Chapter 24

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Ginny's POV

Tell the others, she said.


Tell Draco? And Harry? Ron will be guilty, they'll be crushed.

I can't believe I let this happen!

Why couldn't I have taken my wand out faster? This is all my fault.

Harry's POV

I decide to get up off the couch from reading a book and see Draco. I walked through the door connecting from the common rooms and then knocked on the bedroom doors across the room.

"Draco? It's Harry." I yell through the door. I hear a few shuffling and then the door creaks open.

"Scar head. What do you need?" Draco asks showing his famous smirk.

"What happened to Potter number 1?" I raise a brow.

"I think scar head is more fitting. What is it?" He smirks.

"Well our girls are out-"

"Oh yes, Potter will you be one of my groomsman?" He cuts me off. My eyes go wide.

"You want me to be a groomsman?" I ask him, surprised.

"Lily has Ginny as a bridesmaid so I'd thought you'd be one too." He shrugs. I smile.

"Absolutely." He grins and I smile at him.

"Anyway-" then Ginny comes through the separated door, out of breath and obviously scared, cutting me off.

"Ginny... What is it...?" Draco looks at her.. As if he could sense there was something wrong...

"I am so sorry Harry, Draco.. It's all my fault..." She whispers.

"What.. What is your fault?" Draco asks her. I'm frozen to the spot.

"Pansy and Lucius has Lily."

Lily's POV

There aren't any windows. The floor is dusty and dirty. I'm barely awake, I've awoken after being violated and in the corner, my arms wrapped around my knees. My hair is all over the place.

How long has it been?

It must have been a while... Couldn't it have been? Damn. No watch. Good thinking Lily.

It's not your fault, how could you have known that you would get kidnapped by your fiancé' father and ex girlfriend?

Good point.

Oh Merlin... I'm talking with myself.

The cell bars close me in and make me even more claustrophobic if that's even possible.

I jump when I hear a door slam.

"You know.. I wish Bellatrix Lestrange was still here.. She'd scare you more." Pansy sneers.

"Too bad I've killed her." I sarcastically say.

"Wow! Raped and hit and still you're a cocky bitch!" Pansy fake smiles and slaps me. I whimper as I feel the bruise Lucius made, throb.

"What can I say.. Draco's rubbed off on me." I say looking her straight in the eyes.

She growls and punches me straight in the jaw.

"God damn!" She screams and kicks me in the stomach. I gasp for breath but nothing seems to come out. She must have bruised a rib.

She does it three more times and I spit blood from my mouth.

"You're lucky I'm not using my wand!" She screams at me.

"Why don't you?!" I scream at her. "Draco Malfoy will never love you!"

She kicks me again and punches me in the mouth. She grabs my hair and couches down, my head pulls up to face her ugly pug face.

"You are an ugly, fat, troll. You have red hair like one of those poor Weasley's! Your mummy is dead! No one can save you now. I dunno why Draco would even look at you. Besides, he loved me once, he can do it again." She spits in my face.

"Doubtful." I say.

"Oh really? I made him moan my name. He fucked me with no regret. He asked me to fuck him! I made him feel good! I bet you're too innocent to REALLY make him feel good." She winks. I slap her.

She screams and punches me in the nose and then gets up and kicks me everywhere she can. Then she ties my hands up again, tightly with rope.

"I'll come back tomorrow."

Draco's POV

"Pansy and Lucius has Lily."

Those 5 words make my heart sink all the way to my stomach. Harry gasps and grasps the couch.

"No." I whisper in disbelief. Harry shakes and let's out a sob.

"HARRY?! HARRY?!" We hear Ron scream from next door. He bursts into the common room, tears running down his face, Hermione right behind him, her crazed eyes, bloodshot.

"Oh God. We need to find her." I say. My hands go through my hair. Where do we even look?

"Headmistress just went to Kingsley. She said she was going to find her..." Ginny trembles.

"Where do we even look?" Hermione asks.

"Everywhere." I say.

"Where do we start?"

"I don't know. I- oh Fuck!" I scream and punch the wall, my chest rising and falling rapidly. My hands wipe my face. No one jumps, they just hug their loved one and stares at me.

Then Headmistress and Minister Shacklebolt apparates into the common room with three Aurors.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter, calm yourselves." Headmistress says calmly.

"We will find her." Kingsley says. "I promised her, she will have the life she's always dreamed of. I promised."

"Well what's your plan?" I snap at them.

"These three Aurors are Finn Armerind, Emery Vivien and Cole Abbot. They are the generals of teams of 20 Aurors all trained. With each of their teams covering every haunted house, prison Death Eater post, we're bound to find her."

"What do we do?" Ginny asks.

"For the meantime, we've taken you all out of classes. You all need to rest." Professors says.

"No, absolutely not." I say. "We have to look for her."

"Mr. Malfoy-"

"I agree with Weasel." Harry says.

"Me too." Ron says.

"Fine. Each day, I'll assign a place for you three to look for." Kingsley says, surrendering to the boys' complaints and anger.

"You all should eat. Then get some rest. I'll send the teams to start searching tonight." Kingsley says. Hermione breaks down and Ginny hugs her, trying to calm her down.

"She is not dead! Stop acting as if she is!" I scream at them. They both jump and I realize that they're staring at me with fear. I whisper my apology and go into our room, crawl into bed and grab her pillow, grasping it close to my chest, her scent filling my nose.

I grab the duvet, place it over my body and cry.

Sleep doesn't come easy but after a while it does.

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