One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, DEATHWISH

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-Gerard's POV- (Taking place right after Anastasia blacks out)

I looked down at the girl lying in a small pool of her own blood and tears.

"I could of done that" Mikey said a bit agitated, and I turned towards him.

"I don't give a shit what you 'could of done'. I did it. She needed to be taught a lesson, and you seemed to be occupied with the situation 'at hand'" I retorted sharply. Mikey just gave me the finger before Frank spoke up.

"I think it's going to be harder to control our little friend than we previously thought" Frank looked up at me.

"I don't give a damn how hard it's going to be to control that bitch" Mikey glared at Frank "She just fucking burned any chance of a mercy killing."

Frank nodded in agreement. "Let's not give her the satisfaction of leaving this world quickly. Why don't we just bring hell to her?" He asked, eyes gleaming with idea.

"What's her name?" We all looked in surprise at Ray; this was the first thing he had said since we brought the girl into the room. He glanced at all of us. "Do you even know her name?" He repeated his question without emotion. The thing was, none of us could really answer that question.

"What's it to you?" I spat at Ray. He'd always been a bit soft, even in this business. He tended to stay away from live deals and anything having to do with hostages. Ray was our computer man; there wasn't anything he couldn't do with technology. That made him a valuable asset in most situations, but sometimes he let his heart get in the way of things. I just couldn't let that happen.

"It's nothing to me" he spoke, looking me directly in the eyes. "I just think if that this girl is going to...stick around, it would be nice to know her name. I mean for gods sake Gerard, you've beat the shit out of her twice and you don't even know her name!"

"Do you have a problem with me beating the shit out of her?" My anger beginning to flare up. Was he questioning my actions?

"I'm just saying, she won't be much use to us if she's constantly bleeding out. And from what I understand, she's going to be around for awhile, so try not to beat her within an inch of death with every interaction you have."

I shook my head. "Don't you tell-" I didn't get to finish, as Ray interrupted me.

"I'm not fucking telling you wants to do!" Ray's voice rose, sounding more annoyed. "I'm just goddamn saying that if you brought this girl in to do our dirty work, she won't be much use with half of her blood on the floor and on your hands!" He finished, waiting for anyone to contradict him. I looked at my bloodstained arms; he wasn't wrong.

Mikey looked up. "Ok so we learn her name and then make life a living hell. If Gerard can keep his temper in..." He glared at me "Then we have a new bitch and little helper."

Frank spoke next. "I hate to point this out, but after agreeing that we're currently NOT going to kill her, princess over there seems to be laying in a huge ass pool of blood."

I looked over at our still unnamed captive. Ray sighed and went out of the room to get, what I assume, some gauze wrap. Blood covered her face, neck, and formed a pool under chest and neck area; I just smiled. I didn't feel regret. I didn't feel remorse. This is what happens to bitches that dare disrespect us. What confused me though was the way that she kept fighting, the way she kept trying to piss us off. She must have known nothing good would come out of it, yet every chance she got, she'd fuck things up for herself even more.

I smirked to myself; I always liked a challenge.

-Anastasia's POV-

I woke up feeling dizzy and dazed. I had been returned to the concrete room that Gerard had  first retrieved me from, but I wasn't ,handcuffed this time. I sat up, only to get a massive head rush as the dizziness worsened. I managed to scoot myself so that I could lean against the wall. I looked down only to find my entire chest area covered in dried blood. It was everywhere. My shoulders, my arms, my hands. I licked my lips and just tasted more blood there. I raised my hand to inspect the cut that had been made on my face/neck, but I was surprised that it had been bandaged. My entire body reeked of dried blood, and that's when I began to really think about what Gerard had done to me yesterday. He made me taste my own blood. He stopped me from bleeding just so that he shove my still warm blood down my throat. Whatever previous thought I had had of him, I confirmed right then and there that he was a violent psychopath. The bastard enjoyed watching me bleed; he enjoyed watching me scream in pain. I saw all this in his excited eyes when he was torturing me. I decided right then and there I wouldn't give him the satisfaction anymore. If he wanted me to scream, then he was going to have to really try. I decided that no matter the consequences, I was going to make these men's lives a living hell.


Just maybe...

If I angered the living shit out of them, they wouldn't want to keep me.


Was this a deathwish?

I don't know.

But whatever the hell I was being put through now; this wasn't living. This was being controlled. This was being humiliated. This was being tortured.

Well, it's 4 a.m again! I apologize if these chapters have seemed short to you guys. I also apologize if the last two cheaters have been kind of boring. I promise Anastasia is going to be brought into Gerard's world very soon. I just needed for y'all to meet the rest of the main characters and to set up the kidnapping theme before I continued into the drug empire one. I seriously hope y'all are enjoying this! I'm having so much fun writing it, but feel free to leave your opinions and suggestions in the comments. Thank you all!! :):)


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