Chapter 33

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Narcissa's POV

Within a few days of my letter i heard a tap on the library window. I open the window and let the owl in. It was from Minerva.

Dear Narcissa,

Of course i miss my friend. Narcissa i'm afraid i have some bad news. I know why your son hasn't been owling you. Lily Potter was taken by Lucius, your husband, and Pansy Parkinson. He has been making himself busy by trying, desperately to find her. He is hell-bent on it. I need you to leave him alone- he needs to find his fiancee. If you want us to be friends again... Narcissa listen to me. I will make sure he owls you as soon as he finds her.

All my love,


How... H-How could this be?

I sat down in the chair and started sobbing.

I cannot believe i married such a horrible person. Oh i hope Lily is found soon. I'll listen to you Minerva, but not for you. For my son.

(Three months Later...)

I'm in the library and i see an owl. I run to the window faster than i have in a long time. My heart pounds, waiting desperately for good news in Minerva's letter.

She's been found.


Harry's POV

(Present time)

It's been a week and Lily hasn't woken up yet. It concerns me, but the weird thing is- not Madam Pomfrey.

"Madam Pomfrey, why isn't this concerning you?" I ask her.

"She barely slept Mr. Potter. She needs to. She'll wake up. If not, i'm sure i can get her up." She responds. I nod and she takes her leave.

Professor Mcgonagall told me to go and get a nap and a shower in. I shaved so i look much better, clean and healthy. Draco on the other hand... not so much. His stubble has grown, his hair is getting longer where he's looking more and more like Lucius. He woke up yesterday, he has a battle with himself every minute. He doesn't want to leave Lily but he needs to shower and to shave and to have Ginny cut his hair.

"Draco, you need to go and shower and have Ginny cut your hair. I'll be here with Lily-"

"No! I want to be here when she wakes up." Draco cuts me off.

"Draco please. You need it." I say.

"I know." He responds.

"You can use the prefect bathroom, the one with the big bath. I'll get Ginny and she can cut your hair when you're done. She can do it in here." I offer.

"Okay." He slowly gets up, looking at Lily the entire time, making sure he doesn't hurt her more than she already is. The bruises on her face have gone yellow and the swelling down just a touch, i mean we can actually see her eyes.

Her leg, however, isn't healing as fast as madam Pomfrey wants but its going slowly but surely. Hermione, Ginny and Molly changed her out of the rags and into a nightgown. Lily would hate it, but we'll deal with that when she wakes up. Her hair is still ratty, and she is beyond dirty. We're hoping she'll wake up soon. I know as soon as she does she'll want to take a bath.

The doors closing brings me out of my thoughts. I need Ginny.

"Madam Pomfrey?" I yell for her.

"I'm sorry dear, she's not in." An eerie voice calls back. I jump and look behind me. Narcissa Malfoy.

She gasps and her hand goes to her chest and her bottom lip quivers.

"What did that monster do to her...?" Her voice cracks.

"Mrs. Malfoy-"

"It's Ms. Black now, Mr. Potter."

"I'm sorry. Ms. Black, he... He r-raped her." I manage to choke out. She looks to me so fast i would have thought she broke her neck, but her face, her face i would have liked to avoid. It was as if the ghost of her past came to break her in half, her face, pale and struck with horror.

"She was with a child, but it died. She is okay, she isn't crushed about it, but if it was Draco's baby then she would- I'm going to stop talking now." I stop when the tears run from her eyes like a broken faucet.

"When she escaped, she went in a classroom and she fell and her calf bone broke completely and it was sticking out. Madam Pomfrey managed to get it back into her skin and its slowly mending now. Lily's been asleep for a week now, without a sleeping draft. We're not sure if she even slept there, oh and she was held prisoner in the Gaunt family mansion." I summarize it for her.

"Oh my dear Lily." She weeps. She sits down and moves the hair out off her face. Just like Draco... Maybe she did that when Draco was sick... Lily loves it, she does it to all of us when we're sick. That must be instinct.

"Can you watch her? I'm going to get the others. Please don't leave her." I say to her.

"Of course. I won't move until you return." She replies. I nod and give her a half smile. I walk out and head to the Gryffindor tower. The Weasley's have taken refuge here except for Molly and Arthur. Percy took some time off from the Ministry to see Lily too. George and Percy slept on the chairs. Ginny, Ron, Hermione, George and Percy were all up and talking. Most likely about Lily since their voices were hushed and Hermione looked like she was going to throw up. Mione has been blaming herself since it all happened. We tell her it's not her fault but she keeps insisting it is since she's the brightest witch of our age.

"Ginny I need you," She looks up and smiles at me, that smile that makes my heart melt and i can't help but grin at her back. The kind of smile where the love is so obviously clear that it makes me happy i can see it. "Draco needs a hair cut, and i nearly wrestled him out of the Hospital wing so that he'd shower and shave."

Everyone chuckles . We all get up and leave. We chat on our way there, when we get there Ginny talks to Madam Pomfrey and she gets a towel, a chair and scissors or Draco. She sets everything up and right when she finishes, Draco comes in dressed with black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. He gapes when he sees his mother.

"I'm sorry mum." The three words that come out of his mouth made us all chuckle because he said them so fast, panic stricken.

"You, young man are in so much trouble. Your fiancee and my daughter in law is kidnapped and I don't hear from you but from Minerva?!" She seethes, getting up from her chair and marches over to Draco.

"I'm sorry?" He tries again.

"Sorry's not good enough Draco Lucius Malfoy!" She yells. George silently chuckles.

"Mum, I was too busy trying to find her so you wouldn't need my letter!" He covers. Nice one Malfoy. I chuckle at his awesome recovery. She narrows her eyes.

"You... You... OH! I wish he hadn't taught you how to make me forgive you so damn easy with that damn cover!" She throws her hands up in the air and walks back to the chair silent. Draco chuckles in victory and Narcissa sends him a glare and he shuts right up, looks down at his feet and gulps. We all nearly died of laughter and then he glared daggers at us and we laughed even harder.

"Ginny cut my hair please." He says whilst sitting down. She nods and drapes the towel around his shoulders and cuts away. By the time she is done, he looks like himself, overly cocky but the guy Lily loves to death.

Hopefully January brings life after this tragedy like death.

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