Lure With Charm, Kill With Rage

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-Anastasia's POV-

Even though there were still tears rolling down my cheeks, I decided to get into the shower. I knew that I hadn't taken a shower in atleast four to five days, so when the hot water started pouring down my body, I was genuinely happy. I slowly washed all the blood off of my hair and skin, not wanting it to end. The water stung when it hit the open gashes on my stomach, but eventually became accustomed to it because I was not about to get out of this shower. I washed my hair as I saw all the dried blood turn the clear water red.

After successfully taking the longest shower humanly possible, I stepped out, but even soapy water couldn't wash away how dirty I felt on the inside. I turned my eyes down towards Gerard's mark he had made. That that was just despicable, and my bitterness began to return. No. I couldn't let that overtake me; I couldn't turn into one of them.

Unfortunately, my stomach was still bleeding, so I grabbed a towel and wrapped it tight around my body. The bleed started to make a small stain, and then I remembered what Gerard had said. Everything you need will be here when you're ready. Well there better be some fucking bandages in there. I opened the bathroom door and exited into the little bedroom, and there I saw...

No other...

Than Frank.

WHAT THE FUCKING GODDAMN HELL WAS FRANK DOING HERE?! I immediately panicked to myself, self consciously wrapping the towel tighter around my body. Frank was laying on the bed, a smirk on his face.

"What-Wh-" I stuttered, a little intimidated.

Frank sat up, instantly amused. "Oh stop panicking princess. I'm just here to deliver your things for tonight" he said, eyes focused right on me. I felt insanely uncomfortable under his gaze, so I tried to break the ice. Considering I had nothing on but a slightly bloodied towel, it was a bit awkward, atleast for me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the ground. Frank walked over, grabbed my chin, and forced me to look at him. I could tell me like being in power, much like Gerard. I begin to tug away, but he held me in place, casting a dark gaze into my eyes. "Look at me when you speak, and never pull away from me. You got that sweetheart?" He taunted. My stomach began to turn. I wasn't a pet. These men couldn't just treat me like a dog and expect me to be okay with it. I don't care if Gerard had to spell his whole fucking name on my stomach, I refused to lose hope or become completely broken yet. I don't know if I really had it in me, but I could fake it.

I pushed Frank away with one arm, the other still holding the towel to my body. "You, you get away from me" I seethed, trying not to visibly shake.

Frank looked angry for a second ,but then he just shook his head. "Get dressed" he commanded darkly, pointing to the bed on which I saw a dress and several boxes laid neatly down.

He strode to the door before turning back to me. "If you want to play games princess, let's play games, but I like them a little more submissive than you are. It makes his so much easier" gave me one final cold stare before exiting and locking the door. I leaned against the wall and breathed out. Whatever the hell he meant, it wasn't good. I was just an expert at making friends, wasn't I? I shook my head, trying to let it go as I walked over to the bed. I gasped as I looked at the dress. It was a beautiful black cocktail dress will long, open sleeves. It wasn't slutty though, it was elegant. I opened one of the boxes to find a matching pair of black heels, and in the other I found a variety of makeup. There was one final small box that I opened up, and I let out a small gasp as I looked at its contents. There appeared to be a pair of large, having ruby and diamond earrings. There was a rain drop shaped ruby surrounded by a bunch of small diamonds; they were beautiful. I threw the box back down on the bed though. Whatever these men gave me, it was fake beauty. I sat down on he bed as my eyes began to well up again. What did these men want from me? What we're all these nice thing for? Tears rolled down my cheeks. What did these men want from me?

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