"Why the long face sugar?" Gerard asked in mock sympathy. "I can guarantee this'll be a birthday you'll never forget."

I found myself terrified that he may be right, but in the worst way possible.

And that chapter my friends is the result of severe writers block :( I apologize for the slow update and for the really boring chapter. I hope I set up the events to come though in a good light. AND BEFORE ANYONE SAYS IT, yes this chapter has a bit of a 'James Bond' with drugs vibe to it. I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it did... I hope that chapter was slightly enjoyable, but the next one should be a lot better. WE'RE GOING TO MEET RICH FRECH DRUG DEALERS! IS ANYONE ELSE EXCITED? No? Ok ok I'll shut up. I just feel really bad for this sucky chapter. I hope you keep reading, commenting, and voting because it really makes my day! I appreciate everyone's dedication so much! Stay fabulous! *MWAH* :):)


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