Chapter 40

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Lily's POV

After the trial we got home. My wounds slowly but surely got healed and we are finishing the rest of our 7th/8th year. Pansy and Lucius both died in Azkaban, Draco was a little upset when his father died, but I made sure to keep him drinking- which he really wanted to do. Draco and Harry told me that if Lucius and Pansy hadn't had died, they themselves would have killed them. Can't say i blame them. I wasn't that mad, but that doesn't mean i didn't scowl at them! 

It is now June 3rd. Our Graduation and wedding day is today and I couldn't be more excited. Ginny and Hermione are running around the common room- the boys are in the Gryffindor common, most likely drinking and hopefully changing into their graduation robes, but boys will be boys!

I was curling my hair, which has grown to about mid back length. Us girls are doing our hair for graduation that is really for the wedding. All of our hair is curled, but my bridesmaids have their hair up, it is in a side ponytail, with their hair teased at the top. The rubber band is covered with a braided hair piece. Mine will stay half down and i decide to tease my hair on the top of my head and pin it. Hermione is making sure the wedding stuff is handled while I do Ginny's makeup. I sigh happily while we look at ourselves in the mirror. 

"You're getting married today Lily." Ginny says. I smile at her through the mirror.

"That I am, Gin."

"Are you excited?" She asks.

"Of course! Ginny, he is the man of my dreams, the love of my life-"

"Okay okay! We know about how much you love him! Save it for the vows lovely." Hermione cuts me off. We all giggle at her. Luna comes in.

"You look beautiful Lily." Luna beams at me in her sing-song voice. 

"Thank you all!" I smile. I bring them in for a hug.

"Well, we've better get going. We don't want to miss our graduation!" Ginny screams. We all squeal and run out of the common room in our heals. Even though we're in heals and with our luck, we might break an ankle, we run for the Great Hall, where we sit at our tables, for the last time. We all pile in by our family. We are greeted by our boys. We all smile, laugh and scream and compliment each other until we are told to sit down so the headmistress can tell her end of year speech.

"Thank you all. As you know, last year was horrible. The Hogwarts War will be forever in our minds and our lost loved ones in our hearts. This year, we came together, grieved, loved and survived together, as a family. Friendships were made, and I get to officiate for a wedding being held here. Relationships and love was made here, your lives started here. And I can't tell you all, how much that means to me, that I get to be the Headmistress of the place that started your lives. So whatever you all end up doing, just know, I am so proud of how you all came to be. Congratulations!" She says smiling with tears running down her face. We all cheer, stand up and throw our caps in the air, catch them and take our wands out, and cast a spell. Then, all of the students ran out of the Great Hall and met up with their family outside of Hogwarts. We couldn't because we had a wedding to prepare for.

The girls and I run toward the common room with smiles on our faces. We quickly change into our dresses, touch up on our makeup from the tears and we got together in the common room. 

My dress was perfect. It was white as snow. The top was a sweetheart neckline that had little lacy sleeves, went all the way down to my wrists. The top part of the dress was tight until about mid-thigh and then feathery, lacy fabric feathered out as a mermaid styled dress. I decided to have the bridesmaid dresses to be grey with a pink sash and flower, it was a sweetheart neckline dress and a long silky dress that went to just above the top of the foot.

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