What Once Was, Will Never Be Again

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-Frank's POV-

I couldn't believe that bitch dared even aim the gun at Gerard; I was fucking pissed. Gerard, Mikey, and Ray were basically family to me now, and if their lives were threatened, you can be sure as hell that I'd get my revenge. I may not be a fucking psycho like Gerard, but I lave my ways.

Mikey, Ray and I were all sitting in the kitchen, but we could still hear her screaming. I looked over to Mikey and he was actually smiling; I knew he had been pretty angry that Anastasia had tried to kill his brother, so I knew he was enjoying her screams. Ray just had a blank face on. He had always remained indifferent to the people we killed and tortured; it wasn't his scene.

Finally we heard Gerard call from the living room. "Who wants to see my masterpiece?"

I smirked; I hope this bitch got what she deserved. The three of us walked into the room, and found Gerard holding Anastasia to him as they stood in front of a mirror. The girl really did look beat up. She was covered in blood. Blood from today, blood from yesterday, blood from the day before; she reeked of it. Gerard turned toward us, looking rather smug. His hands were covered in blood, and he held Anastasia's face in one of them.

"I don't believe she'll forget now" Gerard said with a grin on his face. I looked down at the girl's bloodier stomach to see what he was talking about. There I saw a crudely carved G in her stomach. It was about three inches tall and two inches wide, right in the middle of her stomach. I couldn't help but grin myself.

"No she won't" I chuckled looking at Anastasia's tear trailed face and puffy eyes. "Will you now?" I asked cruelly as I moved closer to the girl and pressed my hand against the bleeding gash. She flinched in pain and I kept  smirking; this was all too entertaining. I was going to enjoy working with this pathetic little bitch.

-Gerard's POV-

I wanted Mikey, Frank, and Ray to see her. I wanted to show them that sometimes this is what it takes to break somebody. I could feel her mental wall breaking down. The way she looked at me, there was no bravery left, just hate and fear.

I chuckled at Frank's taunting of the girl; I think we all purely enjoyed her company here. And it wasn't too long before she really became useful to us either.

"Now darling" I spoke turning her around so that she could face me. I looked into her eyes and I could tell she was getting weak; she wouldn't fight for too much longer. "We have a bit of business to attend to tonight, and I believe we're going to be needing your help. The thing is though, I can't bring you to a high class deal looking like you exited a butchery-" I snickered at my own comment, and I could hear Mikey give a soft chuckle "So I think it's finally time for you to wash all that blood off and look a bit more presentable." I said mockingly brushing the hair out of her face with my free hand. She glared at me with broken eyes.

"I'm not-" she began, her voice shaky.

Oh how cute, she thought she could keep pretending she could fight me.

"Oh sugar," I said putting my hand back where I carved my marking; she flinched "You're going to do whatever the fuck I tell you to." I looked into her eyes, and I could tell she didn't have the strength to reply. "I'm going to show you to our pretty little guest room. I want you to take a shower and dress in the clothes we provide. We have business to attend to tonight and I need you looking five star." I winked.

-Anastasia's POV-

I couldn't.

I just couldn't fight back anymore, at least not now. What Gerard had done to me made me more any self worth I had left. My hope was gone; I was never getting out of here.

Gerard told me that we had business to tend to tonight. I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, but I couldn't find myself to ask them.

I was taken down another hallway to what looked like a guest bedroom, except a little less homely. There were no windows, just a single bed with a stand beside it holding a lamp. There was a door on the right side of the bed, in which I was assuming led to the bathroom.

I stood in the middle of the room, forgetting what carver under my bare feet had felt like. Gerard stood at the door. "Everything you'll need will be here when you're done cleaning up" he winked smugly. I just looked down. He was about to close the door when he turned around, "Oh and princess-" I looked up to meet his cruel gaze "Don't disappoint us." He added with one final smirk before he closed the door. I heard the click of a door lock I'm assuming that had been locked from the outside.

That sound.

That click.

Made the floodgates open, and my rage pour out.

I was filled with fury at the way I was being treated and manipulated. These men were taking whatever dignity and self worth I hah had and burning it with their cruelty. They were turning me into someone even I hated. I began pounding the door with my fists, ignoring the pain and ache spreading across my body.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I began, tears forming in my eyes. "HOW DARE YOU DI THIS TO ME YOU BASTARDS!" I began full out sob, and soon I backed away from the door. I collapsed on the ground, head in my hands, and my chest heaving with heavy sobs.

I was not me anymore.

The Anastasia Briar that had loved pizza and shitty cable movies died in my apartment.

I didn't feel anything anymore. Nothing but sadness and rage. I hated those feelings. I hated that that's the only thing I felt. I hated myself for feeling them, but all the hate wouldn't go away. It just consumed me day by day, every interaction I had with Gerard and the other men. I was becoming bitter; all I wanted to do was die. I was living as a ghost of myself, what I had once been, and that was no way of living.

I stood up, tears still rolling down my cheeks, and walked slowly to the bathroom door. I opened it to find a medium sized bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet, but yet again, this room also had no windows.

I turned toward the mirror and actually gasped out loud. I looked terrifying. My black mascara and eyeliner had run and was now smeared all around my eyes and cheeks. My hair had run wild, and there was dried blood in the place where Gerard had hit me with the gun. The real sickening thing though was the blood. I was covered in dried and fresh blood from my stomach upwards. Blood caked my neck and soaked the bandage where Gerard had cut me the other day. My stomach wound leaked fresh blood, and there was dried blood covering my arms. It looked like most of what was in me was now on me.

And all I could do was cry.

Ok ok I'm like REALLY sorry if the last couple of chapters have been boring, but now we're getting to the interesting parts! The next two chapters should be action packed, so I'll hold you'll stay around for those. BTW if any of you are obsessed with MCR (much like me ;) )I would HIGHLY recommend downloading the Mexico live performance version of "Welcome To The Black Parade" from iTunes. I swear I listened to it the whole time while writing this chapter, and it's just MAGIC. Anyways, I really appreciate everyone's reads, votes and comments! Every single last one means a ton to me, and I appreciate you all taking the time to read this! So thank you so much! :):)


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