Being Left Alone Wasn't A Wise Idea

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-Anastasia's POV-

We remained in silence for the rest of the car ride. I didn't want it to be silent though. I wanted to yell. I wanted to kick. I wanted to scream at that bastard Gerard. I wanted to show him that I wasn't just someone who could be used.

I couldn't do that though.

So I sat. I sat and stared out the window. The scenery seemed to be the only beautiful thing to me right now. Eventually, the car began to travel upwards a large hill, and I gasped at what I saw. It was a gigantic, beautiful building that had an architectural balance of new and old elements. It looked like a castle. There was a huge marble fountain in front of the entrance, and the entire place seemed to overlook the water. The car parked, and Gerard got out. I didn't want to get out though. Everything was so beautiful from behind the glass, but I knew once I stepped in and experience it for my self, that beauty would be ripped away. Gerard walked around and opened the door.

"Are you going to get out of do I need to get Frank to carry you?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled knowingly.

As much as I hated to be man handled, being carried didn't sound like a bad idea, but I didn't need them to think I needed help. I couldn't show that I really was as weak as I looked. I grimaced and out of the car. I looked down and saw that the bandage that had now covered my wound for two days now was allowing blood to leak through. I looked around and saw ladies in long evening gowns wearing diamond jewelry and men dressed in expensive suits. There were waiters everywhere, dressed in their own fine black and white uniform. This place really was five star...

I looked down and realized I was still wearing the clothes they had given me at the hospital, now slightly bloodied. Atleast Gerard and then had their black-leather thing going on. I looked somewhat like an escaped convict.

Mikey and Ray parked in the front entrance next to us. Four men came and grabbed all of our luggage before the valet went and parked the cars.

"Welcome to the Villa Florentine, princess!" Frank walked over to us, winking at me.

Mikey and Ray followed.

"We are going to have so much fun tonight" Frank continued tauntingly.

Gerard chuckled before speaking again. "Alright we should check in so that we can start getting ready. It's about one o'clock now. We need to be down to the poker room by six o'clock."

Mikey looked at my shirt, noticing the blood. "Does it hurt?" He smiled mockingly.

I just gave him a cold stare and clutched my side.

He raised his eyesbrows and continued to smile. "Good" he kept on taunting.

"Mikey lets go." Gerard said as he, Frank, and Ray began to walk towards the exquisite entrance of the hotel.

I just stood there. My side was still sort of bleeding, I needed a new bandage, and I was in extreme pain from being stuck in that car for hours. I took a step and gritted my teeth; damn that hurt. Why the fuck had they taken me out of the hospital literally two days after I had gotten shot?

I watched them enter the hotel.


Here I was, looking like an escaped BLEEDING mental hospital patient in the middle of a parking lot at a high class hotel.

I kept clutching my side and walking slowly towards the entrance. A lot of people passed me in front of the fountain and gave me a disgusted frown. Eventually, a waiter came up to me.

"Uh, excuse me ma'am?" He said disdainfully. "Unless you have a reservation at this villa, I'm afraid you'll have to leave."

"I a-am a guest." I breathed out. "I'm with Gerard Way."

At this information, the waiter gave me a sympathetic chuckle. "I'm afraid you are mistaken. Gerard Way is one of our most prestigious guests for this weekend, and you look like you climbed out of a gutter." He finished rudely.

I glare at him. "No Sir, it is you who are mistaken." I spat, fed up already.

The man narrowed his eyes. "If you don't leave the premises immediately Madame, I'll have to call security to escort you off."

I bit my lip, stilling clutching my bloody side. "Please. Just call Gerard Way or something; tell him I'm here. I'm with his group, but they left me in the parking lot." I said, trying to explain my bizarre situation. 

"Left you, madam?" He said impatiently. "Are you unable to walk?" He asked, a bit sarcastic.

"No, I actually cannot!" I began to yell. "I have a fresh billet wound in my abdomen that is currently bleeding, so excuse me if I don't walk fast enough for you!" I hissed.

That's when I noticed two bigger men, in gleaming black suits approaching. The waiter just narrowed his eyes and pointed at me. The two men nodded and grabbed both of my arms.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to bring you to the manager." Said one man.

I couldn't struggle without my side stinging, so I just let them drag me into the hotel. As soon as I was dragged in, my breath was taken away. The inside was covered in beautiful marble, with intricate chandeliers hanging in all places. One of the walls had water running down it, with a small marble trough at the bottom to catch it. The men took me past the front desk to a lobby looking area. That sat me down in a chair before going behind the front desk and disappearing behind a door.

Well... What the fuck was I supposed to do know? I was livid at Gerard for doing that to me. I was angry at all of them. They all knew I could barely even walk, but then they go and leave me in the parking lot of a humongous hotel and get me brought in my security.

I looked around and decided to approach the front desk... Very. Fucking. Slowly. I needed to talk to someone about my situation. I approached the very end of the desk, right next to the water fall, so I wouldn't be that noticeable. There was no one in front of the computer at the moment, but I decided to just wait it out. That's when I noticed that a watch was laying on the corner of the front counter. I picked it up; It was some sort of black, diamond encrusted looking Rolex. Damn. Who had the money not only to get a Rolex but ALSO get it diamond-encrusted? It looked like someone had left it at the check out center by mistake. I picked it up, but at that same moment a sharp pain rippled through my abdomen.

I dropped the watch to clutch my side.

And that's when I heard a plop noise.

Oh shit

Oh fucking shit

Please tell me it didn't...

I looked down and saw it disappear into the water bubbles and pipes. My breath hitched in my throat, and I considered walking away before.


I turned around to see a tall, rather handsome Frenchman yelling into the lobby. He was wearing an expensive silk suit, even I could see that from here. He was also surrounded by four or five other well dressed men.

And that's when the answer to my earlier question hit me.

Who the hell had the money to pay for a diamond encrusted Rolex?

The fucking French drug dealers.

Lol Anastasia has already screwed up, and they haven't even gotten to the party yet >:) How do you think this'll turn out?  Well I hope that chapter wasn't too boring! I'm just setting up the story before the party chapters. I'd also like to thank every single one of you for helping my fan fic get OVER 800 reads! You are all so amazing for commenting, voting, and reading! I appreciate all of your time given! Y'all are all incredibly fabulous, and I love you for it!!! *MWAH* :):):)


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