Chapter 32

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Draco's POV

Even though i have said yes to this, tell me what exactly your plan is when you've just convinced me that Lily would hate me if i killed Pansy and my father, what makes you think she wouldnt hate you instead?" I raise a brow.

"I'm okay with that. She can hate me. But i will hate me if i don't make this world for her safe. I defeated Voldemort and yet there are still people who could my family. I am killing them."

"Harry, there are bad people everywhere. You can't defeat them all-"

"You're right. But i will be damned  if you think i won't try to eliminate the biggest threat to my family at that time. And i will start with the two that kidnapped my sister. Do you understand? Are you still willing to help me?" He asks me.

"Yes. Of course. You Harry Potter, are  a great man. God this is when you know i'm tired and i actually start complimenting you. Madam Pomfrey! I need a sleeping draft!" I yell. Harry chuckles. Madam Pomfrey starts on the sleeping draft.

"How are we going to do this?" I ask him.

"When they're in jail i will go and visit them but I need you to make a potion that make them hallucinate and kill themselves. Before i leave i'll give them rope and they'll hang themselves. It will be of suicide. I can't use the Avada curse on them, i'll go to azkaban for using an unforgivable.-"

"What if i could make a potion killing them instantly..." I say.

"You can?" Harry asks amazed.

"Snape taught me." I say.

"Snape taught you? what? How? I'm so confused." Harry says.

"Snape taught me in year 6. It was a private lesson. He wanted me to use on whoever i sought. Something told me that he wanted me to use it on my father. I should have. But i still have it hidden in my room down in the Manor." I say.

"Draco Malfoy. Keeper of secrets. Damn." He says. I chuckle.

"I can get it for you. I'm not sure when. Harry, are we going to keep this  secret?" I say in a lower voice.

"Yes. I can't tell either of them. Ginny or Lily. It will be our little secret. What do you say." Harry asks.

"Well, i'll tell you when we're going to take action. I want Lily to get better soon and then we'll get down to business." I nod.

"Perfect," Harry says right as Madam Pomfrey comes with my sleeping draft. "Goodnight Draco. I'll be in the cot next over." I nod and down my sleeping draft. I nuzzle next to Lily and feel my eyelids droop. And feel myself fall into a deep sleep.

Narcissa's POV

(Three months earlier)

Why hasn't my son and his fiancee owled me? Maybe something is wrong. I think something is going wrong... Should I owl them? Yes, let's owl Draco. Maybe I should owl Minerva too...

Yes let's do that.

My dearest Draco,

Where have you been? What's the latest news? Have you and your fiancee started wedding plans yet? How is my only son? How is my soon to be daughter in law? Am i going to be a grandmother soon? Your mother is getting worried my dear. Owl me as soon as you can.

All my love,


And now to Minerva.

Dear Minerva,

It's been a while my old friend. We were the talk in Hogwarts. Remember? A pureblood Slytherin best friends with a half blood Gryffindor. We were best friends until I sided with Lucius. A regret I only realized until now. What a fool i was. And I apologize. I really mean it. With Lucius in Azkaban, my son at Hogwarts with his fiancee. I don't miss Lucius, not after the pain he inflicted on my son. But he wasn't always like this. He was sweet when it was just us. He was romantic, he was a loving husband and an actual human being. It was when the dark Lord came back that he showed his true self. He wasn't like that in schools. I had know his family was close with the Dark Lord and their companions. In school he just acted one way around his family and completely different around me. Better around me. Evil around them. I thought nothing of it because he warned me that they'd hurt me if i didn't lie to them and tell them that I was a Death Eater. My family wasn't. Only Bellatrix. But we, Andromeda and I, never talked to her. We weren't close. But it was Lucius that introduced her  to the Dark Lord whom she fell in love with. I ignored it. God I was so foolish Minerva that i ignored my sister becoming a Death Eater all for my own selfish pleasure with Lucius. I left you so that i could start a family of my own. I ignored Andromeda, Bellatrix and focused on Lucius and I. I thought he'd be my superman. That he'd save me. And for a little bit, he was. Then Draco was born and I thought about you and Hogwarts. I felt guilt so i pushed it in he back of my mind. When he turned 11, i avoided you and all thoughts of you and just sent him on the train. I was in my own world and had Lucius basically teach him everything. But i taught my son piano when he was 10. Lucius hated it, said it made him weak. So when he was out in London at work, Draco and I had our lessons. When he was 12, he became more and more like Lucius, the same hatred for Muggle-borns and half bloods. I just ignored it because Draco was happy learning form Lucius so i left it be. When Draco was 14, the Dark Lord came back and I remember him being so scared. Lucius was frantic and was never home. When he was, he changed for the worse. He once promised never to lay a hand on me or our son but that night he did. Had me get the mark, had Draco meet the Dark Lord when he turned 16. He said yes, he didn't want Lucius to hit me more. When he fell in love with Lily in his 6th year, the beatings turned to Draco instead of me and Lucius instead would use his words to abuse me. For a long time I believed every word he said. I obeyed him so he wouldn't hurt Draco and he wouldn't hurt me. Draco owled me everyday, felt guilty for being at school. Then Lucius had him get the mark and i had to hold Draco down, listen to his screams as the hot iron brand, brand my son forever. He went to schools the next day as if nothing happened. It confused me but he said "When you find someone you love, you just have to protect that person even if that means hiding your pain from them."  I've never been so proud.Then Lucius had Draco meet the Dark Lord and he gave Draco the task to kill his headmaster, Dumbledore. It killed him. He didn't want to take away the closest thing to parent that Lily had after  my sister killed their godfather Sirius. But he had no choice. Severus helped him so that Lily would not find out. Draco cried when he found out that Severus had died. When we were cleaning out the manor after the war, we found Lucius' will. Lily and Draco have to present Lucius with an heir or else Draco won't receive the inheritance. They came up with a brilliant plan. But the problem is, i can't seem to get in contact with my son. Has something gone wrong? Please owl me as soon as you can. Thank you my dear friend. And please, if we could go back to the way things were, when we were young and free... Let me know as well. I'm sorry Minerva.

Thank you and with all my love,

Narcissa Black

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