Flashback: Taking Lives Just Got Personal

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-Gerard's POV-

"The only thing we have going for us is the event of surprise." Ray continued. "They don't know that we know the money is fake, and they also don't know that we're coming a day early. This is obviously going to be a blitz attack, but that doesn't mean they're going to be off their guard."

I sighed. "Then what the hell do you suggest we do about it."

"I brought my laptop and some of my other stuff. If you get me close to the building, I could probably hack into their security cameras and give you enough time to atleast make it through the door without getting shot."

Sometimes I think I forgot how important Ray really was to our group. He did an incredible job of dealing with my spontaneous actions.

I nodded. "Damn Ray. I'm fucking glad we have you."

Frank nodded in agreement as Ray gave me a short smile.

"Anyways," he continued. "If I'm able to stop their security cameras, they'll obviously know that something's up, so you'll have to get in quick. After that, the situation will be out of my hands, as I'm sure I'll be kicked off their system once they find me."

"There's a back entrance to the warehouse that I'm hoping will have less security than the front." I began, beginning to form a plan in my mind. I'd only been to the warehouse once before, but I'd made sure to take in as much detail as possible. "We could get in there, and after that, kill anyone that gets in the way. Except Lee. I'd like to have a little chat with our friend." I spat evilly.

"So we just go in there and start shooting up the place?" Frank asked, unsure.

"No. We're going to kill as many guards as we can before we get noticed. After that, use every obstacle you can to protect yourself. I'd rather be the ones putting the bullets in people than vice versa."

"Do you know how many guys'll be on watch?" Mikey spoke up. He sounded a bit nervous, but I didn't worry about it. Mikey would always follow me into combat.

"I don't know for sure, but last time I was there, two guys had the front, one monitoring the security cameras, and there were about six to eight others manning different posts throughout the warehouse. And then, of course, there's Lee."

"So you're telling me it's us three against ten men?" Mikey sounded worried.

"Remember we have the element of surprise and Ray on our side. They won't see us coming." I was determined. I was going to teach people not to fuck with us. We'd seen who they feared now.

Mikey just leaned back against the seat and let his breath out. I could tell he was a bit pissed at me for not telling him this until now.

Even though we were practically in the middle of fucking nowhere, I knew we were approaching the warehouse.

"Frank, turn off the headlights." I said, the mood in the car suddenly turning serious.

We drove for a couple of hundred yards until the trees cleared and you could see the outline of a large building in the darkness. There was light leaking through the windows and cracks in the doorway though, signaling that someone was indeed there.

Frank drove to the edge of where the trees stopped, about a couple of hundred feet from the warehouse, before stopping the car completely. The trees have enough coverage to hide the car from plain view. Ray then began to take out his laptop. The screen lit up and he began to type furiously. Frank reached back, too out his gun, and cocked it; Mikey did the same.

"Ok." Ray started. "The second I press this button you have exactly about 5 to 7 minutes before I assume they'll find my hack. That should give you enough time to atleast get in and get rid of any extras."

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