Chapter 12

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Lily's POV

I wake up in Draco's arms and smile. I woke up before him. SHIT! I was supposed to meet George yesterday. I jump out of bed, scaring Draco who grabs his wand from the bedside table and jumps out of bed showing his black boxers he pulled on, when we finished.

"Sorry love, i just forgot i was supposed to meet George yesterday, so i've got to now." I say pulling on my boots. Draco nods, yawns and goes back to bed. I smile, whisper a quick 'i love you', kisses his cheek and apparate to the Weasley's. I make my way up to George's room and knock. I hear a muffled 'come in'.

I come in to see George holding Teddy by the arms and he is standing up. I smile and clap as Teddy smiles and laughs as his hair changes color to a darker shade of red. My hair color.

"Hey Lily." George smiles at me.

"Sorry, George, there was a predicament yesterday, and I just couldn't." I sigh.

"What happened?" George asks me.

"Some pervert jumped me the other day and almost raped me." I spit out really fast. George screamed.

"WHAT?!" Teddy starts crying and i pick him up, after a minute, he stops crying.

"It was in the pub. It was scary, i won't lie, but it's over and I really don't want to talk about it." I say. George is fuming.

"I swear to God, if i find them, i will kill them." George whispers under his breath.

"Thank you. Now what did you want to give me?" I ask George.

"Oh... yes.." He says hesitantly. He gets up and walks to his desk. I bounce Teddy and hear him giggle, I smile and bring him back to my shoulder and pat his back. George comes back and he hands me an envelope that has my name on it with a handwriting that I don't recognize. I raise a brow in confusion.

"Fred wrote that for you." George answers. I drop the envelope and put Teddy in his playpen and sit back down on the floor cross legged. I open the envelope.

Dear Lily,

We broke up about a week ago. I don't know how you're doing but i'm not doing the best. The first two days, i barely got out of bed, but George has been helping me. We've been owling between each other, and i'm not mad. I'm happy we're friends. But i want to let you know that when you get married, and it isn't me, i will be happy for you. I will always be happy for you and I will always love you. You can count on me. I love you Lily. I told George to give this to you when i'm dead. We'll both be parents and we'll be married to other people, and Voldemort will be dead, so then we and our children won't need to live in fear. I hope that we'll be old together and laughing at our great grandbabies crawling around, and our children are grandparents and we'll just be happy. Ginny and Harry, Ron and Hermione, George and all the others will be happy. Just know i will always love you and protect you.



I sniffle and let a single tear roll down my face. I lean over and hug George.

"I've got to go. Thank you George. I'll be by to see my baby Teddy." I smile and walk out. My letter is still in my hand. I say goodbye to Molly and apparate back home. I walk up to my room, walk over to the desk and sit down. Draco isn't here. I sigh and prop my head against my hand. I stare at the letter.

Why couldn't this have been real?

I take a final look at the letter and go downstairs to see Blaise, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny all sitting down at the kitchen table, just staring at one another.

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