Chapter 10

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Lily's POV

After Blaise and Harry shook hands, i brought my almost engaged brother to his almost fiancee. I told him he cannot propose until after the school year. When we got back to the house I make my way up to our room. Draco isn't here.

I was about to walk out to see if he was in the kitchen but something caught my eye.

On the bookshelf there was a book and there was gold writing that was appearing on the spine.

"To Lilian" was scribbled on the spine of the book, in gold writing.

I walk over and take the green book, it was like a journal. I open the first page and.. it was blank. I frown. I flick through the pages and nothing. I look to the back of the book and nothing. I put the book back to the front cover and sigh a big breath of annoyance. When that happened, gold letters sprawled on the cover. On the bottom SRB magically appeared.

"The deeper the lie, the more truth in its echo." Was the title.

What the hell? I turn the page and breathe on it. Nothing happens. I arch a brow and flip the next page and breath on it, nothing happens. I take the book and run to Harry.

"Hey, I need you to breath on this." I say seriously. Harry looks confused.

"What the bloody hell?" He asks me.

"Sirius wrote this. It was on his bookshelf." I say. Harry looks at me weirdly.

"I've been in his room a thousand times and there wasn't this book on that shelf." Harry says. I furrow my brow.


"Yeah really. Why does it say your name on it?" Harry asks.

"If i knew that i would tell you, wouldn't i?" I ask with a great deal of sarcasm. He chuckles.

"Such a smart-ass." Harry chuckles. I giggle.

"Now what I'm trying to understand is why my breath revealed the cover." I say examining the book. Harry takes it and opens to the first page. He shakes his head and puts it down but then he brings it back up and he breathes on the pages and writing is revealed.

September 1st 1971

I met two nice boys named Remus and James. James Potter, and Remus Lupin, I can tell, we're going to be good friends. James is like me.. a rebel. Remus is more responsible. Ha, if only my wretched family knew about James, they'd kill him, i'm sure. I wonder what's stopping them from killing me.. Regulus? No, he hates me too much. There's this girl, Lily Evans.. she looks inseparable with Severus Snape. What a nerd. James hates him, I hate him. James has taken a special interest with Lily Evans. She is very beautiful. I bet she'll keep us in line. I can just feel it.

Our smiles are so wide our cheeks hurt. I flip another page to reveal more writing.

February 3rd 1971

I was right. Lily hates James for being so mean to Severus. It's interesting watching them.. I like her.. she's going to be good for him.

"Like in the Pensieve." I say looking at Harry. He nods and flips the next page.

September 1st 1977

She finally said yes. James and Lily are going out. She was mad last week, i've never seen her so mad. James had cast a spell, dangling Severus by his ankle in mid air upside down. She told James to cut it out. He said he would only if she'd go out with him. She was appalled. She agreed. When Severus was let down, everyone started laughing at him.

"I don't need help from some filthy mudblood." He yelled at her. There were tears in her eyes. It hurt my heart. She ran away from her best friend. I was the only one looking at him when he said it. He regretted it. As soon as he said it. I may hate him, but that moment i pitied him.

"The memory." I say, my hand grazing the writing, admiring it. I turn the page.

July 31st 1980

The twins were born today. It's amazing. They both look like their parents. Harry has Lily's eyes. Hell, they both do. James insisted that their daughter be named Lily. But Lily said Lilian, so little Lilian wouldn't be EXACTLY like her mum, so James said that Lilian will be called Lily. Lily rolled her eyes and finally agreed.

I was honored when they made me the twins' godfather. I love the twins. I can't wait to see how they turn into. Little Lilian and I, well i know Harry will be a fantastic Quidditch player, i want to teach her. James wants to teach Harry to be seeker, Lilian is going to be the best Keeper just like me and her mum. When i'd get hurt Lily would play for me, when i was playing Lily would be a chaser. Anyway I was holding Lilian last night and she smiled at me. Not at James, who was so mad at me, he's always wanted his little princess. It was a great night.

Hopefully when they're older i'll be a part of their life. I can't wait.

Harry smiles at me as i look at the words. Wow. And for some years he actually was. I'm so glad he was. I miss him. I look at him and flip the page.

They're coming for me.. they've killed James and Lily.. The twins are with a muggle family. They should be with me! But they're coming.. I've got to hi

I gasp and flip the pages, nothing, i flip all of the pages from the book. Suddenly, the worry in me turned to rage. I throw the book to the ground and ignore Harry's shocked face.

"Dammit! The closest I've gotten to him in years and then nothing?!" I scream. I scream again. "Fuck!" I scream and kick the wall.

"Lilian! Calm down!" Harry says taking me by the shoulders.

"Do not tell me to calm down Harry!" I scream at him. I lunge out of his grasps take deep breaths. I comb my fingers through my hair and try to calm down. Then Draco comes into view looking worried.

"What the hell happened?" He asks. I put my hands down. I look at the book, kick it against the wall and walk out of the room.

Harry's POV

She kicks the book and storms out of the room, past Draco, not even looking at him.

"What the bloody hell?" He asks looking at her then back at me.

"She found Sirius's journal or something, it was memories, though he hasn't really written in it.. But it just stops mid sentence, that's when the Ministry took him to Azkaban and Lily sort of lost it. With good reason though, it took our breath to show the damn writing and then nothing." I say. I pick up the book and give it to Draco.

"How? How did he get it to make your guy's' breath to reveal the writing?" Draco asks amazed.

"No idea. He must have enchanted it when we were little, and the book only showed up when Lily sighed in the room, and i guess since she was next to the bookshelf her breath revealed the spine writing. It has her name on it." I say. Draco, shocked, turn the book to see Lilian's name on the book.

"He loved her so much." I say. "That writing of him, wanting to teach Lilian to be a Keeper. He was so proud when i told him about it, i thought i saw the tears in his eyes. Now i know i was right. There were tears in his eyes. He hated this house so much. Lily always was there to cheer him up, she hated seeing him like this in our 5th year."

"Draco! We've got to go to the pub or we're going to be late!" I hear Lily call for Draco.

"Right. Well, sorry mate. But I know he loved you too. He loved both of you and I'm sorry my blood relative did this to you. I'll see you later." He says. I nod and watch him walk out the door.

I've got to find another page. There has got to be one.

I flip the pages more and more. I try blowing but nothing makes another page appear. I groan in frustration. The book it still open in my lap, and on the last page. I put my head in my hands. Then I cry. When my tear drops on the page, the black writing magically appears.

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