Chapter 1

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(A/n: hey guys!! I've been getting comments about wanting the next book, it's not finished (I'm getting it in super sorry) but hopefully this will tie you over till I get it done!! Love you guys so much and thank you!)

We walk back into the great Hall. Harry found Ginny who didn't speak. She's not taking Fred's death so well. I go and sit next to George. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"He really loved you, you know." George says to me.

"I really loved him too. Are you doing ok?" I ask George. He looks at me.

"Right. Dumb question. Of course you're not ok." I say.

"I don't know what to do Lily." George says, his voice cracking.

"We live, and we remember Fred and all the lives who were lost in this war, but we live. It's going to be hard at first but we can do it."

"I dunno if I can." George says.

"Then we do it together." I say taking his hand. Then I reach over to Harry's hand and interlace our fingers, who takes Ginny's who takes Ron's who takes Hermione's.

"Come on, we'd better go." Harry says to me. I squeeze George's hand and smile a sad smile at him. He kisses my cheek and continues to stare distantly. With a flick of Hermione's wand we apparated to outside the door of number 12 Grimmauld place.

Hermione's head leans on Ron's shoulder. Ginny's head goes to Harry's shoulder. I walk through the door and stand there. I haven't been here since 5th year. And now it's Harry and I's.

I walk into the living room and sit into a chair. What do i do now? I feel so dirty. Maybe a shower would do me some good. I sigh and watch the couples go into rooms. Soon i hear groans and moans and thumps. I grin a little, roll my eyes and then put a silencing spell on the doors, so when they come out, they won't be silenced but when they go in, they are.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water then turn to look in the mirror. I gasped at what i saw. My hair was mangled, there was dried blood all over my face, some of it from the numerous gashes on my face. I raise my arms and see that my shirt, i'm wearing my grey and black button up flannel, ripped. My leggings were ripped and my boots had only specks of black on them.

I can't believe Draco still loves me looking like this.

I sigh and strip then step into the shower and allow the hot water flow on my body. I rinse my face, looking down i see the brown blood going down the drain. My waist length hair is now a little longer than shoulder length. There isn't any shampoo so i just let the water weigh my hair down.

Then i sit. I pull my knees toward me and wrap my arms around them. What is going to happen? Do i get a job? Do our lives finally become... Normal?

Ha, yeah. Normal. Our lives have never been normal. What even is normal? Well it definitely doesn't mean being killed every year, or fight an immortal man to the death.

What do I even want to do? Ok let's go over this in my head. My name is Lilian Jennifer Potter. I am turning 18 years old in two months with my brother, on the 31st of July, Harry James Potter. The love of my life Draco Lucius Malfoy is now cleaning out his manor.

Well I suppose I could be a healer at St. Mungos. Or a professional quidditch player for the England team. I want to get married, well not now, I want to have children. We can't become aurors or anything until we complete our N.E.W.T's.

Looks like we're going back to hogwarts.

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