Go Ahead Sugar, Make My Day

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-Anastasia's POV-

I told him my name.

There goes the last piece of me that I had to myself.

He was right though. If I hadn't of told him my name now, Gerard, Frank, and Mikey would definitely have found a more violent way to get it out of me. The man who gave me the food and water wasn't a good person, but I could tell he wasn't interested in killing or torturing me, at least not physically.

I finished off the water the man with the long hair gave me. Ironically enough, he hadn't told me his name, but there wasn't the threat of torture luring over him, so he didn't have too.

I ate the muffin in almost three bites; damn I was starving. Of course, every movement from my neck caused the bandaged cut to sting like hell, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. As a girl that can down an entire pizza by herself, this whole 'not being fed' thing was driving me insane. Fed. It was like I was their pet, their play thing that they could manipulate. It made me sick. These men they---

I heard the door begin to unblock. Shit. Shit. Shit. Please be the long haired man, I silently begged. The door sung open to reveal no other than the platinum haired devil himself.

"Oh darling," he smiled smugly at me "You don't look too good" he mocked sympathy as he walked over to where I was sitting.

I smiled sweetly at him "Well neither do you, but you don't see me complaining" I retorted sarcastically. Gerard narrowed his eyes; dammit why couldn't I keep my mouth shut.

"After yesterday, you'd think you'd have learned some respect" he spat, squatting down to meet my eyes. "So I think it's time we have a little talk" he finished grabbing my shoulders violently and standing me up. He faced me the opposite direction and wrapped an arm around my body, restricting my body movement. He forced me to walk out if the cell and down the long hallway into the living room. I looked around and found that everyone was in the room; Frank, Mikey, and the man with the long hair. Well, this is not going to go well... Gerard shoved me into a chair and stood behind it, hands resting next to my shoulders.

Mikey was the first to speak. "Well if it isn't my FAVORITE person in world" he said smugly. I didn't reply. My temper made it hard to control my anger in these situations, and I really really didn't feel like getting a matching cut on the opposite side of my face and neck.

Frank spoke next. "You know princess, we still don't know your name" he started, coming closer and standing over me. "I'd feel much better knowing your name"

I refrained from slapping that self-righteous smile off of his face. I just looked over at the long-haired man in a bit of a panic. I thought he was going to tell him? Or had it all been a game? Shit oh Sh--. My mental panic was interrupted.

"Anastasia" the long haired man said. Mikey, Frank, and Gerard all turned to face him. He remained stone-faced

"Ray...What the fuck did you just say?" Gerard asked.

Ray. So that's his name. Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray.

Ray sighed. "Her name is Anastasia" he said nodding at me.

"And how," Frank stood up "Did you come across this information?" He asked skeptically, looking down at me ominously in the process.

"She told me" he answered, unaffected.

"She did now did she?" Frank looked back at me. "I'm assuming you had a little chat with Ray here while we were gone" he said darkly

"And when Ray," Gerard started "Did you have the time for this?" He asked, obviously pissed off.

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