Chapter 27

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Lily's POV

I haven't quite mastered the accio charm without my wand... Now I think it's time to try.

"Accio wand." I whisper. After a moment or two, nothing happens.

I sigh and muster some strength.

"Accio wand." I say a little louder. Nothing happens.

Just when I was going to lose hope, I remember Draco's face, and then fades to Harry's and Hermione's and Ron's all cheering me on at a quidditch practice.

They were congratulating me on making the cut to be a chaser with Ginny. We both have great arms.

Then it switches to Draco and I holding each other at Nana's house. He wouldn't stop looking at me.

With the memories locked in place, I gather all my strength and say,

"Accio wand!"

After a few minutes, I jump when my wand comes to my feet. I smile.

I grab it and unlock the cell door.

No... This can't be this easy...

I open the cell door as quietly as I can. I see two death eaters guarding the door. One of them times around when they hear my knee crack from standing up so fast and walking out of the cell.

I quickly stun them both and run. No other guards. That is really weird.

I try and find a door but I can't. I decide to run down the nearest stair case. No door. I run around the house and notice how incredibly dirty it is.

Cobb webs in every corner, dust everywhere, it's like it hasn't been cleaned for ages.

Maybe it hasn't.

Where am I?

I run and run around the house until finally I find a door. I quickly run out and whip out my wand to apparate.

It doesn't work. My heart starts to race as I panic.

Anti-apparation wards.

I run for it.

I run and run about 100 feet or so. I stop, trying to catch my breath and I decide to see when I am. I turn around and see a giant dark green mansion.

It's Tom Riddle's family's house. The one that Harry saw in his dream in 4th year. I run over the first hill and then over the second and catch my breath again.

I take my wand out and try to apparate again. It works.

I open my eyes and I'm in front of the school. When I realize I'm safe, I notice how tired i really am. I open the front doors, hunched over and panting.

My chest hurts so bad.

No one is in the halls. They must be in class.

The closest class to me is Headmistress' Mcgonagal's transfiguration class room. That'll do.

I wipe my face and when my hand draws back, blood and tears and sweat coats my hand.

I open the door to the class room and receive many gasps.

"I-I can't b-breath."

I feel my knees give in and everything goes black.

It's too hot.

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