Welcome To The Big Leagues Princess

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-Anastasia's POV-
Cold pain, and confusion.
Those were the three things I felt when I blinked my heavy eyes open. The left side of my face stung, and there was dried blood ranging from my busted lip down my neck. My head hurt like hell, and it took me a minute to register what was happening. Then it all came back to me: the break in, the two men, the drugs, Dev... OH MY GOD DEV! I remember Frank hitting her with his gun, but was she dead or alive? I hoped for the latter. All the painful memories began to come back as I tried to analyze my surroundings. The platinum haired man had beaten me and then hit me with his gun. All I could remember was his wicked smile as he gloated over my pain. I shivered. I blinked a few more times before looking around... Where...What... WHERE THE FUCKING HELL WAS I? I remember them saying that I now 'knew too much', but I had just expected them to kill me and be rid of my presence, not KIDNAP me! I frantically tried to move my weak body, but soon I was awake enough to realize both my hands had been handcuffed to a pipe above my head on the wall. Wall. I was leaning against my wall. I looked around the room. There was no furniture except for long fluorescent lights scattered across the ceiling. The room was painted a dismal gray, but it was cracked and peeling, making it that much more creepy. I was sitting on the cold, uncarpeted concrete floor, still wearing my black cami and sweatpants from the day before... Or was it the day before? This room had no windows to tell what time of day it was, and there weren't any clocks present either. Why the hell had they taken me. I was of no use to them. Just dead weight...Right? That's when I began to get really panicky. What if this was going to turn all Saw on me? Were they going to torture me for being a dumbass? Whoever the men were that broke into my apartment, there are definitely more. That much money and drugs didn't come from just two people. I think that's what began to scare me the most. Here I was injured and kidnapped by what could be a very large and very dangerous drug ring...Well, shit.

I still didn't understand why they had kept me though. I didn't see Dev anywhere, but I hoped she was still alive. Devon was the only family I had. After both my adopted parents had been killed in fatal car accident on their way to visit me in Monroeville, the rest of the family blamed me for their deaths and refused to recognize me as a part of their family anymore. I had basically been 'un-adopted'. And like I said, I had little to no social connections besides Devon and the pizza delivery guy. So then I began to freak out; who was going to look for me if Devon was dead? Even if she survived, what did she remember about last night, and how good were these guys with covering their tracks? Tears began to roll down my stinging cheeks again as I began to realize that I might never be found. That uneventful lecture in calculus began to look quite amazing compared to the current situation.

I began to struggle and pull at the handcuffs. My wrists were raw and bleeding, but I needed to try, I needed to TRY to get out of here alive. I kept trying to break the pipes from the wall but it was no use, the fucking things weren't budging. I leaned my head back against the wall; I was exhausted. Right as I began to feel my heavy eyes closing though, I heard the door across the room come unlocked with a 'click'. This made my eyes pop open; who was coming in, and more importantly, what did they want with me?

I genuinely hoped it was going to be some guy here to put a bullet in my head. I didn't wish to live my life as some drug runner, captive, sex slave person. That positive thought was quickly burned in the deepest pits of fiery hell when I saw it was the platinum haired man that had entered. No. No, this couldn't be happening. This guy was a psycho, a violent, crazed psycho who enjoyed the pain of others. If there was anyone I DIDNT want to be locked in a room with while being handcuffed to a wall, it would be him. I scrunched myself as far back into the wall as I could, but he just smirked at me from across the room as he closed the door.

"Welcome to hell, sugar" he opened his arms and around the room "This is where bad bitches come to learn their lesson, and damn were you naughty" he taunted as he walked across the room and kneeled down in front of me.

"Why-" I coughed "Why don't you just kill me?" I croaked barely able to speak.

He just snickered before putting his hand on my cheek; I flinched. "Well that would be no fun, now would it sugar? We may as well take advantage of the situation that presents itself, right?"

My eyes widened "We?" I asked

He chuckled. "Yes, as much as I'd like to stay and have with you myself, I think it's time you met the rest of our little...group" he looked me in the eye. The man then proceeded un handcuff me, but I was too weak to fight back or even make a single move as he led me, at gun point, out of the room. I was blinded at first my the light coming through the windows, but as I blinked a few times, I was surprised to find myself in what seemed to be the large and well furnished living room of a normal house. I don't know what I was expecting but it definitely was elongating glass windows around the room with leather couches and a large flatscreen tv put on the wall above a large stone fireplace. I felt like I'd walked straight into a celebrity owned mansion when I looked at the large black chandelier hanging above the room with bright light bulbs. I'd expected done run down motel room covered with needles and beer cans, not... Well THIS. I refused to be impressed though. This man was my kidnapper, and this place was my prison.

The man held me close to him as he put the cold metal of the gun to my face. I flinched but he held onto me tight.

"Welcome to the big leagues princess" he said smugly into my ear before I saw three other figures enter the room.

"Mikey, Ray!" The man yelled wickedly at two of the figures who approached. I recognized the third as Frank. "I'd like you to meet our newest...Assistant" he said all too tauntingly.

"Isn't she pretty?" He said mockingly while grabbing my hair and slowly running the barrel of the gun down my neck.

I have decided to write this and stay up until 4 am just for you guys! I know this chapter was a little boring, but I had to set up the main plot before we really got to meet Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray's characters. Also, I know this fan fic may seem weird or a little out there, but I'm trying to write something that isn't "good girl meets bad boy, they hate each other, and they slowly fall in love" sort of thing. So yes, this story will have an extreme plot, but it will center around Gerard way and the members of MCR; I'm just using my imagination. I want the make this different and interesting. So please comment and tell me what you think of the idea; Id be really grateful! Thank you all! :):):)


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