Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

"What happened? Why'd she leave?" I ask them. Fleur and Mrs. Weasley had broken down, and were crying their eyes out. I was calling for Lily with Draco.

"I t-told her i w-was naming o-our baby v-victory in f-french, after the w-war. Thats w-when i f-found o-out i- w-was -pregnant" Fleur chokes between sobs. Draco looks at me.

"Where could she have gone?" He asks me. I think for a moment.

Think Harry.. She could have gone home... No she wouldn't have gone home.. Oh! Maybe to see Fred! No... I don't think so...

Then it clicked.

"I know where she went." I say to everyone. Mrs. Weasley nods.

"Go find her Harry." She sobs. I nod.

"I'm coming with you." Draco says. I nod my head no. He looks furious with me.

"She is the love of my life. I am going with you." He argues.

"She went to our parents' grave. She needs me, just go back to Grimmauld and i'll get her to you. I promise." i say. He nods.

He nods at me.

"Bring her back to me Harry." I nod and take out my wand. I see Draco looking at me with eyes of determination before i am standing in front of the gates to Our parents' grave.

I walk in, and find their graves, i've visited them lots since the war. I find her laying right next to their graves, lying on the grass, looking at the stars.

I bend down and lay next to her.

"I always thought the stars were the ones who died. Everyone who have died. That's why there are so many." She says.

I look at her. She has an emotionless face on.

"Those three stars there.. The brightest ones in the sky? That's mum, dad and Fred. They shouldn't be up there." She says.

I look back at the sky.

"Then who will the light the sky when we're lost?" I ask her. Then she sobs. I big, heart wrenching sob.

"I have tried so hard Harry." She whispers.

"What are you trying to do love?" I ask her taking her hand.

"All i've been doing is crying! I can't do it anymore!" She sobs.

"It's ok to cry for them Lilian." I say.

"I shouldn't have to. They shouldn't be dead. I can't help but blame myself for being born." She sobs. I get to my knees and grab hold of her shoulders.

"Do not say that Lilian." I say firmly, but i can't help the tears fall down my face.

"It's true! If we were never born, Voldemort wouldn't have had to kill them! Fred wouldn't have fallen in love with me, and he would be alive right now and Fleur would name her beautiful baby girl after something else!" She sobs more. I cry with her.

"I found the resurrection stone right before Voldemort tried to kill me. I saw mum and dad, Lily." I saw with more tears flowing down my cheeks.

She sobs harder and buries her head in my chest.

"What did they say?" She sobs.

"They are so proud of you Lily." I choke. She groans and cries more.

"Sirius misses you. Remus doesn't blame you. They all love you. I love you. Draco loves you. Molly and Arthur love you. Hermione and Ron love you. And George loves you. Percy does and Bill and Fleur. Teddy loves you." I say stroking her hair.

"I didn't even cry with George. I wanted to, but I just couldn't. It was like they were all dried out." She says sniffling. "I don't even know who i am anymore.

"I don't know why I could hear the horcruxes, but Ron and Hermione could almost, they said they could hear it click. There isn't a part of me in him, Bellatrix made my heart stop from the pain. It's a fucking blessing i'm alive according to Dumbledore, I have nothing to do with you Harry. I'm your twin and yet, we've never been more apart."

"Our mum saved both of us, her and dad's love saved both of us, you are a part of me Lily, i don't know how you could not be. Voldemort may not have gone after you but his most trusted Death Eater did. But they're dead now, there is no reason to dwell on the past." I say.

"I will say, i don't know why you could hear the horcruxes, maybe you don't need to have Voldemort inside you to hear them. That is the only thing that has haunted me. But it doesn't matter, You Lilian Jennifer Potter survived. Those who didn't, are stars up above, and better yet, they never leave us." I say. She sniffles.

"You're right. Is Fleur and Bill mad at me?" I ask him wiping some tears.

"No, of course not." I answer stroking her hair.

"Victoire is a very pretty name." She says. I chuckle.

"Come on, let's go back for dinner." I say. She nods and we both stand up, my hand never leaving hers.

"Wait. Orchideous." She says conjuring a bouchet a flowers. White roses. She lays them upon the graves and lets a single tear fall down her cheek.

"I love you mummy and daddy." She whispers.

"I love you." I say to the grave. She hugs me. She sighs a heavy sigh, like all the weight has been lifted from her chest. I take my wand out and i apparate to the Weasley's. She's still clinging to me when we get there. Mrs. Weasley jumps from her chair and goes to her.

"I have something to say." Lily says, after she unclasps herself from me. "I'm sorry Fleur and Bill. Please forgive me." She says sniffling, looking down, then looking to their eyes. Fleur runs to her and encloses her arms around Lily. Lily gasps and wraps her arms around Fleur crying again. Fleur lets go and wipes a few tears from her face. Bill hugs her too.

"Be there for my children." Bill whispers to her ear.

"I'll never leave them." She whispers back.

Draco comes over and engulfs her in his arms and she seems to melt into them. Ginny comes over and hugs me too.

"Come everyone! It's time to eat!" Mrs. Weasley calls. Ginny motions for the door. I nod and follow her to the door, after making sure Lily and Draco make their way to the table. They are inseparable.

"What the hell happened with her? I have never seen her so angry." Ginny says. I sigh.

"She hasn't cried since the war. I almost died, and Fred died, i mean, you know her, she can't bottle up her emotions and when she does it turns out ugly. Very ugly." I say.

"She's been very distant lately. Like she's acting being happy. I think she's truly happy with Draco but with us, it's like she's been torn away from herself." Ginny says.

"I know, it has seemed that way hasn't it? She doesn't show it... She's good." I say.

"Very good." Ginny agrees.

"She cried tonight. Really hard. The hardest i've seen her. Even under the Cruciatus curse, she cried harder tonight."

"She didn't cry while we were hugging George?" Ginny asks amazed.

"No, she said it was like her tears were all dried out. She told me that she doesn't know who she is anymore. She felt that even though we are close, that she's not a part of me anymore." I sigh and i feel tears coming.

"The war has changed us." Ginny says taking me in her arms.

"Ginny, i miss her so much." I cry. She holds me tighter, like she's trying to put me back together again.

"I know love. I know." She soothes, rubbing my back.

"We'll get her back. Hermione and Ron will help too." Ginny says determined. I sniffle and try to wipe away all evidence that i'd have been crying.

"It's ok to cry Harry. We both know i did." She says, using the pad of her thumb underneath my eyes. She looks at me lovingly and i do the same.

"I love you Ginny." I say cupping her face in my hands.

"I love you too." She says and closes the space between us with our lips. We kiss slowly and passionately. When we come up for air i laugh.

"What's so funny?" Ginny asks.

"Do you remember in 6th year when Lily had this stupid theory that your brain is trying to kill you when you snog your partner to death." I chuckle. She laughs.

"Yes! I remember!... Wow... Seems like ages ago..." Ginny says.

"I know. Ages it's been since we've been in each other's arms..." I say.

"Come on, let's go and eat, mum made herself busy today and has been cooking all day. She'll be angry if we don't eat." She chuckles. I nod and we head back inside, side by side, inseparable.

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