Chapter 2

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I step out of the shower and reach for a towel. I wrap my hair in the first one and the other one around me. I walk for a room, and come across Sirius's room. Huh. I thought Harry would take this room.. Oh well.. I decide to walk in. I shut the door and i facepalm. I don't have any clothes...

"Accio trunk!" I say. Maybe this'll work. After a few minutes my trunk pops up on my bed. I smile.

"Accio Phillip." Then Phillips's cage with him in it appears. He looks weak. I feed him, he probably hasn't been fed in a while. He attacks the food and I just give him more until he doesn't attack the food and he just leaves it.

I open my trunk to find the sweater Mrs. Weasley knit for me last year. I find some leggings and I find a white tank top with a bra and pantie then I slip them on.

I Take the towel from my hair and work with the ends. I go to the bathroom and find a comb to comb through my hair. 30 minutes later I've finished. Then Harry comes out of his room. Harry is wearing his boxers. I grin at him, luckily he doesn't notice.

"Harry, do you think Hogwarts is going to re-open?" I ask him.

"It's got to.. We haven't completed our N.E.W.T's. Neither has Ginny." Harry said.

"Right. So you'd go back?" I ask him.

"Er yeah, I would. Would you?" Harry asks.

"Yes. I want to be a healer." I state. He smiles.

"Always helping people." He smiles. I grin.

"You want to be an Auror that's sorta the same thing!" I laugh. He laughs too.

"What is going to happen while they rebuild Hogwarts? What are we going to do?" I ask him.

"I dunno, I'm thinking about proposing to Ginny." Harry says.

"Harry! That's great! But shouldn't you wait til we're done with school? We'd be in her grade anyway so it's not like you'll have to wait for ever." I say.

"Maybe but I feel like we've spent forever away from each other. I just don't want her to leave my arms, or I'll think she's in trouble." Harry says.

"That's no way to live, Love. But I'm glad you want to protect her, but she's not a porcelain doll, she is famous for her bat bogey hex you know." I smile.

"Yeah, I know." He smiles.

"But if you want to I'll be 100% supportive of both of you." I smile.

"Thanks love." He says. I pull him into a hug.

"I thought you'd take Sirius's room?" I ask him.

"Ginny got a little upset when she saw it so we took Regulus's room instead."

"Yeah i could hear it. You and Ginny and Ron and Hermione. Don't worry i put a spell on." I add after i see his face being mortified, I laugh.

"I don't want to live in this house. Maybe when our year's over Draco and I will get a house." I say.

"What's going on?" Harry asks.

"I don't want to live here. Too many memories. I want more memories, better ones, with a family and a husband. I just want to be normal."

"Do you want us in your family?" Harry asks.

"You're a funny man. Of course i want you in my family! You are my family! You, dumb, dumb brother of mine." I smile.

"I love you Lilian." He smiles at me.

"I love you too. Have you seen Teddy?" I ask him.

"No.. Have you?" Harry asks confused.

"No, right. Stupid, question. I was just thinking about him. I know he's with Andromeda, Narcissa's sister.. I was thinking about seeing him, i know Mrs. Weasley would want to take care of him, she really cared about Remus and Tonks. You know the accio charm works for your trunk. I can't remember where we last left it, i found some soot on it, from the burning at the burrow but mine is completely fine." I ramble on.

"We are his godparents.. maybe we ought to take him with us for a bit?" Harry suggests.

"Yes, i'm sure Draco would be alright with that. We could trade off. Maybe you ought to talk to Gin first, and i'll talk to Draco, i mean Teddy is his second cousin.." I ramble on some more.

"You're rambling on again. You're nervous." Harry says.

"Draco hasn't come back yet from cleaning out his father's stuff in the manor." I say.

"It's over. Lucius is in Azkaban and i'm sure all the Death Eaters are either dead or on the run. Voldemort is dead and everything will be ok." He reassures me.

"I dunno.. Maybe something happened..." I say worried.

"Lilian, he's not a porcelain doll." Harry says. "This is no way to live." I scowl at him.

"Yes well i'm not proposing marriage." I tease him. He shrugs his shoulders.

"She's always wanted to get married, why not now?"

"Because she's barely 17. I know she'll say yes, but i still think you ought to wait till the years over." I say.

"I know. I think so too. But will you help me pick out the ring?" He asks me.

"Of course! Oh Harry! this is going to be so fun!" I smile and jump up and down.

"I know! I can't wait till the years over." Harry smiles. My big smile fades.

"Reality still hasn't set in yet. Fred's death, i haven't cried yet."

He looks at me.

"Ginny hasn't either, i think we all are sort of trying to forget about it- in the only way we have."

"Sex." We say together. Then we burst out laughing.

"Harry? Where are you?" I hear Ginny's voice call from the end of the hall. I smile and she comes out of the room.

"Oh, hi Lily." Ginny smiles sheepishly since she's wrapped in a sheet. I giggle.

"Go on Harry. Have fun!" I tease them. They both blush and Harry wraps an arms around her and kisses her. I smile. They go back into the rom to shag each other senseless so i decide to wait for Draco.

Maybe i should owl Professor Mcgonagall. No she's Headmistress Mcgonagall now. I smile. I grab some parchment and a quill then make my way to the kitchen, which, fortunately for me, is in front of the front door.

Dear Headmistress Mcgonagall,

I do think you would make an excellent Headmistress, do take the job. Anyway since neither of us, 7th years, have taken our N.E.W.T's, i was wondering if we are able to go back to Hogwarts to finish? How long do you suppose Hogwarts will take to be completed? Do you need help to make it ready by this september the 1st? Please owl me as soon as you can. I will offer my services if help is needed.

Love Lilian

I run upstairs to strap my letter to Phillip's leg. I let him out of the cage i put on the bed and strap the rolled letter.

"To Hogwarts, Professor Mcgonagall." I say. Phillip hops on my arm and i lead him to the window. I turn around and go back downstairs when i can no longer see him in the sky.

Then i hear a familiar crack of apparating.

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