Let's Play The Name Game

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-Anastasia's POV-
I sat in my concrete prison trying to think of ways to get these bastards to kill me. That's when my stomach growled and I realized... When was the last time I fucking ate or drank anything? How long had it been since I was taken here? Even though my body was ravaged by pain, the hunger still pushed through. I managed to weakly push myself up against the wall until I was in a somewhat standing position. My original "plan" was to go bang on the door until somebody came, but as I was about to walk over to the door, I realized something strange. Over in the top right corner of the ceiling there was a small cylindrical looking object sticking out of the wall, and it was directed straight at me. Was...was that a camera? Holy shit, they've been watching me? After I got over the sincere creepiness of that, I decided to use this to my advantage. I weakly walked to the middle of the room and looked directly into the camera. I began waving my arms.

"Hello?" My voice came out strained and hoarse. "Please. Please I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I just need something to drink!" I said still waving my arms at the camera, not knowing if anyone could really hear or see me. I was getting angry. Here I was, beaten and cut up and BEGGING for my kidnappers to feed me. I began yelling a bit louder now, as loud as my throat would allow me. "Hey you bastards! If you're going to kill me, then I don't think starving me to death is concierge way for either of us!!" I huffed. After a couple more minutes, I flipped off the camera with both fingers and sat down in the middle of the cell. I don't know what these men wanted with me, but I did know one thing, if I didn't do what they said, they'd just beat me until I'm almost dead again and bandage me back up to repeat the cycle.

I had to get out of here.

I had to escape.

-Ray's POV- (Ooh Ray's first POV!)

I sat in swivel chair in front of my large computer station. I had four screens; three lined up with on top, mounted on the wall in front of my black desk. These babies could do anything. I could track people, back people, I could tell you what a person is doing before they even do it. That's why I like this job. I didn't have to get anyone's blood on my hands just to feel power. I didn't need a knife to kill someone. If you were running from us and I found you, you were as good as dead.

The guys had gone out to pick up some shipment at some 'abandoned' warehouse about three hours away so I was stuck with bleeding beauty watch duty. The poor girl was still knocked out, and she looked terrible. She was covered in dried blood from the stomach up; it was all over her skin also. I didn't feel bad for her, as I had learned not to feel when working with Gerard, Frank, and Mikey. Some of the people they murdered even deserved it, but Gerard would always go overboard. Everyone in our group was dangerous, but Gerard took joy in hurting people. If he set his mind to something, he was going to go through hell to do it, and that's exactly what made him deadly. I mean, just witnessing what he did to that girl yesterday made me twitch, and I'm one of his best friends. It was something I was just going to have to deal with.

I sat spinning in my chair, a bit bored actually. Frank had contacted me to let me know on their way back, but seeing as we had tracking devices in the cars, I already knew that. I sighed before glancing back at one of my screens; I scooter closer to the table. The girl had apparently woken up. What was she doing... Was...Did she... Did she see the camera? My silent question was quickly answered as the girl waved her arms at the camera.

"No sweetheart" I spoke to myself "Please don't make me come down here." Then I heard her speak.

"Please. Please" she began "I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I just need something to drink!" She said, looking directly into the camera as she still waved her arms. That was the last pleasant thing she said before she got all god damn sassy, flipped off the camera, and sat back down again. Damn this one really was fiery, and that was going to get her in alot of trouble here if she didn't learn to back down. I began to really think about it though. Gerard and Frank had brought the this girl back two days ago, and it was now mid afternoon. I hadn't seen anyone go into the cell besides Gerard, and I sure as hell knew that he wasn't going to feed her. Damn, this girl hadn't had anything to eat OR drink for two and a half days...Maybe...May it wouldn't be that bad if I just brought her a bottle of water and like a sandwich or something, right? I mean we couldn't just let her starve to death, and I'm sure Gerard, Mikey, and Frank would be ready to go round two with her when they got back. My soft side got the best of me as went down the stair and went into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed an ice cold bottle of water. I looked around for something easy I could give her to eat, and I then I saw s bowl of muffins and bagels on the counter. I quickly grabbed a lemon poppyseed muffin, and with the water in my other hand, I walked down through the living room and down the long hallway to the girl's cell. I took a deep breath before unlocking the door, stepping in, and closing the door behind me.

The girl had been sitting up with her head in her knees. She looked up at me; her eyes we're bloodshot and filled with exhaustion.

"And who," she spoke flatly "Might you be?"

"Listen I don't give a shit about you feel about being in this situation, but you need to know right now that things are never going to go back to the way things were for you. We're bigger than you, and because of your shitty attitude, some of us are willing to keep on hurting you until you finally break."

The girl tilted her head to the side and looked at me. "Some of us?" She questioned

Damn it, I didn't need a hostage thinking I was soft. I sighed "You just need to clean up your attitude," I replied, throwing her the bottle of water an muffin, which she looked at in surprise. "Especially around Gerard" I added before walking back towards the door. I was about to leave when I turned back. The girl had opened the water and was gulping it down with sincerity. When she realized I was still standing there, she put it down.

I looked her in the eyes. "Sooner or later, the guys are going to want to know you're name-"

"I'm not-" she tried to interrupt me softly, but I continued, my voice harsh with reason

"No you need to listen to me!" She shut her mouth, eyes glaring with hate.

I continued. "Sooner or later the guys are going to want to know your name, so you can either tell me now, or you can get it cut out of you later!" I said seriously. The look in her eyes confirmed that she knew what I meant.

She looked down at the ground before looking back up at me, eyes glazed over with tears.

"Anastasia" she whispered "My name is...Anastasia" she spoke with a single tear running down her cheek.

I nodded, exited, and shut and locked the door behind me.

I sighed.

The guys were not going to be happy with me.

How was Ray's POV for the first time? Don't get it wrong, he IS NOT a nice guy, he just lets his emotions get in the way some times. Anyways, IM SUPER SORRY again for this being a boring chapter. I promise there's going to be more action soon. We're going to get to enter Gerard and the group's dangerous world. So I hope you like this chapter, and if you didn't, I promise there's more coming. So again, thank you for everyone that is still reading, commenting, and eating my book. I know it's like REALLY WEIRD so far, but it means so much to me when you guys do those things! Thank you all! :);)


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