And Now You Know

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-Anastasia's POV-

I knew Gerard was a psychotic ass bastard-

But the story this man had just told me sounded like an action movie, not true events.

"H-he killed your brother?" I choked out, my voice sounding twisted and scratchy.

"What darling? Do you not want to believe me? Gerard Way took everything from me and now-" he pressed his hand to the new mark in my stomach, forcing me to hold make a scream, "I'm going to take everything from him, starting with you!" He hissed

"Y-you're wrong." I began to speak, shaking my head. "I mean nothing to those men." Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

The man just chuckled. "You're really not going to let yourself believe that you love him and vice versa are you?"

"I-if there's one thing I've l-learned from being with them, it's that they're incapable of feeling a-anything besides hate and anger. All they want to do is see blood on their hands." I spoke slowly.

"Well then I believe we've found the exception to that hate and anger Anastasia." He smirked. "He even said it to you, remember?" He taunted me.

"And I'm to trust the w-words of a psychopath?" I whispered.

"Why is it so damn hard for you? Why is so goddamn hard for you to look me in the eyes and admit to me that you love them. Not one, but two, as you would say, psychopaths Anastasia!"

I couldn't take it anymore.

"BECAUSE THEN THAT WOULD MAKE IT REAL!" I yelled as loud as my voice and the pain would let me. My eyes widened.

The man smiled. "Thereeee it is Anastasia. There's the truth you've been denying!"

I shrunk back against the wall, just shaking my head as more tears fell down my cheeks.

"You know, now that that's out in the open, I think we should talk to our friends!" He sounded amused.


Talk to?-

"No, no, no, no, no." I whispered. I didn't fully understand what he was talking about, but the fact that he sounded so damn happy made me automatically assume it wouldn't be very fun for me.

"Oh but I want to show Gerard that I can be an artist too!" He looked down at bloodied stomach. "I want to show him just how powerless he is in this situation!"

"Please. I-it hurts" I cringed, as everyone I moved, the mark stung.

"Well darling, it's supposed to hurt!"

I swear

Out of all the people on this goddamn planet

I'm pretty sure I've met the worst the world had to offer.

But then again...

I loved two of them...

What exactly did that make me?

Well atleast you finally goddamn sort of admitted it! Like damn girl, you have an attraction to homicidal drug dealers, that's ok, to each their own you know?


My thoughts were interrupted by the snapping of plastic. I jumped and looked down to see that the man had cut the zip tie from my hands with his knife. I widened my eyes as the plastic fell from my wrists and slowly pulled my hands apart. They were sore as hell, and purple bruises and raw skin surrounded by artists from struggling.

I Don't Love You [[GERARD WAY FANFIC]]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum