The End Part 1: Now Come One, Come All...

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Okay maybe I should have made it more clear that Lee still HAS A GUN. So even if Anastasia tried to stab him, which she's pretty weak at this point, so she really doesn't have the force and energy to actually fatally stab someone. So yeah. Gun+Too weak to stab=Can't stab Lee. Sorry if some of you wanted that to happen :3 So my apologies have come in the form of the picture above^^^ I would not blame you at all if you just wanted to stare at the picture and skip reading the chapter ;)

I held the knife in my hand as I looked over at Gerard, who for the first time, seemed surprised and unprepared for what was happening. His eyes were wide with confusion and worry. I looked over at Lee, who had taken his gun out now, who smirked down at me before looking over at Gerard. "I think she's chosen!" He chuckled, standing up and bringing me with him.

Gerard looked at me. "Anastasia what are you doing?" His spoke shakily.

Lee let me go, and there I stood, so I began to take steps forward.

"Anastasia!" He pleaded, looking me in the eyes. "Don't let him manipulate you!"

Lee laughed in the background, and I turned to see him twirling his gun in his fingers again. "Go on Anastasia!" He said. "Show him how you really feel! I know it's there. I know your hate is there; it's time to finally let it go!"

I squeezed my eyes shut. My entire body was sore and my head felt like someone had repeatedly beat it with a hammer. I knew what I had to do though.

I slowly walked over to Gerard, who's scared eyes were staring into mine. That's interesting. Gerard Way was experiencing fear? Since Gerard was tied with hands against the wall and legs out in front of him, I kneeled down and straddled him, our faces only inches apart now. Gerard kept his eyes locked onto mind, and instead of fear, there was something else in his eyes...Wanting? I tilted my head and wrapped one of my hands around his shoulder, bringing us closer.

"Anastasia-" he whispered, but I wasn't going to let him finish. I brought the knife up and pressed the cool metal against his cheek. He sucked in his breathe, tensing up when the knife touched him.

I heard Lee chuckle in the background, but I ignored him.

"You've hurt me so much!" I whispered angrily as I continued to hold the knife. "And I think it's time you finally learned what it was like!"

"Please-" he tried again.

I scoffed. "Oh don't those words sound familiar?!" I hissed. "If only I could count the number of times I begged you not to hurt me!" I kept his face close to mine, hoping he'd see how truly angry I was for what he'd done to me.

"Yes Gerard, you really should have listened!" I heard Lee chime in, who, from his voice, I could tell was enjoying this.

Gerard's eyes went from mind to Lee's, and I could see his face flush with fury. "You did this!" He spat. "You turned her against me! I don't know what you told her, but you're a lying bastard!"

Lee just laughed. "I didn't have to say a damn thing! I don't know what kind of fucking denial you're in, but from what I see, you hurt pretty little Anastasia! I'm just giving her the chance to return the favor!" He said smugly.

Gerard just glared at Lee, and I'm sure that if looks could kill, Lee would've been dead a long time ago.

But this wasn't about Lee.

I finally had my chance with Gerard, and whether he was standing there or not, I was going to finish what I'd started.

I reached up with my free hand and grabbed Gerard's chin, bringing his eyes back to mine.

He breathed in. "Don't get distracted." I whispered sharply.

A sudden gleam returned to Gerard's eyes, and he raised an eyebrow. "You know that's going to be a little hard to do princess with you straddling me." He smirked, and I let my eyes widen. Of course in even a situation like this, Gerard found a way to make things extremely uncomfortable for me.

That's when I decided that two could play at that game. I mean honestly, what did I have to lose at this point, my sanity? HAHA OH WAIT...

His smirk remained when he saw my eyes widen at his comment, but then I bit my lip and brought my hand to his chest. "You're right!" I exclaimed "How can I expect you to focus?" I tilted my head as he streaming began to widen his eyes, confused and surprised at the sudden turn of events. "But then again-" I continued as I began to trace circles on the grey long-sleeved shirt he was wearing under his unzipped black leather jacket. "Maybe it's better you be distracted." I smiled at him as he only continued to hold his stunned stare.

I brought the knife down to the top of his shirt and sliced a few inches down. He widened his eyes.

"An-Anastasia!" He breathed. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

I smirked myself, and leaned in until our lips were almost touching. "Returning the favor!" I whispered tauntingly, as I put the knife down and used both my hands to rip at the cut I had made in his shirt, until his entire chest was bare.

Damn he's fit... My subconscious decided to join me at that exact moment.


Woahhhh calm down there Jane the ripper! I'm just saying what we both know is true! I mean you've already admitted at this point that you loveeeeee him, so that shouldn't be a problem, right?

YOU CAN LOVE SOMEONE, BUT HATE THEM AT THE SAME TIME! I fought back, and with that, the silence returned in my mind.

I picked the knife back up and placed one hand on Gerard's bare chest. He looked up, and for the first time, I saw how powerless he felt.

"That's new, isn't it?" I asked mockingly, as I brought the knife to his chest, pressing it against his skin just enough for it to be uncomfortable but not enough for it to draw blood.

Gerard didn't answer, but instead stared into my eyes. A state that made me want to melt-NO NO NO FUCK NO!!! Not now. I looked away and decided to answer my own question.

"The feeling of not being able to do a damn thing?" I continued, tracing the point of the knife in circles. "The feeling of being totally at mercy to another person?" I continued angrily, as flashes of everything that happened to me when through my mind.

"Go ahead-" he whispered softly. "I still love you!" His sad eyes looking into mine.

I shook my head. No. God fucking dammit, why did he gave to say that?

I pressed the tip of the knife into his skin, and he flinched as a small dot of blood leaked and gathered around the knife.

"I don't need your fucking permission!" I said angrily, finally losing it as I dragged the knife down his chest.

And for the first time in forever-

I heard screams that weren't my own.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BITCHES I BET YOU DIDNT SEE THAT COMING!! I mean some of you probably did, but let me have my moment of glory here, would ya? Lol kidding, but still, can someone say sexual tension? I mean leave it to goddamn Gerard to be turned on my a girl straddling him with a knife. That was my attempt to make up for the lack of smut in this book, because I know some you dirty people wanted it XD Anyways, yes I am quite aware that it took me like a week to present this chapter to y'all, and for that id like to apologize. I had such a busy and intense week last week, that in between studying and passing out from exhaustion, I really couldn't do much else! Anyways, this is part one of THE FINAL CHAPTER! Like you guys, I can't believe I even made it here! I'd just like you to know that I love and appreciate each and every one of you and what you've done! I hope you'll finish this book with me and even continue on into my next! (More details shall be released in the next authors note, but I'm really excited! :) ) So anyways, the next chapter is the last of IDLY! What will happen to Anastasia, Gerard, and Lee?
And just exactly how close are love and hate? Maybe just enough ;) ? BUT YOULL HAVE TO READ TO FIND OUT! SO THANK YALL SO MYCH FIR SUPPORTING ME! I LOVE YOU ALL! STAY FABULOUS! *MUAH*


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