Killer Queen

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-Anastasia's POV-

The man had dragged Gerard over to the wall opposite to where I was sitting, making sure he was sitting right in front of me. Blood had stained his platinum hair and dripped down the side of his face. The man had also zip tied Gerard's hands behind his back and feet; there was no way out now. I breathed heavily at the sight, only making myself more terrified and anxious. I didn't know what to do. I could barely walk, never mind think straight, and now the very man who had started this all for me was sitting, unconscious and bleeding, in the room we were bound to die in. Back when Gerard had first taken me, I would have loved to see him bleed, pay for what he'd done. But now... But now the sight of his bloodied face made what was left of my heart go cold.

I had experienced so much pain recently, I almost forgot that others could feel it too, especially the very ones who had caused my pain.

I don't know how long I sat there feeling my own fear intensify, but it was long enough for Gerard to open his eyes.

I heard coughing and looked up suddenly, surprised by the sudden sound that echoed throughout the room.


Gerard was waking up. He coughed a couple of more times, blinking his eyes over and over, as if to try and make sense of his surroundings.

Then his eyes found mine.

I saw them begin to fill with fury as he looked at me, my body showing the obvious signs of the physical and mental abuse the man had brought down at me.

I could tell he wanted to scream. I could tell wanted to struggle against his plastic bindings, but all he did was stare.

"Anastasia..." He said, his voice pained and angry.

I held back tears and closed my eyes when he said my name.

"What did he do to you Anastasia?" Gerard continued.

I snapped my eyes open, and without thinking spat out: "Nothing you haven't!"

Gerard closed his eyes and breathed in through his nose. I sat and glared him down; it wasn't untrue was it?

"So maybe that's true," Gerard's broken sounding voice filled the silent room again, "But I came here for you Anastasia. I wanted to show you how confused Id been earlier."

I wanted to scoff, but I just shook my head. "Confused?" I repeated coldly. "Yes!" I began to yell as I grabbed the bottom of the bloodied shirt I was wearing. "I'd call permanently mutilating  another human being 'being confused'!" And with that, I lifted my shirt up to reveal my stomach and all its crudely etched markings. Gerard looked away, as if he were ashamed, and I could see him clench his bound fists.

"CANT YOU SEE I CAME HERE FOR YOU?" He shouted, his eyes locking with mine. "I WAS WILLING TO SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR YOU!"

"YEAH AND HOW FUCKING WELL DID THAT TURN OUT?" I shouted back, feeling myself grow angrier and angrier. I was mad. I didn't know if I was more angry at myself or Gerard, but I was using him as my excuse to finally let go.


"CONSIDERING ALL THATS HAPPENED, I WOULD THINK YOU KNEW BETTER!" I spat back, beginning to feel my own blood boil. I didn't deserve any of this. I was supposed to be in college. I was supposed to be eating poppyseed muffins with Devon at Tunez and watching shitty cable movies while I stuffed myself with pizza. I was supposed be out living my life, and now all I had was this living death.

And it had all started with Gerard.

I hated him so goddamn much for taking all that away from me.

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