Deal With The Devil

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Lol after reading some of the comments I think some of y'all are finally getting fed up with my shit. Sorry if I've completely taken this story downhill for some of you. And I think I've officially turned Anastasia into a hated character. Haha sorry about that :,/ Anndddd I need address the fact that there will be NO rape in this book. I know that sometimes it may sound like that, but it is DEFINITELY not going to happen. Ever. Just thought y'all should know that. LET US CONTINUE----------

-Lee's POV-

Damn everything was just too easy. The girl had turned herself into a fucking hot mess, so I didn't need to worry about her. And as for Gerard, he was doing right what I'd hoped he'd do. His reaction to me taking Anastasia was actually far more extreme than what I thought it would be, and I was enjoying every second of it. And having Frank chase the bitch was just a bonus. Seeing Gerard cry was one of the most glorifying moments for me, and that's when I truly decided how this was going to end, as everything does at some point.

So I grabbed my cellphone and dialed his number. The phone only rang once before a voice answered.


"I know what I want." I said sharply, interrupting whatever rant Gerard was about to bore me with. I could feel his surprise across the phone, I'm sure he had expected me to say anything but that. I heard voices talking before he returned to the phone.

"What?" I heard a much quieter Gerard return to the phone. I shook my head to myself. Never let your enemies hear your desperation, I thought amusedly to myself. He was becoming clumsy at this point; good.

"I've decided on giving you the generous offer of getting your precious girl back." I returned, smirking to myself. I heard voices talking again and some yelling before anyone returned to the phone.

"What do you want?" I could tell Gerard was trying to hide his relief.

"Ohhhhh lets see" I started tauntingly. "What could you possibly give me?"

"Lee-" I heard him beginning to get more frustrated and anxious.

"You." I answered plain and simple.


-Gerard's POV-

I have to admit, out of everything I'd thought he would say, I didn't expect that. I guess sometimes the most obvious answer was the correct one. I liked around the room to the other guys, running a hand through my hair. Ray sat typing on his computer furiously; I didn't know what he was doing, but seeing a s he was the most practical, I was hoping it was something helpful. Frank was leaning against the wall, looking as pale as a sheet, staring at the ground and listening to to the phonecall. At this point, Mikey had finally woken up from his alcohol and sex induced coma. After we gave him a crash course on what happened, he surprised me by chuckling and shaking his head sadly.

"You thought I didn't know?" I remembered him saying as soon as Frank and I explained the difficult situation we were in. "You're my brother Gerard, I knew the second you brought her back that girl was going to cause trouble for you." He glanced at Frank. "And apparently you too." He raised his eyebrows.

I guess I'd forgotten how quiet and observant Mikey could be. I hadn't really been around him much lately.

So Mikey was leaning on the wall next to Ray, looking at me with the same seriousness that Frank was, downing his second Gatorade to help with his apparent massive hangover.

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