It's Not Your Choice. It Never Will Be

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-Anastasia's POV-

I widened my eyes. No no no no no no no NO. This can't be happening. I don't understand, THIS CANT BE HAPPENING.

I began to freak out. "But that's impossible," I said, tears springing to my eyes "I'm right here. Can't you see? IM RIGHT HERE!" I said desperately at woman. She began to look very concerned. That's when I heard the stator ding again. I looked over to see the man who I had seen come out of the elevator earlier.

"Dr. Morrison!" She called out to him, even though he was already heading our way. Good, maybe this doctor can help me.

"Ah Nurse Grace, I believe you've found my patient." He said in a tone that was all too calm.

"I need to leave. Now" I said glancing at both of them.

"This girl just came out of the elevator, stumbling and claiming she was Anastasia Briar." The nurse said, relieved the doctor was here.

"What? Oh dear. This is Bella Emerson. I believe she's having a bad reaction to the anesthesia and pain medication we gave her. The girl began to get very confused, so a nurse came to get me. She must have left the room while I was on my way down."

Oh my fucking God.

This was wrong.

Everything was all wrong.

The doctor turned towards me and grabbed my arm. "It's ok now Miss Emerson, just come with me and we'll make you comfortable again."

I tugged out of his grip before I began screaming. "NO! NO YOU'RE A LIAR! LET ME GO-"

"Oh dear!" The nurse muttered, beginning to stand up.

The doctor then grabbed both of my arms and held them behind my back. "I'll just be taking Bella back to her room now." He said before dragging me towards the elevator. I didn't stop screaming. "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD! THIS IS KIDNAPPING! HELP ME! IM BEING KIDNAPPED!" I cried as the pain in my stomach became immense.

The doctor dragged me into the elevator.

As the doors were closing, I felt something sharp enter my neck. I looked over to see the doctor pulling a needle out of my skin.

"No-" I whispered weakly, beginning to feel immediately drowsy.

"He wasn't lying when he said you were a handful" the doctor sighed, agitated.

"Wh-what?" My knees began to buckle.

The doctor gave me a cruel smile. "Our mutual friend Gerard. He wasn't lying when he told me you were a handful."

My body went limp in the doctor's arms.


Fucking Gerard had done this to me.

And then, everything went black.

-Anastasia's POV- (waking up from the incident)

I opened my eyes, and immediately felt the pain in my neck and stomach. I must have aggravated the wounds while fighting with the doctor. I was terrified to see that I was back in the dull hospital room that I had woken up in the first time. I was even more terrified to discover that by hands and ankles had been cuffed to the bed, making me unable to move. Unable to much else, I began to cry. Tears streamed down my face. The doctor had said Gerard. They had taken me here. Odds are, they'd come back for me. I couldn't stand the thought of returning with those men. They were wicked. They were cruel. God knows Gerard was a fucking violent psychopath. Every time he looked at me, all I saw was his amusement at my pain.


There was so much pain. I was in emotional and physical hell. Not only were they tearing my body apart, but I could feel myself steadily breaking down. I was nervous and scared all the time, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I had basically already been mouth raped by Frank when he forced me to kiss him. Gerard had mutilated by stomach and neck, and I knew he couldn't wait to do more. And Mikey was just waiting for his fucking turn. They were obnoxious, self-righteous, psychopaths. It could only get worse from there.

The door handle began to turn.

No no no. Tears streamed down my cheeks as Dr. Morrison walked in followed by

Fucking Gerard.

He looked all too amused.

"I had to keep her restrained. She woke up from the anesthesia earlier than we expected." The doctor spoke to Gerard.

"She's healing okay, but the incident earlier partially reopened her wounds, so I wouldn't re amend taking her out until they are at least safely closed." He continued

Gerard just gave me an evil stare as he spoke to the doctor. "Thank you so much for taking care of my friend here Grant. You never fail me." He shook hands with the doctor.

"I'll leave you two alone to talk." Dr. Morrison said as he exited the room.

We were alone.

I was in a room alone with the most batshit crazy person on the planet,

And I couldn't even move.

Gerard walked closer as the tears poured down my cheeks. He touched my face, which I flinched to in response. "Oh sugar, why so scared?" He taunted, wiping my tears away.

"Wh-why am I a-alive?" I stuttered as I shook.

"Because you wanted to die, and I just couldn't give you what you wanted. You want nothing more than to be farther away from us as possible, and that's the fun in it" he smiled wickedly. "As long as it's in my power, you will remain alive. You'll continue to work with us. Cooperating or not sweetheart, you belong to us. You belong to me, and I refuse to let such a precious position get away." He spoke cruelly.

I began to sob as Gerard touched my hair. "It's not your choice sweetheart. You'll be dead when I want you dead, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Id just make sure there's enough room on your stomach for some more letters." He smirked.

He leaned in to whisper to me. "The fun is only beginning sugar. I sure hope you don't think you're anywhere done with us, because then you'd be sorely mistaken." He leaned back, barely able to control the excitement from my pain in his eyes.

"P-please" I whispered weakly.

He just smirked before standing up and walking to the door.

"It's only beginning sugar, it's only beginning" he taunted one last time before shutting the door.

I cried.

And cried.

There wasn't much else I could do

But cry.
AHAHAHAHA IM SO EVILL!! Trust Gerard when he says that it's only the beginning, because I have SO much more planned for our favorite little group of abusive and psychotic drug dealers! Lol. Anyway, I'd also like to thank everyone for helping my fan fiction get to over 600 reads! I literally love you all so much! Keep being amazing *MWAH* :):):)


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