Flashback: Light Em' Up

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-Gerard's POV- (back to the warehouse 3 years ago where he's just killed Arthur)

What the actual fuck? Lee had a twin? Shit that's impressive; too bad he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Well that's one hell of a secret Lee!" I started tauntingly, still pointing the gun at his head. Sure the situation surprised me, but it didn't faze me. If anything, this just made things more interesting. "That's your problem Lee! You think your so much goddamn better than everybody else! Too bad your brother here had to pay for it." I smirked.

Lee gave me the look that I just loved; hate. I loved it when all they could do was watch and hate. "AND YOU DONT?!" He spat viciously. "YOU DONT THINK YOURE SO MUCH BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE?!" He lunged at me, but Mikey and Frank were quicker. I signaled for them to grab Lee, each pinning an arm behind his back. When he looked back up at me, his expression was more angry, more rabid. This was just too much fun.

"No I definitely think I'm better than everyone else, but the difference there is that I actually am." I continued to mock him. "But that's just one of your many mistakes Lee. Let's talk about the recent deal we were in the middle of, shall we?"

Lee widened his enraged eyes a small bit. "I DONT KNOW SHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT!" He tried to defend himself.

"Oh?" I said in mock surprise. "You don't? You don't know that after I promised you the finest stuff on the market that you paid us in counterfeit money Lee? You don't fucking know that?"

Lee looked down. "You're a small group Gerard!" He spat. "Thats what happens when small guys try to pretend like they belong in the big leagues!"

"Oh really?" I laughed. "Because from what I see here Lee, the only one who pretended to be stronger than they actually were was you! I mean look around you bastard! You couldn't even protect your own brother!" I spat back.

Lee tried to lunge at me again, but Frank and Mikey kept him back.

I just chuckled. "And you see, that's actually one of the things that I hate the most Lee. I fucking despise being underestimate. But then again, I also love it because then I just get to show you how wrong you really fucking were."

Lee just glared at me, at a loss of words. This was great. This was just too fucking great. "You were wrong Lee." I walked closer to him. "Real goddamn wrong."

"So kill me Gerard!" He spat right at me. "Prove how much fucking better you are and kill me!"

I chuckled. "Now you see, I did in fact come here to kill you, but due to recent events-" I glanced over at Arthur's cold body, "I'm not entirely sure."


"No Lee, no they won't. That's the reason why 'amateurs' like us took down 'pros' like you. You underestimate the people that you actually need to fear the most. So there stands my question Lee-

Are you scared yet?"

"BURN IN HELL!" He spat, but I could tell he was scared. If there's anything I learned to tell from people, it was to see their fear. Why that's one of the things I enjoy most, why would I want to miss that?

"See you there!" I smiled at him before I connected my gun with Lee's head. Hard enough to knock him the fuck out, but not enough to kill him. I decided that death was too merciful for Lee, too fast. If I was going to give Lee the punishment I thought he deserved, it would be long; it would be excruciating. And the only way to do that to a man like Lee was to take every singly was ounce of his power away. I took his gang and now, looking around the warehouse, I was going to take what whatever business he had.

Frank and Mikey let Lee dropped to the ground and the looked at me for an explanation or a next move. I looked at them. "Look around. Any money you find is now ours. Mikey, get Ray to drive the car to the front." I nodded at him.

"What do we do with everything else?" Frank asked, gesturing around the warehouse.

"We don't have the time or the transportation to take everything." I turned to him.

"So what do we do?" Frank repeated his question.

I chuckled. "We burn it!" I said, the idea suddenly coming to me. The only thing Lee will have left when he wakes up will me ashes.

Frank smirked also. "I like the way you think Way." He chuckled, holstering his gun. He looked around. "We don't have any gas or anything. If we light it, will it burn?"

"The place is filled with dry wood among of flammable things." I smiled. "So I say we set fire to it!"

"Rays out front!" I heard Mikey yell from across the warehouse.

"I'm pretty sure we had matches in the car!" I yelled back. "Tell him to look in my bag and bring the box!"

Mikey nodded and went back out the front. A couple of minutes later, Mikey and Ray both entered, holding what assumed was the box of matches. Ray tossed them to me when they got close enough.

He looked at Lee's body and then across the room toward Arthur's. "Damn" he started "I'm assuming things went a little different than according to 'plan' " he looked at me.

I just smiled. "If you ask me," I started as I caught the box, "I think things turned out better than I could have imagined."

"So what do we do with him?" Ray nodded to Lee. "I'm assuming since he's not dead yet that you don't want him dead?" He looked at me questioningly.

"Drag him outside." I nodded to him. "Lay him just far enough so the fire won't get him. I want the bastard to wake up and truly realize that he bad nothing left."

Ray nodded and began to drag Lee's body out the front.

"And as for the rest of us," I looked at Frank and Mikey, "I say we turn up the heat in here!" I smirk. They returned my amused stare, and turn up the heat was exactly what we did. After several minutes of making sure we set every last room on fire, we escaped out the front and watched as the flames slowly consumed the entire building. Soon, the entire warehouse was engulfed, and the sound of crackling fire echoed throughout the field. Ray had laid Lee about 100 feet in front of the warehouse, which should be good enough. Ray joined Mikey, Frank, and I standing in front of the warehouse and watching it burn. We all stood in silence with smirks on our faces.

"I think it's safe to say that this is over." I chuckled, watching the warehouse begin to collapse on itself.

"Lee won't be bothering us anymore."

FOUR UPDATES MY KILLJOYS! FOUR UPDATES IN ONE DAYYYYYY!!!  GUESS WHO HAS NO LIFE AND LOVESSS IT XD!!! Also I know this chapter was kind of boring, but it was the final flashback! Everything should move forward from here! Now you know who Lee is and why he hates Gerard so much. We also keep learning in every chapter that Gerard is just a gigantic asshole. Hey Frank is one too! He's just more a subtle asshole lol! Anyways, I hope you slightly enjoyed this chapter and my marathon of updates today! Thank you so much to everyone that is still reading, commenting, and voting! All of you guys are so awesome and mean so much to me! STAY FABULOUSLY AMAZING AND AMAZINGLY FABULOUS *MWAH*


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