You're No Better For Her Than I Am

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-Frank's POV-

Anastasia ran out of the room.

Fucking hell, she looked like shit.

I looked at Gerard, whose face was a mix of anger and sadness; it was weird to see him like this. I turned to him.

"What the hell happened to you two?" I asked, concerned. Gerard was obviously drunk off his ass, as promised, and judging by the broken bottle on the bed, shit had gone down.

Gerard put his head in in hands and then looked up at me. "I fucking hate her." He said darkly.

"That doesn't answer the question Gerard. Why do both of you look like shit?" I was honestly worried and curious as to what had happened to them. I'd never seen Gerard like this. Never. He seemed almost... Vulnerable.

Gerard looked me in the eyes; he was still angry about something. "What do you think of her?"

He caught me off guard. "Wh-what are you talking about?" I stuttered, confused.

"I want to know what you were thinking when you kissed her." He replied coldly.

Dammit. He must be talking about the airplane. What was it to him anyway?

I mean at first I had been taunting her...

But that second time...

I sort of wanted to.

I couldn't let Gerard know that though.

"What's it to you?" I asked, rudely.

Gerard snapped his head back up. "What's it to me?" he repeated, angry. "What's it to you that you can't answer my question?"

I didn't know how to respond. Why did Gerard care? That's when it hit me.

"You-you haven't fallen for her, have you?" I asked, dumbfounded. What I didn't show was my disappointment.

Gerard stayed silent, enough for me to know his answer. "You've got to be fucking kidding me Gerard. You've done nothing to that girl than treat her like pure shit since we first got her!" I began yelling, but I didn't know why.

Gerard's expression darkened. "What are you trying to say?" he spat

I shook my head. "I'm trying to say that did you even see the look on her face when she ran out of here? I've never ever seen someone with that much hate in their eyes Gerard! For God's fucking sake, you CARVED your fucking initial into her!" I spat right back.

I could see that Gerard's fury grew with each word that I said. Then he surprised me.

"You think she'll ever love you?!" he raged.

Gerard had seen right through me. I couldn't even bring myself to admit that. Ever since the first time I kissed her, things began to change. She was feisty, she was angry, she was stubborn, but that's what made her so goddamn beautiful.

I shook my head.

I couldn't love her.

I didn't.

Did I?

"You're no better for her than I am you bastard! You watched me ever time I tortured her; you got the same feelings I did!" Gerard continued.

It was true. I had watched Gerard make her bleed; I watched him cut into her. I watched him humiliate her. I was no better.

We both went silent.

I Don't Love You [[GERARD WAY FANFIC]]Where stories live. Discover now