You Really Shouldn't Yell at Armed Robbers

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This guy was obviously obnoxious, and the fact that he called me 'sugar' got on my nerves. He kept smiling, looking me straight in the eye, as he grabbed the tennis racket from my hands and threw it across the room. That's when I looked around. My front room and kitchen had been practically destroyed. Drawers were pulled out of their places, contents spattered throughout, and the couch had been stripped of all its cushions. It seemed like this guy has been looking for something, something other than money. I thought this because I kept most of my extra cash hidden in the inside top of my coffee maker. It seemed that that contraption had been taken apart, so I assumed he took what we there. So why was he still here? The man took a step closer to me. "Where is it?" He said in a voice that made my knees want to buckle. He was firm but cocky and WAIT ANASTASIA THIS GUY IS TRYING TO ROB YOU. Anyways what the hell does he mean 'where is it?'. He already took all the cash. I looked at him a bit confused.

"Where is what?" My voice came out a bit cracked, still a little uncomfortable with the pistol so close to my head. My answer was obviously not the one my attacked was looking for because he narrowed his eyes and pushed me against the wall.

"Don't play dumb with me here bitch. I came for what I'm owed." He growled as he put hand on the wall next to my shoulder, cornering me. I sucked in my breath. This guy must have come to the wrong place because I had no idea what he was talking about. I knew if I pissed him off again though, he would most likely shoot me. I needed to choose what I said wisely. Wait, Devon was still in my bedroom, and the man didn't seem to know that. I couldn't let him get in there. Dev would start to have a panic attack if she saw the gun, and I had no idea where her pills were. He might end up shooting both of us if that happened, so I just had to make sure to distract him. "Answer me you whore!" He yelled impatiently in response to my silence.

I narrowed my eyes at this statement. Whore? Who the hell was he calling a whore? This bastard broke into my apartment, destroyed it, took my money, claimed I had something he was owed and I'm the WHORE? It was situations like these where I lost any smidgen of common sense my brain had. Most people would normally do whatever the man holding the GUN asks right? Unfortunately I'm a dumbass, and unfortunately I got angry. Cue spontaneous yelling that would immediate be regretted 10 seconds later.

"Excuse you?" I spat "I don't know who the hell you are or what you want, but you've taken all my goddamn money so why don't you just get the hell out? I don't owe you a damn thing! I don't even know who you are!" I yelled angrily at his quite stunned face. Of course I regretted speaking seconds later, but it was too late. The man's eyes flashed with angry before he let out a small evil laugh.

"Oh sugar", he said leaning in even closer and pressing the cold barrel of the gun to my forehead,"You shouldn't have said that." A smirk played on his lips when I flinched as he pressed the gun to my head. I've done it now. I've really done it now. All I had to do was keep quiet, and now because of my big mouth, I was going to to end up cold and lifeless on the floor. I was mentally going through anything this guy could do to me when I heard the creak of a door open. My first thought was SHIT, DEV. She must have woken up when I was yelling. But then I realized it wasn't the bedroom door that had opened, it was the front door. Who could be coming through my front door? Was it help? Maybe my neighbors had heard me yelling? But any trace of hope I had was immediately taken away when I saw a man with black hair and a leather jacket, who was also carrying a gun walk quietly towards us.

"What the fuck is this?" He raised his gun towards me as he spoke. Did this guy know the platinum haired man? OH GOD, WERE THERE TWO OF THEM? My worst fears were confirmed in the next five minutes.

"Bitch woke up and tried to confront me with a damn tennis racket" he smiled at the black haired man, while still pointing his pistol into my forehead. Their shared glances made it obvious that they knew each other, and that only caused me to stress out even more. The black haired man smiled and looked at me.

"Aw you think you're a tough little bitch don't you?" He smirked, standing next to the platinum haired looking rather amused. They were both standing in front of me now. The platinum haired man's arm was still pressed to the wall next to my shoulder, and the black haired man stood next to him, pistol in hand. The black haired man turned towards the platinum haired man and continued to speak. "I came up because I heard loud fucking yelling. What the hell happened to get in, get out, no shit?" He asked, obviously a big irritated at his parter. The platinum haired man just smiled.

"I guess I made a little too much noise and little miss brave couldn't help but interrupt. She then decided to talk shit to me with a gun pointed right at her forehead." He smirked

"You must be such a charmer." The black hair man smirked. I'd almost had enough of this. I was scared out of my mind but I just wanted them to leave. They had my money, what else could they want? Why attempt to rob a college student anyway? I ignored the men's comments before speaking.

"You have my money. Just please. Please leave. What else could you possible want?" I realized that was the wrong question to ask when the platinum haired man moved closer to me than I thought possible.

"Well since you're asking" he whispered Emily into my ear. The black haired man stepped back, amused with the situation unfolding. "You fucked up our little mission, sugar. I think it's only fair you give us something in return." Those words caused me to panic and I squirmed, trying to break free. This made him agitated though, and he slammed me back into the wall with a loud 'thump'.

"Ow!" I whimpered

"You're just a useless whore aren't you? If you hadn't of woken up, we wouldn't be in this situation now would we? We'll get what we came here for, but why not have a little fun first?" He spoke wickedly. I really began to panic and he began to slide the cold barrel of the gun down my face. The torture would have continued if the creak of the door didn't interrupt. The black and platinum haired men looked up, surprised, towards my bedroom door.

"Anastasia? What the hell is all that noise. It's like 4-fucking-am!" I heard Dev call as she stepped into the hallway and rubbed her eyes, still unaware of the situation at hand. The platinum haired man took this chance to grab me from the wall and pressed my back into his chest, pressing the barrel of the gun to my neck. Devon finally looked up, blinking a few times. "Anast---" she froze when she saw me being held hostage with the two men. Her face twisted with fear and her eyes widened and began to get glassy. I was expecting her to have a full blown panic attack, but then her expression turned to confusion as she looked back again to the black haired man.

"F-F-Frank?" She whispered in a weak tone.

YAY I UPDATED! I hope this chapter was ok. I spent a pretty decent time writing it. I'm not getting as much reads as if hoped, so let's pick it up a bit ;) Feel free to comment and tell me what you think so far. I'm also open to suggestions! Thank you all!


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